阻止用户在 C# .NET for Windows Forms 中更改其计算机地址的访问
有一个适用于 Windows XP SP2 和 Windows XP SP2 的 Windows 应用程序(用 .NET 3.5、VS2008、C# 制作)。 SP3
现在,当我的应用程序启动时,我不希望用户更改 IP 地址,直到我的应用程序停止。
仅推荐 C# .NET 或 VB.NET 中的解决方案。
What i want is :
There is one windows app ( made in .NET 3.5, VS2008, C# ) for Windows XP SP2 & SP3
generally users can change there IP or modify their IP Address.
Now,when my apps starts i dont want users to change there IP Address untill my app stops.
Hope now question would be clear.
Need your advice soon.
Recommend solution in C# .NET or VB.NET only.
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不,他们不这样做,这是一项非常特权的操作。需要管理员帐户。在 Vista 和 Win7 上,必须确认 UAC 提示。阻止管理员管理机器是注定失败的,而且通常是一种敌对行为。毫无意义的是,管理员拥有杀死您的应用程序所需的所有权力。
解决真正的问题。您可以指望使用管理员帐户运行应用程序的日子已经一去不复返了。任何运行 Vista 或 Win7 的人都会很快卸载你的应用程序。
No they don't, it is a very privileged operation. An administrator account is necessary. On Vista and Win7 the UAC prompt has to be acknowledged. Preventing an admin from administering the machine is a lost cause and in general a hostile act. And pointless, the admin has all the required powers to kill your app.
Fix the real problem. The days that you could count on having your app run with an admin account are long gone. Anybody that runs Vista or Win7 is quickly going to uninstall your app.
我认为您无法采取太多措施来暂时阻止用户更改其 IP 地址。
如果您的应用程序的设计依赖于始终具有相同的 IP 地址,那么它可能是错误的。或者你应该在“要求”中提及。
例如:对于不间断的“操作”,P2P 客户端(如 Bittorrent)依赖于具有相同的 IP 地址,但他们并不强制这样做。
I don't think there is much you can do to temporarily prevent users from changing their IP addresses.
Maybe the design of your application is wrong, if it depends on always having the same IP address. Or you should mention it in the "requirements".
For example: for un-interrupted "action", P2P clients (like Bittorrent) depend on having the same IP address, but they do not enforcing this.
I don't think you can block the access, but you can monitor the IP address, and when it changes you can roll it back to the old IP using WMI.