My Question is around usability. In most of the sites i have seen and developed i see taxonomy as a way a user would find something he is looking for in the site. But quite recently i have seen the concept of tagging. Where products services questions are tagged and can be found with the tagname. Is tagging an alternative to taxonomy or they should work together.
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例如,在 Stack Overflow 上,实际上并没有严格的层次结构可供排序的问题。它们更加有机,因为它们可以跨越多个甚至不相关的学科或领域,并创建大量动态连接。为了组织此类信息,我认为标签是传统的分层分类的适当替代品。标签的去中心化、去层次化性质与网站内容的一般组织完美契合,尤其是当网站的用户/社区被鼓励参与编目和组织信息时。许多博客和社交网站(例如 Delicious)也使用一系列标签来组织其内容。
相反,如果您尝试销售产品或提供技术支持,您可能会发现标记并不能替代传统的分类组织。如果您熟悉 MSDN(它为 Microsoft 生态系统中的开发人员提供在线文档),您会发现大多数其内容按技术/语言、功能、子功能等组织成自然的层次结构。如果您想从 戴尔,您首先要缩小选择范围:您想要台式机、笔记本电脑还是平板电脑?您想要一款性能导向的笔记本电脑、台式机替代笔记本电脑,还是超便携笔记本电脑?等等。当然,这并不意味着您不应该考虑将标签实现为用户探索可用信息的替代方式,但在最好的情况下,它们会起作用一起。
I'd say that like most things, it depends on what kind of information you're trying to organize.
For example, here on Stack Overflow, there isn't really a rigid hierarchy by which to sort the questions. They're much more organic in the sense that they can span multiple, and even unrelated, disciplines or fields and create a whole host of dynamic connections. For organizing this type of information, I think tags are an appropriate replacement for traditional, hierarchical taxonification. The decentralized, dehierarchized nature of tagging dovetails perfectly with the general organization of the site's content, especially when the site's users/community is encouraged to participate in cataloguing and organizing the information. Many blogs and social networking sites like Delicious organize their content with a series of tags as well.
Conversely, if you're trying to sell products or provide technical support, you'll probably find that tagging is not a suitable replacement for traditional taxonomic organization. If you're familiar with MSDN, which provides online documentation for developers in the Microsoft ecosystem, you'll observe that most of its content is organized into a natural hierarchy by technology/language, feature, sub-feature, etc. If you want to buy a computer from Dell, you start by narrowing down your choices: do you want a desktop, notebook, or tablet? Do you want a performance-oriented notebook, a desktop-replacement notebook, or an ultra-portable? Etc. Of course, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't consider implementing tags as an alternative way for users to explore the information that you have available, but in the best of cases, they will work together.
Think about the type of content you plan to host on your site and consider the most natural way to organize that information. Your users will appreciate more than anything a site that is intuitive and where they feel it is easy to locate exactly what they're looking for.
为了找到某些东西,最好有一个分层分类法或基于平面标签的分类法(也许是协作的,即 Folksonomy) ?
一种解决方案可能是标签继承,例如 drupal 分类系统。
,您的图片就会自动属于标签:'dogs' --> ; '动物' --> “众生”等等。
That is an argument I always found interesting, and basically I reduce to this question:
In order to found something, is better to have a hierarchical taxonomy or a flat tag-based taxonomy (maybe collaborative i.e. Folksonomy) ?
Well, there's no unique answer, but, depending on the search context, sometimes the former is more convenient and sometimes the latter is.
The best thing would be to have both kind of taxonomies, but could be difficult to manage, in particular if contents are created by people and so the classification is up to them.
One solution could be have tags inheritance, like in drupal taxonomy system.
So for instance when you want to classify a picture of your dog, you just have to select the tag:
and automatically your picture will belong to tags:'dogs' --> 'animals' --> 'living beings'
and so on.这个问题是一个与人类思维相关的问题:
This question is an issue related to the human thinking:
Sure it is better, if you can find something by a tagged word. If you dont know the word/tag perfectly, you are not able to find it. Others may have taged the thing you search for with a similar, but other tag. In this case a (binary) tag search will not give you the correct (or whole) awnser.
Anyway, there is a possibility to extract a taxonomy (as long as words/tags are related) out of tags. This concept (combined with a vecor-orientated-search) can be presented to the user and will help him to find what he needs.
虽然我只是赞成科迪的回答(我这么做了) ,我还想补充一点:
Although I'd just upvote Cody's answer (I did), I would also like to add something:
The field of usability used to be within the realm of ergonomics before it grew up. So I think it is appropriate to refer to one of ergonomics' core principles.
It is possible to apply this principle to website navigation as well and provide multiple ways of reaching the same content, so that people with different habits can find stuff using the way they are most comfortable with.