SharePoint BCS SSS 需要帮助
我正在尝试将外部内容引入我们的 SharePoint 环境。我们运行的是SP 2010。我想要引入的数据存在于Sql Server中。我正在努力做的是将登录的 SharePoint 用户映射到底层 sql 用户。
在 SharePoint 中,我在安全存储服务中创建了一个新的目标应用程序:
目标应用程序 ID:TestApp
I 已指定两个字段:
名称 :: 类型
用户名 :: 用户名
密码 :: 密码
--这些不是 Windows 用户名和 Windows 密码类型,只是基本类型
目标应用程序管理员和成员都设置为我自己(AD 用户)。
在 SharePoint Designer 中,我创建了一个新的外部内容类型。我添加了(类型 -> Sql Server)的连接。我已将数据库服务器名称设置为与 SharePoint 不在同一个框中的服务器名称,并且我已设置数据库名称。我选择了使用模拟自定义身份连接选项,并将安全存储应用程序 ID 设置为 TestApp。当我单击“确定”时,系统会提示我输入凭据,因此我输入Sql Server 用户凭据,连接成功。我展开表,右键单击我想要访问的表,然后单击创建所有操作。我通过向导并输入一个限制过滤器。
现在,当我登录 SharePoint 时,我可以在左侧目录中看到我的外部列表。我单击该列表,收到错误业务数据连接拒绝访问以及相关代码。我已打开日志以查看返回的内容,其中有一些有趣的日志,但我不确定如何解决该问题:
用户“0#.w|domain\myuser”访问被拒绝,这可能是“domain\myuser”的模拟。名称为“Read List”的安全方法实例具有包含
的 ACL 执行 Web 部件时出错:Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException:业务数据连接拒绝访问。 --->用户“0#.w|domain\myuser”的访问被拒绝,这可能是“domain\myuser”的模拟。名称为“Read List”的安全方法实例被拒绝访问。
我知道如果我使用传递凭据,我们将需要 kerbors 来处理双跳,但我认为我不需要 kerbos 将凭据映射到 sql server 用户。
I'm trying to bring external content into our SharePoint environment. We are running SP 2010. The data I want to bring in exists in Sql Server. What I'm struggling to do is map the logged in SharePoint user to an underlying sql user.
In SharePoint I have created a new Target Application in the Secure Store Serivce:
Target Application ID: TestApp
Target Application Type: Group
I have specified two fields:
Name :: Type
User Name :: User Name
Password :: Password
--these are not the Windows User Name and Windows Password types just the basic types
Target Application Administrators and Members are both set as myself (AD User).
In SharePoint Designer I've created a new External Content Type. I've added a connection of (Type -> Sql Server). I've set the database server name to the server name that is not on the same box as SharePoint and I've set the database name. I've selected the Connect with Impersonated Custom Identity option and set the Secure Store Application Id to TestApp. When I click OK I get prompted for credentials so I enter the Sql Server user credentials and the connection succeeds. I expand out the tables, right click the table I want accessible, and click Create All Operations. I go through the wizard and enter one limit filter.
Next I right click MyTable in the External Content Types windows, select External List, and give it a name. Next I go into Central Admin and set the credentials of TestApp.
Now when I log into SharePoint I can see my external list in the left hand TOC. I click on the list and I get the error Access Denied by Business Data Connectivity with a correlation code. I've opened up the logs to see what is being returned which has some interesting logs but I'm not sure exactly how to remedy the problem:
Access Denied for User '0#.w|domain\myuser, which may be an impersonation by 'domain\myuser'. Securable MethodInstance with Name 'Read List' has ACL that contains
Another Log:
Error while executing web part: Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: Access denied by Business Data Connectivity. ---> Access Denied for User '0#.w|domain\myuser', which may be an impersonation by 'domain\myuser'. Securable MethodInstance with Name 'Read List' denied access.
I know if I'm using pass through creds we will need kerbors to handle the double hop but didn't think I would need kerbos with cred mapping to a sql server user.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!
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我在玩 BCS 时遇到了我认为类似的问题。这有助于解决问题。看看这是否有帮助
http ://
I was playing around with BCS and ran into what I think is a similar problem. This helped to solved the problem. See if this helps
发生这种情况是因为您尚未设置对您创建的 BCS 对象的访问权限。进入管理中心并选择您的外部内容类型或其他对象,然后从下拉列表中选择设置权限。您的身份验证正在运行,否则您将无法将创建的对象保存到元数据存储中。现在,您需要告诉元数据存储谁有权访问您在 BCS 中创建的对象。
This happens because you have not set access on the BCS object that you created. Go into Central Administration and select your External Content Type or other object and select Set Permissions from the dropdown. Your authentication is working or you would not be able to save the object you created to the metadata store. You now need to tell the metadata store who has access to the objects you created in BCS.