使用 Mercurial 克隆存储库时,您可以传递 -U/--noupdate 标志来创建没有工作副本的克隆。如果我忘记在克隆时传递此标志,我可以删除工作副本吗?如果是这样,怎么办?
这在概念上类似于 这个 git 问题,但适用于 Mercurial。
When cloning a repository with mercurial you can pass the -U/--noupdate flag to create a clone with no working copy. Can I remove the working copy if I forget to pass this flag at clone time? And if so, how?
This is conceptually similar to this git question, but for mercurial.
Mercurial wiki 上的文档对裸存储库进行了以下说明:
hg init
时的空状态。它是修订版 0 的父版本(并且所有非合并修订的第二个父版本),通过更新回它,您将再次获得一个空的工作副本。该链接可能看起来很讽刺:
Documentation at Mercurial wiki says following about bare repositories:
The null revision is similar to the empty state you have when you have just done
hg init
. It is the parent of revision 0 (and the second parent of all non-merge revisions) and by updating back to it you again get an empty working copy.The link may look ironic: