Berkeleydb - B 树与哈希表
我试图了解在使用 BerkeleyDB 时应该选择哪些访问方法:B 树与哈希表。 哈希表提供 O(1) 查找,但插入成本很高(使用线性/可扩展哈希,我们可以为插入分摊 O(1))。但 B 树提供 log N(以 B 为底)查找和插入时间。 B 树还可以支持范围查询并允许按排序顺序进行访问。
- 除了这些考虑因素之外,还应该考虑哪些因素呢?
- 如果我不需要支持范围查询,我可以只使用哈希表访问方法吗?
I am trying to understand what should drive the choice of the access method while using a BerkeleyDB : B-Tree versus HashTable.
A Hashtable provides O(1) lookup but inserts are expensive (using Linear/Extensible hashing we get amortized O(1) for insert). But B-Trees provide log N (base B) lookup and insert times. A B-Tree can also support range queries and allow access in sorted order.
- Apart from these considerations what else should be factored in?
- If I don't need to support range queries can I just use a Hashtable access method?
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当数据集变得非常大时,B 树仍然更好,因为大多数内部元数据可能仍然适合缓存。哈希本质上(数据的均匀随机分布)本质上是对缓存不友好的。也就是说,一旦数据集的总大小超过工作内存大小,散列性能就会急剧下降,而 B 树性能则会优雅地下降(实际上是对数下降)。
When your data sets get very large, B-trees are still better because the majority of the internal metadata may still fit in cache. Hashes, by their nature (uniform random distribution of data) are inherently cache-unfriendly. I.e., once the total size of the data set exceeds the working memory size, hash performance drops off a cliff while B-tree performance degrades gracefully (logarithmically, actually).
这取决于您的数据集和密钥在小数据集上,您的基准将接近相同,但是在较大的数据集上,它可能会根据密钥类型/您拥有的数据量而有所不同。通常 b 树更好,直到 b 树元数据超出你的缓存并且最终执行大量 io,在这种情况下散列更好。另外,正如您所指出的,b 树插入更昂贵,如果您发现您将执行大量插入和少量读取,则哈希可能会更好,如果您发现您执行很少插入,但进行大量读取,则 b 树可能会更好变得更好。
It depends on your data set and keys On small data sets your benchmark will be close to the same, however on larger data sets it can vary depending on what type of keys / how much data you have. Usually b-tree is better, until the btree meta data exceeds your cache and it ends up doing lots of io, in that case hash is better. Also as you pointed out, b-tree inserts are more expensive, if you find you will be doing lots of inserts and few reads, hash may be better, if you find you do little inserts, but lots of reads, b-tree may be better.
If you are really concerned about performance you could try both methods and run your own benchmarks =]
当您一次填充数据库时,B 树或其他
将密钥放入数据库之前。填充 BerkeleyDB
具有 1000 万条条目的数据库可能需要一个小时
”我们可以使用包含 1600 万个条目的维基百科转储索引文件来测试它。 (我在 800MHz 2 核笔记本电脑上运行,内存为 3G)
您可以看到,对 Btree 键进行预排序会降低插入时间
从 41 分钟缩短到 7 分钟。排序只需要1分钟,所以
净收益很大 - 数据库创建速度提高了 5 倍。和
Hash 格式,创建时间同样慢,无论输入
CPU 使用率 - 当页面缓存未命中时,进程
从磁盘检索页面时必须等待,因此 CPU 使用率是
对于最大的数据集,排序插入使我们的速度提高了 5 倍。
对于最小的,我们仍然获得 2 倍的加速 - 即使数据
很容易装入内存,因此 CPU 使用率始终很高。这似乎
除了页面缓存之外,5 倍的加速实际上是由于
与页面缓存和其他东西相同的部分 - 也许更好
无论如何,我更喜欢 Btree 格式,因为它允许
For many applications, a database is accessed at random, interactively
or with "transactions". This might happen if you have data coming in
from a web server. However, you often have to populate a large
database all at once, as a "batch" operation. This might happen if you
are doing a data analysis project, or migrating an old database to a
new format.
When you are populating a database all at once, a B-Tree or other
sorted index is preferable because it allows the batch insertions to
be done much more efficiently. This is accomplished by sorting the
keys before putting them into the database. Populating a BerkeleyDB
database with 10 million entries might take an hour when the entries
are unsorted, because every access is a cache miss. But when the
entries are sorted, the same procedure might take only ten minutes.
The proximity of consecutive keys means you'll be utilizing various
caches for almost all of the insertions. Sorting can be done very
quickly, so the whole operation could be sped up by several times just
by sorting the data before inserting it. With hashtable indexing,
because you don't know in advance which keys will end up next to each
other, this optimization is not possible.
Update: I decided to provide an actual example. It is based on the
following script "
"We can test it with a Wikipedia dump index file of 16 million entries. (I'm running this on an 800MHz 2-core laptop, with 3G of memory)
You can see that pre-sorting the Btree keys drops the insertion time
down from 41 minutes to 7 minutes. Sorting takes only 1 minute, so
there's a big net gain - the database creation goes 5x faster. With
the Hash format, the creation times are equally slow whether the input
is sorted or not. Also note that the database file size is smaller for
the sorted insertions; presumably this has to do with tree balancing.
The speedup must be due to some kind of caching, but I'm not sure
where. It is likely that we have fewer cache misses in the kernel's
page cache with sorted insertions. This would be consistent with the
CPU usage numbers - when there is a page cache miss, then the process
has to wait while the page is retrieved from disk, so the CPU usage is
I ran the same tests with two smaller files as well, for comparison.
With the largest dataset, sorted insertions give us a 5x speedup.
With the smallest, we still get a 2x speedup - even though the data
fits easily into memory, so that CPU usage is always high. This seems
to imply that we are benefiting from another source of efficiency in
addition to the page cache, and that the 5x speedup was actually due
in equal parts to page cache and something else - perhaps the better
tree balancing?
In any case, I tend to prefer the Btree format because it allows
faster batch operations. Even if the final database is accessed at
random, I use batch operations for development, testing, and
maintenance. Life is easier if I can find a way to speed these up.
引用 Berkeley DB 的两位主要作者在 this 中写的架构:
因此,也许在嵌入式设备和特殊用例中,哈希表可能会起作用。 BTree 用于现代文件系统,如 Btrfs,它几乎是构建的理想数据结构数据库或文件系统。
To quote the two main authors of Berkeley DB in this write up of the architecture:
So perhaps in embedded devices and specialized use cases a hash table may work. BTree is used in modern filesystems like Btrfs and it is pretty much the idea data structure for building either databases or filesystems.