
发布于 2024-10-01 09:23:14 字数 318 浏览 2 评论 0原文



最短路径距离是 A->D

当前的任务是使用上述规则从字符串在内存中构建有向无环图,并找到以根节点为起点的最短路径(在示例中)假设它是 A 标签)以终端节点结束。




I am given a string of characters, in which every consequent pair of characters comprises an edge. What I mean by that is this is the string: ABBCAD. Edges of the string are:


Shortest path distance is A->D

The task at hand is to build up a Directed Acyclic Graph in memory from the string using the above rule and find the shortest path staring at the root node(in the example given it's A label) ending at terminal node.


I gather one of the approaches that suites the task is to use the Depth First Search algo.

This is not homework...

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东走西顾 2024-10-08 09:23:14

这是 Djikstra 算法 的工作。一旦构建了图的表示,就应该很容易产生最低成本的遍历......因为在您的情况下,似乎所有路径都具有相同的成本(1)。

您可以在 CodeProject 上查看,了解 Djikstra 在 C# 中的相当不错的实现。


在此类问题中,有多种方法可以表示图形。如果图中的顶点数量可能很小 - 使用邻接矩阵 用于表示边缘。在这种情况下,您可以只使用 .NET 多维数组。这里的技巧是您需要将用字符标记的顶点转换为序数值。一种方法是编写一个包装类,将字符代码映射到邻接矩阵的索引:

class AdjacencyMatrix
    // representation of the adjacency matrix (AM)
    private readonly int[,] m_Matrix;
    // mapping of character codes to indices in the AM
    private readonly Dictionary<char,int> m_Mapping;

    public AdjacencyMatrix( string edgeVector )
        // using LINQ we can identify and order the distinct characters
        char[] distinctChars = edgeVector.Distinct().OrderBy(x => x);

        m_Mapping = distinctChars.Select((c,i)=>new { Vertex = c, Index = i })
                                 .ToDictionary(x=>x.Vertex, x=>x.Index);

        // build the adjacency cost matrix here...
        // TODO: I leave this up to the reader to complete ... :-D

    // retrieves an entry from within the adjacency matrix given two characters
    public int this[char v1, char v2]
        get { return m_Matrix[m_Mapping[v1], m_Mapping[v2]];
        private set { m_Matrix[m_Mapping[v1], m_Mapping[v2]] = value; }

This is a job for Djikstra's Algorithm. Once you build a representation of your graph it should be easy enough to produce the lowest cost traversal ... since in your case it seems that all paths have an equal cost (1).

You can look here on CodeProject for a reasonably decent implementation of Djikstra in C#.

could you present me with a pseudo code of your version of the graph representation for this case?

There are multiple ways to represent a graph in such a problem. If the number of vertices in your graph are likely to be small - it would be sufficient to use an adjacency matrix for the representation of edges. In which case, you could just use a .NET multidimensional array. The trick here is that you need to convert vertices labelled with characters to ordinal values. One approach would be to write a wrapper class that maps character codes to indices into the adjacency matrix:

class AdjacencyMatrix
    // representation of the adjacency matrix (AM)
    private readonly int[,] m_Matrix;
    // mapping of character codes to indices in the AM
    private readonly Dictionary<char,int> m_Mapping;

    public AdjacencyMatrix( string edgeVector )
        // using LINQ we can identify and order the distinct characters
        char[] distinctChars = edgeVector.Distinct().OrderBy(x => x);

        m_Mapping = distinctChars.Select((c,i)=>new { Vertex = c, Index = i })
                                 .ToDictionary(x=>x.Vertex, x=>x.Index);

        // build the adjacency cost matrix here...
        // TODO: I leave this up to the reader to complete ... :-D

    // retrieves an entry from within the adjacency matrix given two characters
    public int this[char v1, char v2]
        get { return m_Matrix[m_Mapping[v1], m_Mapping[v2]];
        private set { m_Matrix[m_Mapping[v1], m_Mapping[v2]] = value; }
执手闯天涯 2024-10-08 09:23:14

对于这种特殊情况,Dijkstra 可以大大简化。我想这样的事情就能解决问题。

class Node {
    public object Value;

    // Connected nodes (directed)
    public Node[] Connections;

    // Path back to the start
    public Node Route;

Node BreadthFirstRoute(Node[] theStarts, Node[] theEnds) {
    Set<Node> visited = new Set<Node>();

    Set<Node> frontier = new Set<Node>();

    Set<Node> ends = new Set<Node>();

    // Visit nodes one frontier at a time - Breadth first.
    while (frontier.Count > 0) {

        // Move frontier into visiting, reset frontier.
        Set<Node> visiting = frontier;
        frontier = new Set<Node>();

        // Prevent adding nodes being visited to frontier

        // Add all connected nodes to frontier.
        foreach (Node node in visiting) {               
            foreach (Node other in node.Connections) {
                if (!visited.Contains(other)) {
                    other.Route = other;
                    if (ends.Contains(other)) {
                        return other;

    return null;

For this particular case, Dijkstra's could be greatly simplified. I imagine something like this would do the trick.

class Node {
    public object Value;

    // Connected nodes (directed)
    public Node[] Connections;

    // Path back to the start
    public Node Route;

Node BreadthFirstRoute(Node[] theStarts, Node[] theEnds) {
    Set<Node> visited = new Set<Node>();

    Set<Node> frontier = new Set<Node>();

    Set<Node> ends = new Set<Node>();

    // Visit nodes one frontier at a time - Breadth first.
    while (frontier.Count > 0) {

        // Move frontier into visiting, reset frontier.
        Set<Node> visiting = frontier;
        frontier = new Set<Node>();

        // Prevent adding nodes being visited to frontier

        // Add all connected nodes to frontier.
        foreach (Node node in visiting) {               
            foreach (Node other in node.Connections) {
                if (!visited.Contains(other)) {
                    other.Route = other;
                    if (ends.Contains(other)) {
                        return other;

    return null;
热鲨 2024-10-08 09:23:14


alt text

其中从 A 到 M 的最短路径标记为蓝色。

这是 Mathematica 中的一个非常短的程序:

b = Table[a[[i]] -> a[[i + 1]], {i, Length@a - 1}]
vertexNumber[g_, vName_] := Position[ Vertices[g, All], vName][[1, 1]];

c     = ToCombinatoricaGraph[b]
sp    = ShortestPath[c, vertexNumber[c, "A"], vertexNumber[c, "M"]]
vlsp  = GetVertexLabels[c, sp]
vlspt = Table[{vlsp[[i]], vlsp[[i + 1]]}, {i, Length@vlsp - 1}] 

GraphPlot[b, VertexLabeling -> True, ImageSize -> 250, 
         DirectedEdges -> True, Method -> {"SpringEmbedding"}, 
         EdgeRenderingFunction ->
           (If[Cases[vlspt, {First[#2], Last[#2]}] == {}, 
                {Red, Arrowheads[Medium], Arrow[#1, .1]}, 
                {Blue, Arrowheads[Medium], Arrow[#1, .1]}] &)]

Just for the record. This is your graph example:

alt text

Where the shortest path from A to M is marked in blue.

It is a very short program in Mathematica:

b = Table[a[[i]] -> a[[i + 1]], {i, Length@a - 1}]
vertexNumber[g_, vName_] := Position[ Vertices[g, All], vName][[1, 1]];

c     = ToCombinatoricaGraph[b]
sp    = ShortestPath[c, vertexNumber[c, "A"], vertexNumber[c, "M"]]
vlsp  = GetVertexLabels[c, sp]
vlspt = Table[{vlsp[[i]], vlsp[[i + 1]]}, {i, Length@vlsp - 1}] 

GraphPlot[b, VertexLabeling -> True, ImageSize -> 250, 
         DirectedEdges -> True, Method -> {"SpringEmbedding"}, 
         EdgeRenderingFunction ->
           (If[Cases[vlspt, {First[#2], Last[#2]}] == {}, 
                {Red, Arrowheads[Medium], Arrow[#1, .1]}, 
                {Blue, Arrowheads[Medium], Arrow[#1, .1]}] &)]
土豪我们做朋友吧 2024-10-08 09:23:14

LBushkin的回答是正确的。埃里克·利珀特 (Eric Lippert) 关于在 C# 中实现 A* 算法 的系列。 A* 是 Dijkstra 算法的更一般情况:如果您的成本估计函数始终返回 0,则它与 Dijkstra 完全相同。

LBushkin's answer is correct. Eric Lippert has a series about implementing the A* algorithm in C#. A* is a more general case of Dijkstra's algorithm : if your cost estimation function always returns 0, it is exactly equivalent to Dijkstra.

追星践月 2024-10-08 09:23:14

另一种选择是使用实现了各种最短路径算法的图形库。我过去使用过并发现很好的一个是 QuickGraph。该文档非常好。例如,这里是一个页面解释如何使用 Dijkstra 算法的文档。

Another option would be to use a graph library that has various shortest path algorithms implemented. One I have used in the past and found to be good is QuickGraph. The documentation is quite good. For example, here is a page in the documentation that explains how to use Dijkstra's algorithm.

你的呼吸 2024-10-08 09:23:14


下面的代码实现了搜索算法和数据结构。根据最初的问题,我不能 100% 确定有效的定义。但修改代码以构建其他拓扑并使用 DAG 解决各种动态编程任务应该是直接的。

在计算状态势时将外部 for 循环更改为带有队列的 while 循环将允许通过更改队列规则轻松地使用不同的最短路径算法。例如,基于二进制堆的队列将给出 Dijkstra 算法,或者 FIFO 队列将给出 Bellman-Ford 算法。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace DAGShortestPath
  class Arc
    public Arc(int nextstate, float cost)
      Nextstate = nextstate;
      Cost = cost;
    public int Nextstate { get; set; }
    public float Cost { get; set; }

  class State
    public bool Final { get; set; }
    public List<Arc> Arcs { get; set; }

    public void AddArc(int nextstate, float cost)
      if (Arcs == null)
        Arcs = new List<Arc>();
      Arcs.Add(new Arc(nextstate, cost));
  class Graph
    List< State > _states  = new List< State >();
    int _start = -1;

    public void AddArc(int state, int nextstate, float cost)
      while (_states.Count <= state)
      while (_states.Count <= nextstate)
      _states[state].AddArc(nextstate, cost);

    public List<Arc> Arcs(int state)
      return _states[state].Arcs;

    public int AddState()
      _states.Add(new State());
      return _states.Count - 1;

    public bool IsFinal(int state)
      return _states[state].Final;

    public void SetFinal(int state)
      _states[state].Final = true;

    public void SetStart(int start)
      _start = -1;

    public int NumStates { get { return _states.Count; } }

    public void Print()
      for (int i = 0; i < _states.Count; i++)
        var arcs = _states[i].Arcs;
        for (int j = 0; j < arcs.Count; j++)
          var arc = arcs[j];          
          Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", i, j, arc.Cost);

  class Program
    static List<int> ShortertPath(Graph graph)
      float[] d = new float[graph.NumStates];
      int[] tb = new int[graph.NumStates];
      for (int i = 0; i < d.Length; i++)
        d[i] = float.PositiveInfinity;
        tb[i] = -1;
      d[0] = 0.0f;
      float bestscore = float.PositiveInfinity;
      int beststate = -1;

      for (int i = 0; i < graph.NumStates; i++)
        if (graph.Arcs(i) != null)
          foreach (var arc in graph.Arcs(i))
            if (arc.Nextstate < i)
              throw new Exception("Graph is not topologically sorted");

            float e = d[i] + arc.Cost;
            if (e < d[arc.Nextstate])
              d[arc.Nextstate] = e;
              tb[arc.Nextstate] = i;

              if (graph.IsFinal(arc.Nextstate) && e < bestscore)
                bestscore = e;
                beststate = arc.Nextstate;

      //Traceback and recover the best final sequence

      if (bestscore == float.NegativeInfinity)
        throw new Exception("No valid terminal state found");
      Console.WriteLine("Best state {0} and score {1}", beststate, bestscore);
      List<int> best = new List<int>();
      while (beststate != -1)
        beststate = tb[beststate];

      return best;

    static void Main(string[] args)
      Graph g = new Graph();
      String input = "ABBCAD";      
      for (int i = 0; i < input.Length - 1; i++)
        for (int j = i + 1; j < input.Length; j++)
          //Modify this of different constraints on-the arcs
          //or graph topologies
          //if (input[i] < input[j])
          g.AddArc(i, j, 1.0f);
      //Modify this to make all states final for example
      //To compute longest sub-sequences and so on...
      g.SetFinal(g.NumStates - 1);
      var bestpath = ShortertPath(g);

      //Print the best state sequence in reverse
      foreach (var v in bestpath)

Because your graph is acyclic the Viterbi algorithm can be used, visit the states in topological order and update the costs in preceding vertices (states).

The below code implements the search algorithm and data structure. I wasn't 100% sure of the definition of the valid based on the original question. But it should be straight forward to modify the code to construct other topologies and solve various dynamic programming task using a DAG.

Changing the outer for loop when computing the state potentials to while loop with a queue will allow for different shortestpath algorithms to used easily changed by changing the queue discipline. For example a binary heap based queue will give Dijkstra algorithm or a FIFO queue will Bellman-Ford algorithm.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace DAGShortestPath
  class Arc
    public Arc(int nextstate, float cost)
      Nextstate = nextstate;
      Cost = cost;
    public int Nextstate { get; set; }
    public float Cost { get; set; }

  class State
    public bool Final { get; set; }
    public List<Arc> Arcs { get; set; }

    public void AddArc(int nextstate, float cost)
      if (Arcs == null)
        Arcs = new List<Arc>();
      Arcs.Add(new Arc(nextstate, cost));
  class Graph
    List< State > _states  = new List< State >();
    int _start = -1;

    public void AddArc(int state, int nextstate, float cost)
      while (_states.Count <= state)
      while (_states.Count <= nextstate)
      _states[state].AddArc(nextstate, cost);

    public List<Arc> Arcs(int state)
      return _states[state].Arcs;

    public int AddState()
      _states.Add(new State());
      return _states.Count - 1;

    public bool IsFinal(int state)
      return _states[state].Final;

    public void SetFinal(int state)
      _states[state].Final = true;

    public void SetStart(int start)
      _start = -1;

    public int NumStates { get { return _states.Count; } }

    public void Print()
      for (int i = 0; i < _states.Count; i++)
        var arcs = _states[i].Arcs;
        for (int j = 0; j < arcs.Count; j++)
          var arc = arcs[j];          
          Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", i, j, arc.Cost);

  class Program
    static List<int> ShortertPath(Graph graph)
      float[] d = new float[graph.NumStates];
      int[] tb = new int[graph.NumStates];
      for (int i = 0; i < d.Length; i++)
        d[i] = float.PositiveInfinity;
        tb[i] = -1;
      d[0] = 0.0f;
      float bestscore = float.PositiveInfinity;
      int beststate = -1;

      for (int i = 0; i < graph.NumStates; i++)
        if (graph.Arcs(i) != null)
          foreach (var arc in graph.Arcs(i))
            if (arc.Nextstate < i)
              throw new Exception("Graph is not topologically sorted");

            float e = d[i] + arc.Cost;
            if (e < d[arc.Nextstate])
              d[arc.Nextstate] = e;
              tb[arc.Nextstate] = i;

              if (graph.IsFinal(arc.Nextstate) && e < bestscore)
                bestscore = e;
                beststate = arc.Nextstate;

      //Traceback and recover the best final sequence

      if (bestscore == float.NegativeInfinity)
        throw new Exception("No valid terminal state found");
      Console.WriteLine("Best state {0} and score {1}", beststate, bestscore);
      List<int> best = new List<int>();
      while (beststate != -1)
        beststate = tb[beststate];

      return best;

    static void Main(string[] args)
      Graph g = new Graph();
      String input = "ABBCAD";      
      for (int i = 0; i < input.Length - 1; i++)
        for (int j = i + 1; j < input.Length; j++)
          //Modify this of different constraints on-the arcs
          //or graph topologies
          //if (input[i] < input[j])
          g.AddArc(i, j, 1.0f);
      //Modify this to make all states final for example
      //To compute longest sub-sequences and so on...
      g.SetFinal(g.NumStates - 1);
      var bestpath = ShortertPath(g);

      //Print the best state sequence in reverse
      foreach (var v in bestpath)
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