I'm not sure if I'm getting you right. Do you want to know which is the category where video capture filters are in? Then have a look at CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory. Or are you looking for a filter that captures "screenshots"? Because there is no such filter by default but several examples around the net.
uscreencapture 将自己置于“视频捕获源”下,但我认为这是任意的......
uscreencapture puts theirselves under "Video Capture Sources" but I suppose it's arbitrary...
我不确定我的理解是否正确。您想知道视频捕捉滤镜属于哪个类别吗?然后看一下 CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory。或者您正在寻找捕获“屏幕截图”的过滤器?因为默认情况下没有这样的过滤器,但网上有几个例子。
I'm not sure if I'm getting you right. Do you want to know which is the category where video capture filters are in? Then have a look at CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory. Or are you looking for a filter that captures "screenshots"? Because there is no such filter by default but several examples around the net.