从中央数据源在 MVVM 中创建选项卡控件
我是 MVVM 新手,我正在尝试遵循该模式实现一个简单的应用程序。
这个简单的应用程序由一个选项卡控件组成。重要的是两个选项卡都有自己的 ViewModel。然而,他们将从同一来源获取大部分数据。主要问题是让第二个选项卡知道第一个选项卡已对数据源发起更改。
因此,为了简单起见,我们假设模型保存一个整数。该整数最初需要设置为 1。
第一个选项卡包含一个文本块和一个按钮。文本块的文本绑定到数据模型中的整数。按下按钮后,模型中的整数应增加 1。
I am new to MVVM, and I am trying to implement a simple application, following the pattern.
For simplicity, I am breaking the problem down to it's simplest form. If I manage to get this to work, I will have little trouble getting the application made.
The simple application consists of a tabcontrol. It is important that both tabs have their own ViewModel. However, they will get most of their data from the same source. The main issue is to get the second tab to know that the first have initiated a change on the datasource.
So, for simplicity, let's just say that the model is holding a single integer. This integer needs initially to be set to 1.
The first tab is holding a textblock and a button. The text of the textblock is bound to the integer in the datamodel. Upon pressing the button, the integer in the moddel should be incremented with 1.
The second tab holds only a textblock, also bound to the integer in the datamodel. The challenge is to get this textblock to update along with the first textblock, but still being it's own viewmodel.
I need somewhere central to store the values of the model, and in some way, let the viewmodels know that they have been updated, so their properties can be updated, and the Views therefore get's updated accordingly.
Can someone explain in as much detail as possible how this is done? I have tried a billion different ways, but I am not getting it to work.
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- 7 个视图
- 8 个视图模型
- 1 个模型
主 ViewModel 创建模型并通过其构造函数将其传递给所有其他视图模型。
在您的场景中,您可能有一个带有 ViewModel 的 ObservableCollection 的主 ViewModel。这些虚拟机中的每一个都将具有相同的模型实例作为其数据源。
如前所述,在模型上实现 INotifyPropertyChanged 并通过 ViewModel 上的属性将视图直接绑定到模型。我发现这个图非常有用: http://karlshifflett.files.wordpress.com/ 2009/01/wpflobmvvm1.png
让您的模型实现 INotifyPropertyChanged。当整数更改时,引发 PropertyChanged 事件。在视图模型 2 中,侦听模型的 PropertyChanged 事件。当它发生时,引发视图模型 2 的属性更改事件,其 UI 将自动更新。
Let me see if I have your question down right:
If that all sounds right, here's one solution:
Have your model implement INotifyPropertyChanged. When the integer changes, raise the PropertyChanged event. In view model 2, listen for the model's PropertyChanged event. When it occurs, raise view model 2's property changed event, and its UI will get updated automatically.