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Closed 6 years ago.
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重播相当晚,但您可能想看看 Aculab Cloud (cloud.aculab.com) - 第一个公开测试版于 2 月发布,第二个公开测试版将于 5 月发布。除其他外,它将充当国际网关......欢迎反馈:-)
A rather late replay but you might want to look at Aculab Cloud (cloud.aculab.com) - the first public beta was released in Feb and a second is due May time. Amongst other things it will act as an international gateway...feedback welcomed :-)
似乎这个问题没有产生足够的答复(或根本没有任何答复);-)。所以,这就是我所做的,我设法安排了一个美国地址和电话号码(谷歌搜索,有办法做到这一点)并用它来注册 Twilio.
seems the question is not generating enough replies (or any replies at all) ;-). So, here’s what I did, I managed to arrange a US address and phone number (google it, there are ways to do it) and used that to sign up on Twilio.
may be it would help someone.