在perl tk中创建水印

发布于 2024-09-30 09:59:37 字数 14257 浏览 0 评论 0原文

我有一个 Perl-Tk 代码,该代码创建一个包含 5 个选项卡的 GUI。我的要求是我需要插入一个图像(徽标),该图像应该是水印图像,并且应该出现在所有 5 个选项卡中。我在网上搜索过,没有这样的方法可用。




use Tk;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Tk::NoteBook;
use Tk::TextUndo;
use XML::Simple;
use IO::Socket::INET;

# ===================variables==================
my $fname;
my $open_fname;
my $f;
my $info;
my $t;
# my $load_file_variable;
my $types;
my $menubar;
my @path;
my $parser_path;
my $log_filename;
my $dut_conf_filename;
my $w;
my %info;
my @key;
my $sub_routine_flg = 0;
# ==============================================

$log_filename = '/home/SaLTT/Log/log.txt';
$dut_conf_filename = '/home/SaLTT/Log/dut_configuration.txt';

my $filename = '/home/sait11/Desktop/Examples/test.txt';
# print "\tfilename***$filename\n\n";

my $mw = MainWindow->new;
    $mw->optionAdd("*font", "-*-arial-normal-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*");
    $mw->optionAdd("*borderWidth", 3);

# ===================Adding Logo==================
    my $image = '/home/SaLTT/images/SAI_logo.gif';    # 32x32 GIF or BMP
    my $icon = $mw->Photo(-file => $image);
# ==============================================
    $menubar = $mw->Menu(-type => 'menubar');
    $mw->configure(-menu => $menubar);

####### Menus #######

    my $mfile = $menubar->cascade(-label => '~File', -tearoff => 0);    #   File_Menu
    my $mview = $menubar->cascade(-label => '~View', -tearoff => 0);    #   View_Menu  
    my $medit = $menubar->cascade(-label => '~Edit', -tearoff => 0);    #   Edit_Menu
    my $mhelp = $menubar->cascade(-label => '~Help', -tearoff => 0);    #   Help_Menu

# ==================== File ====================
    $mfile->command(    -label => '~Open',
                        -accelerator => 'Control+o',
                        -command => \&open_file
    $mfile->command(    -label => '~Save',
                        -accelerator => 'Control+s',
                        -command => \&save_log_file

# ==================== Edit ====================
    $medit->command(    -label => '~Edit',
                        -accelerator => 'Control+e',
                        -command => \&edit_file

# *************************************************
my $nb = $mw->NoteBook( )->pack( -expand => 1,
                                 -fill => 'both'
# Page 1 on the notebook, with button on that page
#               DUT_Configuration
my $tab1 = $nb->add('page1', -label => 'DUT_Configuration');
    $f = $tab1->Frame->pack(-side => 'bottom');
    $t = $tab1->Scrolled("TextUndo",-width => 600,-height => 400, -scrollbars => 'osoe')->pack(-side=>"right",
                                                                                               -expand => "yes",
                                                                                               -fill => "y"

        $w = $t->Label(-text => "$_:", -relief => 'groove', -width => 25);
        $t->windowCreate('end', -window => $w);
        $w = $t->Entry(-width => 20, -textvariable => \$info{$_})->pack();
        $t->windowCreate('end', -window => $w);
        $t->insert('end', "\n");

    $f->Button(-text => 'Exit!',-activebackground=>"red", -command=>sub{exit})->pack( -side=>'right',
                                                                                     -ipadx => 10, -ipady => 10
    $f->Button(-text => 'Save',-activebackground=>"green", -command=>\&print_dut_rec)->pack( -side=>'right',
                                                                                      -ipadx => 10, -ipady => 10
    my $clear_text = $f->Button(-text => "Clear Text",-command => \&clear_entry)->pack(-side => 'right',
                                                                                      -ipadx => 10, -ipady => 10
# Empty page 2
# SS_Configuration
my $tab2 = $nb->add('page2', -label => 'SS_Configuration');
$tab2->Button(-text => 'Exit!',-activebackground=>"red", -command=>sub{exit})->pack(  -side=>'bottom',
                                                            -ipadx => 10, -ipady => 10
# Empty page 3
# TC_Manager
my $tab3 = $nb->add('page3', -label=>'TC_Manager');
$tab3->Button(-text=>"Test-UE", -command =>\&exec_parser)->grid(  $tab3->Button(-text=>"Test-eNB", -command=>sub{exit}),
                                                                 "-", "-",
                                                                -ipadx=>25, -ipady=>25,
                                                                -padx=>50, -pady=>50
# Empty page 4
# TG_Configuration
my $tab4 = $nb->add('page4', -label=>"TG_Configuration");

                                                        -ipadx=>25, -ipady=>25,
                                                        -padx=>50, -pady=>50,
# Empty page 5
# Log Monitor
my $tab5 = $nb->add("page5", -label=>"Log Monitor");

    $f = $tab5->Frame->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');

    $tab5->Button(-text => "Exit",-activebackground=>"red",-command => sub { exit; } )->pack(-side => 'bottom',-anchor=>'se',-ipadx=>10, -ipady=>10);
    $tab5->Button(-text => "Save",-activebackground=>"green",-command => \&save_log_file)->pack(-side => 'right',-anchor => 'ne',-ipadx=>10, -ipady=>10);
    $tab5->Button(-text => "Load", -command => \&load_log_file)->pack(-side => 'right', -anchor => 'ne',-ipadx=>10, -ipady=>10);

#   Create necessary widgets
    $tab5->Label(-textvariable => \$info, -relief => 'ridge')->pack(-side => 'bottom', -fill => 'x');
    $t = $tab5->Scrolled("Text",-scrollbars=>"w",-exportselection => 1)->pack(-side => 'bottom',-fill => 'both', -expand => 1,);

# Empty page 6
# TC_Result
    my $tab6 = $nb->add("page6", -label=>"TC_Result");

    $tab6->Button(-text=>"Report - Excel_sheet", -command=>\&report_spread_sheet)->pack( -side=>'top',
                                                                                         -ipadx => 50, -ipady => 25,
                                                                                         -padx=>500, -pady=>75

    $tab6->Button(-text=>"Report - HTML_sheet", -command=>\&report_html_sheet)->pack(   -side=>'top',
                                                                                        -ipadx => 50, -ipady => 25,
                                                                                        -padx=>500, -pady=>50

    $tab6->Button(-text=>"Exit!",-activebackground=>"red", -command=>sub{exit})->pack(  -side=>'bottom',
                                                                                        -ipadx => 10, -ipady => 10
#   Empty page 7
#   TTCN-3 
    my $tab7 = $nb->add("page7", -label=>"TTCN-3");
    $tab7->Button(-text=>"Exit!",-activebackground=>"red", -command=>sub{exit})->pack(  -side=>'bottom',
                                                                                        -ipadx => 10, -ipady => 10
# ================================
    $mw->bind('<Control-o>', [\&open_file]);
    $mw->bind('<Control-s>', [\&save_file]);
    $mw->bind('<Control-e>', [\&edit_file]);

    $types = [ ['XML Files',   '.xml'],
                  ['Perl files', '.pl'],
                  ['Text Files',   '.txt'],
                  ['All Files',   '*'],


# ================================================
# $fname;                     #Fetch the selected test case file name
# =========================================================
# sub clear_entry
# {
#    $w->delete('0.0', 'end');
# }
# # =========================================================
sub open_file
  $open_fname = $mw->getOpenFile(-filetypes => $types,
                                    -defaultextension => '.xml'
#         print qq{You chose to open "$open_fname"\n};
        my @ref = split(/\//,$open_fname);
        $fname = $ref[$#ref];
#         print "From open.pl ::: $fname\n";
        print"Please select the test case file!!!\n";
# =========================================================
sub exec_parser
if (!$sub_routine_flg)
#   print "\n\nIn if condition of open.pl....having name in fname::$fname\n\n";
    $sub_routine_flg = 1;
    undef $fname;
#   print "\tIn if part\n\n";
    print "\n\t***** Execution Completed.... Please Select test case from data base ***** ....\n\n";
# #     undef $fname;
#   print "fname in else part in open.pl:: $fname\n";
#   print "\n\n\tsubroutine flag is set in open.pl\n\n";
    undef $fname;
#   print "\tIn else part\n\n";
    print "\n\t***** Execution Completed.... Please Select test case from data base ***** ....\n\n";
# =========================================================
#### ==Subroutine for log ==####
# load_file :- checks to see what the filename is and loads it if possible
sub load_log_file
    $info = "Loading file '$log_filename' ...";
    $t->delete("1.0", "end");
    if (!open(FH, "$log_filename"))
    $t->insert("end", "ERROR: Could not open $log_filename\n");
    while (<FH>) { $t->insert("end", $_); }
    close (FH);
    $info = "File '$filename' loaded";

# save_file :- saves the file using the filename in the entry box.
sub save_log_file
    $info = "Saving '$log_filename'";
    open (FH, ">$log_filename");
    print FH $t->get("1.0", "end");
    $info = "Saved...";
# =========================================================
sub save_dut_config_file
    $info = "Saving '$filename'";
    open (FH, ">$filename");
    print FH $t->get("1.0", "end");
    $info = "Saved.";
# =========================================================
sub print_dut_rec()
    open (FH, ">/home/SaLTT/DUT_Config.txt")||die" Not able to open DUT_Config.txt file xxxxxxxxxxxxx....\n";
    @key = keys %info;
    foreach $_ (@key)
    print FH "$_:    $info{$_}\n";
#     print "$_:   $info{$_}\n";
# =================== Report subroutines ======================================
sub report_spread_sheet


sub report_html_sheet

# ========================================================= 

这段代码非常适合创建 GUI,我正在使用这段代码执行一些操作。

I have a Perl-Tk code and that code createas a GUI with 5 Tabs in it. My requirement is i need to insert a Image (logo) that should be a watermarking image and that should come in all the 5 Tabs. I searched in internet and there are no such ways available.

Does any one knows ??

Code is given below.


use Tk;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Tk::NoteBook;
use Tk::TextUndo;
use XML::Simple;
use IO::Socket::INET;

# ===================variables==================
my $fname;
my $open_fname;
my $f;
my $info;
my $t;
# my $load_file_variable;
my $types;
my $menubar;
my @path;
my $parser_path;
my $log_filename;
my $dut_conf_filename;
my $w;
my %info;
my @key;
my $sub_routine_flg = 0;
# ==============================================

$log_filename = '/home/SaLTT/Log/log.txt';
$dut_conf_filename = '/home/SaLTT/Log/dut_configuration.txt';

my $filename = '/home/sait11/Desktop/Examples/test.txt';
# print "\tfilename***$filename\n\n";

my $mw = MainWindow->new;
    $mw->optionAdd("*font", "-*-arial-normal-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*");
    $mw->optionAdd("*borderWidth", 3);

# ===================Adding Logo==================
    my $image = '/home/SaLTT/images/SAI_logo.gif';    # 32x32 GIF or BMP
    my $icon = $mw->Photo(-file => $image);
# ==============================================
    $menubar = $mw->Menu(-type => 'menubar');
    $mw->configure(-menu => $menubar);

####### Menus #######

    my $mfile = $menubar->cascade(-label => '~File', -tearoff => 0);    #   File_Menu
    my $mview = $menubar->cascade(-label => '~View', -tearoff => 0);    #   View_Menu  
    my $medit = $menubar->cascade(-label => '~Edit', -tearoff => 0);    #   Edit_Menu
    my $mhelp = $menubar->cascade(-label => '~Help', -tearoff => 0);    #   Help_Menu

# ==================== File ====================
    $mfile->command(    -label => '~Open',
                        -accelerator => 'Control+o',
                        -command => \&open_file
    $mfile->command(    -label => '~Save',
                        -accelerator => 'Control+s',
                        -command => \&save_log_file

# ==================== Edit ====================
    $medit->command(    -label => '~Edit',
                        -accelerator => 'Control+e',
                        -command => \&edit_file

# *************************************************
my $nb = $mw->NoteBook( )->pack( -expand => 1,
                                 -fill => 'both'
# Page 1 on the notebook, with button on that page
#               DUT_Configuration
my $tab1 = $nb->add('page1', -label => 'DUT_Configuration');
    $f = $tab1->Frame->pack(-side => 'bottom');
    $t = $tab1->Scrolled("TextUndo",-width => 600,-height => 400, -scrollbars => 'osoe')->pack(-side=>"right",
                                                                                               -expand => "yes",
                                                                                               -fill => "y"

        $w = $t->Label(-text => "$_:", -relief => 'groove', -width => 25);
        $t->windowCreate('end', -window => $w);
        $w = $t->Entry(-width => 20, -textvariable => \$info{$_})->pack();
        $t->windowCreate('end', -window => $w);
        $t->insert('end', "\n");

    $f->Button(-text => 'Exit!',-activebackground=>"red", -command=>sub{exit})->pack( -side=>'right',
                                                                                     -ipadx => 10, -ipady => 10
    $f->Button(-text => 'Save',-activebackground=>"green", -command=>\&print_dut_rec)->pack( -side=>'right',
                                                                                      -ipadx => 10, -ipady => 10
    my $clear_text = $f->Button(-text => "Clear Text",-command => \&clear_entry)->pack(-side => 'right',
                                                                                      -ipadx => 10, -ipady => 10
# Empty page 2
# SS_Configuration
my $tab2 = $nb->add('page2', -label => 'SS_Configuration');
$tab2->Button(-text => 'Exit!',-activebackground=>"red", -command=>sub{exit})->pack(  -side=>'bottom',
                                                            -ipadx => 10, -ipady => 10
# Empty page 3
# TC_Manager
my $tab3 = $nb->add('page3', -label=>'TC_Manager');
$tab3->Button(-text=>"Test-UE", -command =>\&exec_parser)->grid(  $tab3->Button(-text=>"Test-eNB", -command=>sub{exit}),
                                                                 "-", "-",
                                                                -ipadx=>25, -ipady=>25,
                                                                -padx=>50, -pady=>50
# Empty page 4
# TG_Configuration
my $tab4 = $nb->add('page4', -label=>"TG_Configuration");

                                                        -ipadx=>25, -ipady=>25,
                                                        -padx=>50, -pady=>50,
# Empty page 5
# Log Monitor
my $tab5 = $nb->add("page5", -label=>"Log Monitor");

    $f = $tab5->Frame->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'x');

    $tab5->Button(-text => "Exit",-activebackground=>"red",-command => sub { exit; } )->pack(-side => 'bottom',-anchor=>'se',-ipadx=>10, -ipady=>10);
    $tab5->Button(-text => "Save",-activebackground=>"green",-command => \&save_log_file)->pack(-side => 'right',-anchor => 'ne',-ipadx=>10, -ipady=>10);
    $tab5->Button(-text => "Load", -command => \&load_log_file)->pack(-side => 'right', -anchor => 'ne',-ipadx=>10, -ipady=>10);

#   Create necessary widgets
    $tab5->Label(-textvariable => \$info, -relief => 'ridge')->pack(-side => 'bottom', -fill => 'x');
    $t = $tab5->Scrolled("Text",-scrollbars=>"w",-exportselection => 1)->pack(-side => 'bottom',-fill => 'both', -expand => 1,);

# Empty page 6
# TC_Result
    my $tab6 = $nb->add("page6", -label=>"TC_Result");

    $tab6->Button(-text=>"Report - Excel_sheet", -command=>\&report_spread_sheet)->pack( -side=>'top',
                                                                                         -ipadx => 50, -ipady => 25,
                                                                                         -padx=>500, -pady=>75

    $tab6->Button(-text=>"Report - HTML_sheet", -command=>\&report_html_sheet)->pack(   -side=>'top',
                                                                                        -ipadx => 50, -ipady => 25,
                                                                                        -padx=>500, -pady=>50

    $tab6->Button(-text=>"Exit!",-activebackground=>"red", -command=>sub{exit})->pack(  -side=>'bottom',
                                                                                        -ipadx => 10, -ipady => 10
#   Empty page 7
#   TTCN-3 
    my $tab7 = $nb->add("page7", -label=>"TTCN-3");
    $tab7->Button(-text=>"Exit!",-activebackground=>"red", -command=>sub{exit})->pack(  -side=>'bottom',
                                                                                        -ipadx => 10, -ipady => 10
# ================================
    $mw->bind('<Control-o>', [\&open_file]);
    $mw->bind('<Control-s>', [\&save_file]);
    $mw->bind('<Control-e>', [\&edit_file]);

    $types = [ ['XML Files',   '.xml'],
                  ['Perl files', '.pl'],
                  ['Text Files',   '.txt'],
                  ['All Files',   '*'],


# ================================================
# $fname;                     #Fetch the selected test case file name
# =========================================================
# sub clear_entry
# {
#    $w->delete('0.0', 'end');
# }
# # =========================================================
sub open_file
  $open_fname = $mw->getOpenFile(-filetypes => $types,
                                    -defaultextension => '.xml'
#         print qq{You chose to open "$open_fname"\n};
        my @ref = split(/\//,$open_fname);
        $fname = $ref[$#ref];
#         print "From open.pl ::: $fname\n";
        print"Please select the test case file!!!\n";
# =========================================================
sub exec_parser
if (!$sub_routine_flg)
#   print "\n\nIn if condition of open.pl....having name in fname::$fname\n\n";
    $sub_routine_flg = 1;
    undef $fname;
#   print "\tIn if part\n\n";
    print "\n\t***** Execution Completed.... Please Select test case from data base ***** ....\n\n";
# #     undef $fname;
#   print "fname in else part in open.pl:: $fname\n";
#   print "\n\n\tsubroutine flag is set in open.pl\n\n";
    undef $fname;
#   print "\tIn else part\n\n";
    print "\n\t***** Execution Completed.... Please Select test case from data base ***** ....\n\n";
# =========================================================
#### ==Subroutine for log ==####
# load_file :- checks to see what the filename is and loads it if possible
sub load_log_file
    $info = "Loading file '$log_filename' ...";
    $t->delete("1.0", "end");
    if (!open(FH, "$log_filename"))
    $t->insert("end", "ERROR: Could not open $log_filename\n");
    while (<FH>) { $t->insert("end", $_); }
    close (FH);
    $info = "File '$filename' loaded";

# save_file :- saves the file using the filename in the entry box.
sub save_log_file
    $info = "Saving '$log_filename'";
    open (FH, ">$log_filename");
    print FH $t->get("1.0", "end");
    $info = "Saved...";
# =========================================================
sub save_dut_config_file
    $info = "Saving '$filename'";
    open (FH, ">$filename");
    print FH $t->get("1.0", "end");
    $info = "Saved.";
# =========================================================
sub print_dut_rec()
    open (FH, ">/home/SaLTT/DUT_Config.txt")||die" Not able to open DUT_Config.txt file xxxxxxxxxxxxx....\n";
    @key = keys %info;
    foreach $_ (@key)
    print FH "$_:    $info{$_}\n";
#     print "$_:   $info{$_}\n";
# =================== Report subroutines ======================================
sub report_spread_sheet


sub report_html_sheet

# ========================================================= 

This code works perfectly for creating a GUI and i am performing some actions with this code.

如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。



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猫性小仙女 2024-10-07 09:59:37

您可以通过使用标签并在其上设置图像来在框架中添加水印;就 Tk 中的结构行为而言,框架和标签的工作原理是一样的(即,两者都乐意包含其他小部件,并且它们自己没有太多的行为来妨碍)。可能需要对配置进行一些修改才能准确地获得您正在寻找的内容(例如,消除边框),但这应该很容易做到。

如果您使用 Ttk 小部件,您最好制作自己的样式以应用于框架 IIRC。即使有 tkdocs 教程 的帮助,样式创作仍然有点神秘。

You can put a watermark in a frame by using a label instead and setting the image on that; in terms of structural behavior in Tk, frames and labels work just the same (i.e., both are happy to contain other widgets and they don't have lots of behavior of their own to get in the way). Some tinkering with the configuration might be needed to get exactly what you are looking for (e.g., eliminating borders) but that should be easily doable.

If you're using Ttk widgets, you're better off making your own style to apply to the frame IIRC. Style authoring remains a bit of a black art, even with the help of the tkdocs tutorial.

时光暖心i 2024-10-07 09:59:37

tk 中的图像无法加水印。您可以使用 -alpha 值使 tk windows 透明。相反,使用已经处理过的图像。

Watermarking of image in tk is not possible. You can use -alpha value to make tk windo transperant. Instead use already processed image.

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