我们将 MySQL 数据库与 FileMaker 结合使用。看起来,当 FileMaker 读取 MySQL 表时,它只接受 m/d/y 格式的日期。
有什么方法可以让我们的 MySQL 数据库将其默认格式更改为 m/d/y 而不是 YYYY-MM-DD 吗?
我知道我可以在单个 SELECT 查询上使用 DATE_FORMAT() 函数,但我想看看是否可以更改默认格式。
We are using a MySQL database with FileMaker. It appears that when FileMaker is reading the MySQL tables, it will only accept dates in the format of m/d/y.
Is there any way I can get our MySQL database to change its default format to be m/d/y instead of YYYY-MM-DD?
I know I can use the DATE_FORMAT() function on individual SELECT queries but I want to see if I can just change the default formatting.
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我使用 WAMP 安装,通常只需创建一个列
2013-11-22 12:45:09
I use a WAMP installation and usually simply create a column
and then store my dates like this:This stores
2013-11-22 12:45:09
as a number like1322111245
. Yes, it may be considered "improper" but I don't care. It works, and I can sort easily and format on the client any which way I like.This is obviously not suggested if you expect to run any other date functions, but for me, I usually just want to know the record's last update and sort a result set by date.
您可以设置< a href="http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/server-sql-mode.html#sqlmode_allow_invalid_dates" rel="nofollow noreferrer">ALLOW_INVALID_DATES 并使用你想要的格式,但我真的不推荐这样做。
不会出现问题,唯一的问题是您是否需要对该字段进行选择,在这种情况下索引不会因为您正在调用该函数而被使用。Reading a little more I found you can change the format for an specific field but there is not recommended.
you cannot change the storage format
you could set ALLOW_INVALID_DATES and save the dates with the format you wish but I really don't recommend that.
if your field isn't indexed there is not issue on call
when you are doing the select, the only issue is if you need to make a select for that field in which case the index wont be used because you are calling the function.诀窍不是改变 MySQL 中的格式(无论如何它都不会存储为字符串),而是在查询时指定所需的格式。
官方的 MySQL 手册在这里:http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/date-and-time-functions.html#function_date-format
顺便说一下,题外话,但我觉得我应该提一下:我总是建议不要使用 mm/dd/yyyy 作为日期格式——你会让美国以外的任何人感到困惑;世界上几乎所有其他国家通常都会使用 dd/mm/yyyy。但这两种格式都是不明确的 - 当您说“12/05/2010”时,您指的是哪个日期?可能和我的不同,但实际上不可能知道你打算走哪条路。
The trick is not to change the format in MySQL (it isn't stored as a string anyway), but to specify the format you want when you query it.
This can be achieved using something like this:
The official MySQL manual for this is here: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/date-and-time-functions.html#function_date-format
By the way, off-topic but I feel I should mention it: I'd always recommend against using mm/dd/yyyy as a date format -- you'll confuse anyone from outside the US; virtually every other country in the world would normally use dd/mm/yyyy. But both those formats are ambiguous - what date do you mean when you say "12/05/2010"? probably a different one from me, but it's impossible to actually know which way round you intended.
If you're intending to use the a date for display purposes, I'd always show the month as a word or abbreviation, as this removes any ambiguity. For input purposes, use a calendar control to avoid any possible confusion.
的系统变量看起来很有前途,但如果您尝试设置它们,则会收到错误,并且 文档说它们“未使用”。I don't think you can, see Changing MySQL's Date Format.
There are system variables called
that look promising, but if you try to set them, you'll get an error, and the documentation say they are 'unused'.