gitignore 按文件大小?

发布于 2024-09-29 14:10:51 字数 166 浏览 1 评论 0原文

我正在尝试实现 Git 来管理创意资产(Photoshop、Illustrator、Maya 等),并且我想根据文件大小而不是扩展名、位置等从 Git 中排除文件。

例如,我不'我不想排除所有 .avi 文件,但随机目录中有一些我不想提交的大量 +1GB avi 文件。


I'm trying to implement Git to manage creative assets (Photoshop, Illustrator, Maya, etc.), and I'd like to exclude files from Git based on file size rather than extension, location, etc.

For example, I don't want to exclude all .avi files, but there are a handful of massive +1GB avi files in random directories that I don't want to commit.

Any suggestions?

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自此以后,行同陌路 2024-10-06 14:10:51

我是 .gitignore 的新手,因此可能有更好的方法来执行此操作,但我一直使用以下方法按文件大小排除文件:

find . -size +1G | cat >> .gitignore


I'm new to .gitignore, so there may be better ways to do this, but I've been excluding files by file size using:

find . -size +1G | cat >> .gitignore

Obviously you'll have to run this code frequently if you're generating a lot of large files.

渔村楼浪 2024-10-06 14:10:51

为了满足 github 的 <100MB 文件限制,请运行以下命令:

find . -size +100M | cat >> .gitignore

To satisfy github's <100MB file limit, run this:

find . -size +100M | cat >> .gitignore
长发绾君心 2024-10-06 14:10:51

尽管文件大小非常大,但根据:https,只要 @abendine 答案正确,以下内容根本不应该成为问题://

find * -size +1G | cat >> .gitignore

会好得多。也看看这个: find 之间的差异。和 find * in unix 事实证明,将上面的 . 替换为 * 可以避免在 .git 目录中查找内容。

Although the file size is very large and the following should not be an issue at all and provided that @abendine answer is correct, according to:

find * -size +1G | cat >> .gitignore

it would be far better. Have a look at this too: Difference between find . and find * in unix it turns out that replacing . with * here above, avoid to find things in .git directory.

小苏打饼 2024-10-06 14:10:51

我还想提供一个 Windows 版本。

forfiles /s /c "cmd /q /c if @fsize GTR 1073741824 echo @relpath" >> .gitignore

I wanted to also offer a Windows version of this as well.

forfiles /s /c "cmd /q /c if @fsize GTR 1073741824 echo @relpath" >> .gitignore
雨落星ぅ辰 2024-10-06 14:10:51

(2020 年 5 月更新)

微软不久前发布了开源的 Git-LFS。可能这就是大多数人真正在寻找的:
项目页面的 C&P:
“Git 大文件存储 (LFS) 使用 Git 内的文本指针替换音频样本、视频、数据集和图形等大文件,同时将文件内容存储在 或 GitHub Enterprise 等远程服务器上。”

(Update 2020-05)

Microsoft released time ago Git-LFS as Open-Source. Probably this is what most people really are searching for:
C&P from the project page:
"Git Large File Storage (LFS) replaces large files such as audio samples, videos, datasets, and graphics with text pointers inside Git, while storing the file contents on a remote server like or GitHub Enterprise."

与君绝 2024-10-06 14:10:51

我想在所有这些答案中添加一点,您也可以使用 git hook 来获得更自动(或更少人为错误)的东西,如下所示:

cat .git/hooks/pre-commit


echo "automatically ignoring large files"
find . -size 5M | sed 's|^\./||g' >> .gitignore
cat .gitignore | sort | uniq > .gitignore

git diff --exit-code .gitignore
if [ $exit_status -eq 1 ]
    set +e
    for i in `cat .gitignore`
    set +e
        git rm --cached $i

    git add .gitignore
    git commit .gitignore --no-verify -m"ignoring large files"

    echo "ignored new large files"

这是相当蛮力的,缺点是如果 git hook 添加了新的大文件,原始提交会失败,因为状态(哈希)发生了变化。因此,您需要执行另一次提交来实际提交您已暂存的内容。将此视为一个功能,告诉您检测到新的大文件;-)

I want to add to all these answers that you can also just use a git hook to have something more automatic (or less human-error prone) like this:

cat .git/hooks/pre-commit


echo "automatically ignoring large files"
find . -size 5M | sed 's|^\./||g' >> .gitignore
cat .gitignore | sort | uniq > .gitignore

git diff --exit-code .gitignore
if [ $exit_status -eq 1 ]
    set +e
    for i in `cat .gitignore`
    set +e
        git rm --cached $i

    git add .gitignore
    git commit .gitignore --no-verify -m"ignoring large files"

    echo "ignored new large files"

It is pretty brute force and the downside is that in case there were new large files added by the git hook, the origin commit fails because the state (hash) changed. So you need to execute another commit to actually commit what you have staged. Consider this as a feature telling you that new large files were detected ;-)

梦纸 2024-10-06 14:10:51


“sed 无用”


find . -size +100M -printf '%P\n' >> .gitignore


Just adding an answer that summarizes the suggestions about
"remove the leading ./"
"useless use of sed"
"useless use of cat"

find . -size +100M -printf '%P\n' >> .gitignore

fwiw i think that cat is fine :D

痴者 2024-10-06 14:10:51

在 python 中尝试这个用户友好的脚本来限制存储库大小,请注意,它将删除 .gitignore 并根据您输入的兆字节数重建它,支持浮点数。

它将自动忽略任何包含 .git 的文件路径。

或者,您可以将其设置为特定文件类型,搜索 #specic: 并启用该代码段来执行此操作。

仅在 Windows 上测试,在存储库的根目录下创建 Limit Repo Size.cmd

@echo off
del .gitignore

然后创建 auto-gitignore-limit-repo-file-size。 py

# Inspired by:
# Made by myself, feel free to use it, please put some credits for somewhere if you use it

import os

def is_file_large(file_path, threshold):
    Check if a file is larger than the specified threshold size.
    return os.path.getsize(file_path) > threshold

def ignore_large_files(root_dir, threshold):
    Ignore files larger than the specified threshold size.
    total_repo_size = 0
    ignored_size = 0
    ignored_files = 0
    total_files = 0
    for root, _, files in os.walk(root_dir):
        for file in files:
            file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
            if '.git' not in file_path: #specific: and '.json' in file_path:
                if is_file_large(file_path, threshold):
                        print(f"Ignoring {file_path}")
                        ignored_files = ignored_files + 1
                        with open(".gitignore", "a") as gitignore:
                            gitignore.write(f"# Ignored file: {os.path.relpath(file_path, start=root_dir).replace('\\', '/')}, Size: {format_file_size(os.path.getsize(file_path))}\n")
                            gitignore.write(f"{os.path.relpath(file_path, start=root_dir).replace('\\', '/')}\n")
                        ignored_size += os.path.getsize(file_path)
                    total_files = total_files + 1
                    total_repo_size += os.path.getsize(file_path)

    return total_repo_size, ignored_size, ignored_files, total_files

def format_file_size(size):
    Format file size to KB, MB, GB, TB.
    if size < 1024:
        return f"{size} bytes"
    elif size < 1024 * 1024:
        return f"{size / 1024:.2f} KB"
    elif size < 1024 * 1024 * 1024:
        return f"{size / (1024 * 1024):.2f} MB"
    elif size < 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024:
        return f"{size / (1024 * 1024 * 1024):.2f} GB"
        return f"{size / (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024):.2f} TB"

def get_valid_number(prompt, lower_limit, upper_limit):
    Prompt the user to enter a number within the specified range.
    while True:
            number = float(input(prompt))
            if number < lower_limit or number > upper_limit:
                print(f"Number must be between {lower_limit} and {upper_limit}")
                return number
        except ValueError:
            print("Invalid input. Please enter a valid number.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    root_directory = "."
    megabytes_limit = get_valid_number("Enter the megabytes limit: ", 1, float('inf'))
    size_threshold = megabytes_limit * 1024 * 1024

    total_repo_size, ignored_size, ignored_files, total_files = ignore_large_files(root_directory, size_threshold)
    total_repo_size_formatted = format_file_size(total_repo_size)
    ignored_size_formatted = format_file_size(ignored_size)
    all_files_formatted = format_file_size(total_repo_size+ignored_size)

    print(f"\n\n\n\nIgnored files larger than {str(megabytes_limit)}MB:")
    print(f"# Total repository size: {total_repo_size_formatted}")
    print(f"# Ignored size: {ignored_size_formatted}")
    print(f"# All files size: {all_files_formatted}")
    print(f"# Ignored files count: {ignored_files}")
    print(f"# Total files in repository: {total_files}")
    print(f"# All files count: {total_files+ignored_files}\n\n\n\n")
    existing_content = ""
    if os.path.exists(".gitignore"):
        with open(".gitignore", "r") as f:
            existing_content =
    with open(".gitignore", "w") as gitignore:
        gitignore.write(f"# Ignored files larger than {str(megabytes_limit)}MB:\n")
        gitignore.write(f"# Total repository size: {total_repo_size_formatted}\n")
        gitignore.write(f"# Ignored size: {ignored_size_formatted}\n")
        gitignore.write(f"# All files size: {all_files_formatted}\n")
        gitignore.write(f"# Ignored files count: {ignored_files}\n")
        gitignore.write(f"# Total files in repository: {total_files}\n")
        gitignore.write(f"# All files count: {total_files+ignored_files}\n")

双击 Limit Repo Size.cmd (用户友好)


# Ignored files larger than 14.71MB:
# Total repository size: 998.69 MB
# Ignored size: 3.17 GB
# All files size: 4.15 GB
# Ignored files count: 99
# Total files in repository: 108
# All files count: 207

# Ignored file: AIChip/AI Chip - 512x512 - Wires_AI Chip - 512x512 - Wires.json, Size: 78.64 MB
AIChip/AI Chip - 512x512 - Wires_AI Chip - 512x512 - Wires.json
# Ignored file: AIChip/AI Chip Holder_AI Chip Holder.json, Size: 91.74 MB
AIChip/AI Chip Holder_AI Chip Holder.json
# Ignored file: AIChip/AI Chip - 1024x1024 - Wires_AI Chip - 1024x1024 - Wires.json, Size: 202.63 MB
AIChip/AI Chip - 1024x1024 - Wires_AI Chip - 1024x1024 - Wires.json
# Ignored file: AIChip/AIChip Landscape_AIChip Landscape.json, Size: 281.55 MB
AIChip/AIChip Landscape_AIChip Landscape.json
# Ignored file: AIChip/AIChip Portrait_AIChip Portrait.json, Size: 288.08 MB
AIChip/AIChip Portrait_AIChip Portrait.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Full_49.json, Size: 21.18 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Full_49.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Full_50.json, Size: 33.09 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Full_50.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_15.json, Size: 24.88 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_15.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_18.json, Size: 19.29 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_18.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_2.json, Size: 22.02 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_2.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_20.json, Size: 23.92 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_20.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_22.json, Size: 20.69 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_22.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_23.json, Size: 20.38 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_23.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_24.json, Size: 20.49 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_24.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_3.json, Size: 34.57 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_3.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_30.json, Size: 25.29 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_30.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_31.json, Size: 15.65 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_31.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_32.json, Size: 15.39 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_32.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_36.json, Size: 27.18 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_36.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_37.json, Size: 26.55 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_37.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_39.json, Size: 25.57 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_39.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_43.json, Size: 17.33 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_43.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_44.json, Size: 31.58 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_44.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_46.json, Size: 29.39 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_46.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_47.json, Size: 32.59 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_47.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_48.json, Size: 14.92 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_48.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_5.json, Size: 46.89 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_5.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_12.json, Size: 15.38 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_12.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_14.json, Size: 14.95 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_14.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_15.json, Size: 29.37 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_15.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_18.json, Size: 21.33 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_18.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_2.json, Size: 22.52 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_2.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_20.json, Size: 25.01 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_20.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_22.json, Size: 22.93 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_22.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_23.json, Size: 22.52 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_23.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_24.json, Size: 22.51 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_24.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_25.json, Size: 17.25 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_25.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_29.json, Size: 14.75 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_29.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_3.json, Size: 33.04 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_3.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_30.json, Size: 26.14 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_30.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_31.json, Size: 16.22 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_31.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_32.json, Size: 16.06 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_32.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_36.json, Size: 27.50 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_36.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_37.json, Size: 27.86 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_37.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_39.json, Size: 26.42 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_39.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_43.json, Size: 18.78 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_43.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_44.json, Size: 35.40 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_44.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_46.json, Size: 30.34 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_46.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_47.json, Size: 37.67 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_47.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_48.json, Size: 14.92 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_48.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_5.json, Size: 45.86 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_5.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_12.json, Size: 15.04 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_12.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_14.json, Size: 14.71 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_14.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_15.json, Size: 27.50 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_15.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_18.json, Size: 21.11 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_18.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_2.json, Size: 22.73 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_2.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_20.json, Size: 24.90 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_20.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_22.json, Size: 22.47 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_22.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_23.json, Size: 22.10 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_23.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_24.json, Size: 22.27 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_24.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_25.json, Size: 17.45 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_25.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_29.json, Size: 14.86 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_29.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_3.json, Size: 32.56 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_3.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_30.json, Size: 25.65 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_30.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_31.json, Size: 16.10 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_31.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_32.json, Size: 16.25 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_32.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_36.json, Size: 28.27 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_36.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_37.json, Size: 28.14 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_37.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_39.json, Size: 26.18 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_39.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_43.json, Size: 19.53 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_43.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_44.json, Size: 35.07 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_44.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_46.json, Size: 30.43 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_46.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_47.json, Size: 35.83 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_47.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_48.json, Size: 14.91 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_48.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_5.json, Size: 45.46 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_5.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_12.json, Size: 15.40 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_12.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_14.json, Size: 14.94 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_14.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_15.json, Size: 29.68 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_15.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_18.json, Size: 21.17 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_18.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_2.json, Size: 22.55 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_2.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_20.json, Size: 24.67 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_20.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_22.json, Size: 23.16 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_22.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_23.json, Size: 22.49 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_23.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_24.json, Size: 22.69 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_24.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_25.json, Size: 17.28 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_25.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_29.json, Size: 14.73 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_29.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_3.json, Size: 33.80 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_3.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_30.json, Size: 28.02 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_30.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_31.json, Size: 15.96 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_31.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_32.json, Size: 16.04 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_32.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_36.json, Size: 29.51 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_36.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_37.json, Size: 30.19 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_37.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_39.json, Size: 27.47 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_39.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_43.json, Size: 18.05 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_43.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_44.json, Size: 34.22 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_44.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_46.json, Size: 31.02 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_46.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_47.json, Size: 40.01 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_47.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_48.json, Size: 14.92 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_48.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_5.json, Size: 46.24 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_5.json

Try this user-friendly script in python for limiting the repo size, notice that it will delete the .gitignore and rebuild it based on the amount of megabytes you input, supports floats.

It will automatically ignore any file path that includes .git in it.

Optionally, you can set it to a specific file type, search for #specific: and enable that piece of code to do that.

Only tested on windows, create Limit Repo Size.cmd at the root of the repo:

@echo off
del .gitignore

and then create

# Inspired by:
# Made by myself, feel free to use it, please put some credits for somewhere if you use it

import os

def is_file_large(file_path, threshold):
    Check if a file is larger than the specified threshold size.
    return os.path.getsize(file_path) > threshold

def ignore_large_files(root_dir, threshold):
    Ignore files larger than the specified threshold size.
    total_repo_size = 0
    ignored_size = 0
    ignored_files = 0
    total_files = 0
    for root, _, files in os.walk(root_dir):
        for file in files:
            file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
            if '.git' not in file_path: #specific: and '.json' in file_path:
                if is_file_large(file_path, threshold):
                        print(f"Ignoring {file_path}")
                        ignored_files = ignored_files + 1
                        with open(".gitignore", "a") as gitignore:
                            gitignore.write(f"# Ignored file: {os.path.relpath(file_path, start=root_dir).replace('\\', '/')}, Size: {format_file_size(os.path.getsize(file_path))}\n")
                            gitignore.write(f"{os.path.relpath(file_path, start=root_dir).replace('\\', '/')}\n")
                        ignored_size += os.path.getsize(file_path)
                    total_files = total_files + 1
                    total_repo_size += os.path.getsize(file_path)

    return total_repo_size, ignored_size, ignored_files, total_files

def format_file_size(size):
    Format file size to KB, MB, GB, TB.
    if size < 1024:
        return f"{size} bytes"
    elif size < 1024 * 1024:
        return f"{size / 1024:.2f} KB"
    elif size < 1024 * 1024 * 1024:
        return f"{size / (1024 * 1024):.2f} MB"
    elif size < 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024:
        return f"{size / (1024 * 1024 * 1024):.2f} GB"
        return f"{size / (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024):.2f} TB"

def get_valid_number(prompt, lower_limit, upper_limit):
    Prompt the user to enter a number within the specified range.
    while True:
            number = float(input(prompt))
            if number < lower_limit or number > upper_limit:
                print(f"Number must be between {lower_limit} and {upper_limit}")
                return number
        except ValueError:
            print("Invalid input. Please enter a valid number.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    root_directory = "."
    megabytes_limit = get_valid_number("Enter the megabytes limit: ", 1, float('inf'))
    size_threshold = megabytes_limit * 1024 * 1024

    total_repo_size, ignored_size, ignored_files, total_files = ignore_large_files(root_directory, size_threshold)
    total_repo_size_formatted = format_file_size(total_repo_size)
    ignored_size_formatted = format_file_size(ignored_size)
    all_files_formatted = format_file_size(total_repo_size+ignored_size)

    print(f"\n\n\n\nIgnored files larger than {str(megabytes_limit)}MB:")
    print(f"# Total repository size: {total_repo_size_formatted}")
    print(f"# Ignored size: {ignored_size_formatted}")
    print(f"# All files size: {all_files_formatted}")
    print(f"# Ignored files count: {ignored_files}")
    print(f"# Total files in repository: {total_files}")
    print(f"# All files count: {total_files+ignored_files}\n\n\n\n")
    existing_content = ""
    if os.path.exists(".gitignore"):
        with open(".gitignore", "r") as f:
            existing_content =
    with open(".gitignore", "w") as gitignore:
        gitignore.write(f"# Ignored files larger than {str(megabytes_limit)}MB:\n")
        gitignore.write(f"# Total repository size: {total_repo_size_formatted}\n")
        gitignore.write(f"# Ignored size: {ignored_size_formatted}\n")
        gitignore.write(f"# All files size: {all_files_formatted}\n")
        gitignore.write(f"# Ignored files count: {ignored_files}\n")
        gitignore.write(f"# Total files in repository: {total_files}\n")
        gitignore.write(f"# All files count: {total_files+ignored_files}\n")

Double click Limit Repo Size.cmd (user-friendly)

Example output:

# Ignored files larger than 14.71MB:
# Total repository size: 998.69 MB
# Ignored size: 3.17 GB
# All files size: 4.15 GB
# Ignored files count: 99
# Total files in repository: 108
# All files count: 207

# Ignored file: AIChip/AI Chip - 512x512 - Wires_AI Chip - 512x512 - Wires.json, Size: 78.64 MB
AIChip/AI Chip - 512x512 - Wires_AI Chip - 512x512 - Wires.json
# Ignored file: AIChip/AI Chip Holder_AI Chip Holder.json, Size: 91.74 MB
AIChip/AI Chip Holder_AI Chip Holder.json
# Ignored file: AIChip/AI Chip - 1024x1024 - Wires_AI Chip - 1024x1024 - Wires.json, Size: 202.63 MB
AIChip/AI Chip - 1024x1024 - Wires_AI Chip - 1024x1024 - Wires.json
# Ignored file: AIChip/AIChip Landscape_AIChip Landscape.json, Size: 281.55 MB
AIChip/AIChip Landscape_AIChip Landscape.json
# Ignored file: AIChip/AIChip Portrait_AIChip Portrait.json, Size: 288.08 MB
AIChip/AIChip Portrait_AIChip Portrait.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Full_49.json, Size: 21.18 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Full_49.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Full_50.json, Size: 33.09 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Full_50.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_15.json, Size: 24.88 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_15.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_18.json, Size: 19.29 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_18.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_2.json, Size: 22.02 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_2.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_20.json, Size: 23.92 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_20.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_22.json, Size: 20.69 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_22.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_23.json, Size: 20.38 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_23.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_24.json, Size: 20.49 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_24.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_3.json, Size: 34.57 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_3.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_30.json, Size: 25.29 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_30.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_31.json, Size: 15.65 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_31.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_32.json, Size: 15.39 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_32.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_36.json, Size: 27.18 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_36.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_37.json, Size: 26.55 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_37.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_39.json, Size: 25.57 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_39.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_43.json, Size: 17.33 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_43.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_44.json, Size: 31.58 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_44.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_46.json, Size: 29.39 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_46.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_47.json, Size: 32.59 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_47.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_48.json, Size: 14.92 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_48.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_5.json, Size: 46.89 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Black/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Black_5.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_12.json, Size: 15.38 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_12.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_14.json, Size: 14.95 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_14.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_15.json, Size: 29.37 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_15.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_18.json, Size: 21.33 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_18.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_2.json, Size: 22.52 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_2.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_20.json, Size: 25.01 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_20.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_22.json, Size: 22.93 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_22.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_23.json, Size: 22.52 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_23.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_24.json, Size: 22.51 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_24.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_25.json, Size: 17.25 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_25.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_29.json, Size: 14.75 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_29.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_3.json, Size: 33.04 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_3.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_30.json, Size: 26.14 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_30.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_31.json, Size: 16.22 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_31.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_32.json, Size: 16.06 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_32.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_36.json, Size: 27.50 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_36.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_37.json, Size: 27.86 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_37.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_39.json, Size: 26.42 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_39.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_43.json, Size: 18.78 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_43.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_44.json, Size: 35.40 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_44.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_46.json, Size: 30.34 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_46.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_47.json, Size: 37.67 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_47.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_48.json, Size: 14.92 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_48.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_5.json, Size: 45.86 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Green/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Green_5.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_12.json, Size: 15.04 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_12.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_14.json, Size: 14.71 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_14.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_15.json, Size: 27.50 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_15.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_18.json, Size: 21.11 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_18.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_2.json, Size: 22.73 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_2.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_20.json, Size: 24.90 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_20.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_22.json, Size: 22.47 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_22.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_23.json, Size: 22.10 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_23.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_24.json, Size: 22.27 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_24.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_25.json, Size: 17.45 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_25.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_29.json, Size: 14.86 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_29.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_3.json, Size: 32.56 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_3.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_30.json, Size: 25.65 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_30.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_31.json, Size: 16.10 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_31.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_32.json, Size: 16.25 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_32.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_36.json, Size: 28.27 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_36.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_37.json, Size: 28.14 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_37.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_39.json, Size: 26.18 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_39.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_43.json, Size: 19.53 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_43.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_44.json, Size: 35.07 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_44.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_46.json, Size: 30.43 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_46.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_47.json, Size: 35.83 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_47.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_48.json, Size: 14.91 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_48.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_5.json, Size: 45.46 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/Red/Energy Balls - 256x256 - Red_5.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_12.json, Size: 15.40 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_12.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_14.json, Size: 14.94 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_14.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_15.json, Size: 29.68 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_15.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_18.json, Size: 21.17 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_18.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_2.json, Size: 22.55 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_2.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_20.json, Size: 24.67 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_20.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_22.json, Size: 23.16 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_22.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_23.json, Size: 22.49 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_23.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_24.json, Size: 22.69 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_24.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_25.json, Size: 17.28 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_25.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_29.json, Size: 14.73 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_29.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_3.json, Size: 33.80 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_3.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_30.json, Size: 28.02 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_30.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_31.json, Size: 15.96 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_31.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_32.json, Size: 16.04 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_32.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_36.json, Size: 29.51 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_36.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_37.json, Size: 30.19 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_37.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_39.json, Size: 27.47 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_39.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_43.json, Size: 18.05 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_43.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_44.json, Size: 34.22 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_44.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_46.json, Size: 31.02 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_46.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_47.json, Size: 40.01 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_47.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_48.json, Size: 14.92 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_48.json
# Ignored file: Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_5.json, Size: 46.24 MB
Energy Balls - 256x256/White/Energy Balls - 256x256 - White_5.json
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