我应该如何解释 OProfile 输出?

发布于 2024-09-29 13:37:11 字数 2406 浏览 0 评论 0原文

我最近尝试使用 OProfile 分析我的应用程序。收集到的数据对我来说已经非常有价值,但我在精确解释它时遇到了困难。在设置并运行 oprofile 后运行我的应用程序后,我生成了报告并得到:

root@se7xeon:src# opreport image:test -l -t 1
CPU:P4 / Xeon,带 2 个超线程,速度 3191.66 MHz(估计)
计算单位掩码为 0x01(强制)的 GLOBAL_POWER_EVENTS 事件(处理器未停止的时间)计数 750000
样本 % 符号名称
215522 84.9954 cci::Image::interpolate(unsigned char*, cci::Matrix const&) const
17998 7.0979 cci::Calc::diff(无符号字符常量*,无符号字符常量*)
13171 5.1942 cci::Image::getIRect(unsigned char*, int, int) const
第5519章 2.1765 cci::Image::getFRect(unsigned char*, double, double) const

好的,所以我的插值函数占用了应用程序(太长)执行时间的 84%。那么研究一下似乎是个好主意:

root@se7xeon:src# opannotate image:test --source

/* cci::Image::interpolate(unsigned char*, cci::Matrix<cci::Point2DF> const&) const total: 215522   84.9954 */  
1392  0.5529 :void Image::interpolate(CCIPixel *output, const Matrix<Point2DF> &inputPoints) const throw()  
4  0.0016 :{  
:                col0 = static_cast<int>(point[idx].x);  
3  0.0012 :      col1 = col0+1;  
629  0.2498 :    row0 = static_cast<int>(point[idx].y);  
385  0.1529 :    row1 = row0+1;  
56214 22.3266 :  if (col0 < 0 || col1 >= m_width || row0 < 0 || row1 >= m_height)  
:                {  
:                        col0 = row0 = col1 = row1 = 0;  
:                }  

如果我理解正确的话,if 条件占程序执行时间的 22% 以上。左大括号和函数声明似乎需要时间,这是否应该与函数调用开销相对应(“将参数压入堆栈,跳转,弹出参数”序列)?

我更改了源代码中的一些内容(与后来的瓶颈相关,因为我不知道如何优化 if),重新编译,再次运行 oprofile (不要忘记 opcontrol --reset)。现在带注释的代码在同一个地方看起来像这样:

6  0.0024 :     curPx = point[idx].x;  
628  0.2477 :   curPy = point[idx].y;  
410  0.1617 :   col0 = static_cast<int>(curPx);  
57910 22.8380 : col1 = col0+1;  
:               row0 = static_cast<int>(curPy);  
:               row1 = row0+1;  
:               if (col0 < 0 || col1 >= m_width || row0 < 0 || row1 >= m_height)  
:               {  
:                   col0 = row0 = col1 = row1 = 0;  
:               }  

这次 if 基本上不花时间(?),最昂贵的指令是“col1 = col0 + 1”,整个耗时块似乎已经转移向上。怎么会这样呢?这是否可以完全信任来查明源中的瓶颈?

我的另一个疑问是,当我设置opcontrol时,我将跟踪事件输入为GLOBAL_POWER_EVENTS,样本数为750k。在输出中,插值函数似乎占据了84%,但其内部记录的样本数仅略高于200k。这甚至不到所要求数量的 50%。我是否可以理解,剩余的约 500k 样本是由输出中未列出的应用程序(内核、Xorg 等)获取的?

I tried profiling my application with OProfile recently. The data gathered is already very valuable to me, but I'm having difficulties with its precise interpretation. After running my app with oprofile set up and running, I generated the report and got:

root@se7xeon:src# opreport image:test -l -t 1
Overflow stats not available
CPU: P4 / Xeon with 2 hyper-threads, speed 3191.66 MHz (estimated)
Counted GLOBAL_POWER_EVENTS events (time during which processor is not stopped) with a unit mask of 0x01 (mandatory) count 750000
samples % symbol name
215522 84.9954 cci::Image::interpolate(unsigned char*, cci::Matrix const&) const
17998 7.0979 cci::Calc::diff(unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*)
13171 5.1942 cci::Image::getIRect(unsigned char*, int, int) const
5519 2.1765 cci::Image::getFRect(unsigned char*, double, double) const

Okay, so my interpolation function is responsible for 84% of the application's (too long) execution time. Seems a good idea to look into it then:

root@se7xeon:src# opannotate image:test --source

/* cci::Image::interpolate(unsigned char*, cci::Matrix<cci::Point2DF> const&) const total: 215522   84.9954 */  
1392  0.5529 :void Image::interpolate(CCIPixel *output, const Matrix<Point2DF> &inputPoints) const throw()  
4  0.0016 :{  
:                col0 = static_cast<int>(point[idx].x);  
3  0.0012 :      col1 = col0+1;  
629  0.2498 :    row0 = static_cast<int>(point[idx].y);  
385  0.1529 :    row1 = row0+1;  
56214 22.3266 :  if (col0 < 0 || col1 >= m_width || row0 < 0 || row1 >= m_height)  
:                {  
:                        col0 = row0 = col1 = row1 = 0;  
:                }  

If I understand correctly, the if conditional is responsible for over 22% of the program's execution time. The opening brace and the function declaration seem to take time, is that supposed to correspond to the function call overhead ("push parameters on stack, jump, pop parameters" sequence)?

I changed some things in the source (related to a later bottleneck because I had no idea how to optimize an if), recompiled, ran through oprofile again (not forgetting opcontrol --reset). Now the annotated code looks like this in the same place:

6  0.0024 :     curPx = point[idx].x;  
628  0.2477 :   curPy = point[idx].y;  
410  0.1617 :   col0 = static_cast<int>(curPx);  
57910 22.8380 : col1 = col0+1;  
:               row0 = static_cast<int>(curPy);  
:               row1 = row0+1;  
:               if (col0 < 0 || col1 >= m_width || row0 < 0 || row1 >= m_height)  
:               {  
:                   col0 = row0 = col1 = row1 = 0;  
:               }  

This time the if takes basically no time at all (?), the most expensive instruction is "col1 = col0 + 1", and the whole time-taking block seems to have shifted upwards. How can this be? Can this be trusted at all to pinpoint bottlenecks in the source?

An another point of doubt for me is that when I set up opcontrol, I entered the traced event as GLOBAL_POWER_EVENTS, with the number of samples being 750k. In the output, the interpolation function seems to take 84%, but the number of samples recorded inside it is only a little bit above 200k. That isn't even 50% of the requested number. Am I to understand that the remaining ~500k samples was taken by applications not listed in the output (kernel, Xorg, etc.)?

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物价感观 2024-10-06 13:37:11



When profiling optimized code you really cannot rely on accurate source code lines. The compiler moves stuff around far too much.

For an accurate picture you will need to look at the code disassembler output.

违心° 2024-10-06 13:37:11

OProfile 可以(他们告诉我)获取挂钟时间(而不是 CPU)的堆栈样本,并且它可以为您提供行级百分比。您正在寻找的是大部分堆栈样本中包含的行。


当您说插值例程使用了 84% 的时间时,这就引发了一个问题。整个程序总共需要一些时间,对吧?这需要 100% 的时间。如果将程序的时间减少一半,或者加倍,它仍然需要 100% 的时间。 84%的插值是否太多取决于它是否做得多余。


我不关心只给出数字的东西。我想要的是洞察力。例如,如果该例程占 84% 的时间,那么如果您采取 10 个堆栈样本,它将位于其中的 8.4 个上。确切的数字并不重要。重要的是要理解为什么它在那里。真的有必要在里面呆那么久吗?这就是查看堆栈样本可以告诉您的信息。也许您实际上进行插值的频率是必要的两倍?通过分析原因,人们经常发现他们试图加速的例程几乎不需要被调用,也许根本不需要。我无法猜测你的情况。只有通过检查程序状态的洞察力才能告诉您这一点。

OProfile can (they tell me) get stack samples on wall-clock time (not CPU), and it can give you line-level percentages. What you are looking for is lines that are contained on a large percent of stack samples.

I wouldn't turn on compiler optimization until after I finished hand-tuning the code, because it just hides things.

When you say the interpolate routine uses 84% of the time, that triggers a question. The entire program takes some total time, right? It takes 100% of that time. If you cut the program's time in half, or if you double it, it will still take 100% of the time. Whether 84% for interpolation is too much or not depends on whether it is being done more than necessary.

So I would suggest that you not ask if the percent of a routine is too much. Rather you look for lines of code that take a significant amount of time and ask if they could be optimized. See the difference? After you optimize the code, it can make a large reduction in overall run time, but it might still be a large percent, of a smaller total.
Code isn't optimal when nothing takes a large percent.
Code is optimal when of all the things that take a large percent, none can be improved.

I don't care for things that just give numbers. What I want is insight. For example, if that routine accounts for 84% of the time, then if you took 10 samples of the stack, it would be on 8.4 of them. The exact number doesn't matter. What matters is to understand why it was in there. Was it really really necessary to be in there so much? That's what looking at the stack samples can tell you. Maybe you're actually doing the interpolation twice as often as necessary? Often people find out, by analyzing the why, that the routine they're trying to speed up didn't need to be called nearly as much, maybe not at all. I can't guess in your case. Only the insight from examining the program's state can tell you that.

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