
发布于 2024-09-28 20:25:44 字数 169 浏览 11 评论 0原文

我正在内部开发一款 ERP 软件,其中一个请求是让创建任何文档的人员的用户名在打开该文档时显示在窗口标题上。

类似于 [USR] - Transport Order 123456

这样做是否存在我未遵守的任何可用性规则?窗口标题中包含 [] 看起来有点不专业。


I am developing a ERP software inhouse and one of the requests is to have the the username of the person creating any document to appear on the window title when that document is opened.

It will be something like [USR] - Transport Order 123456

Are there any usability rules that I am not adhering to by doing this? It just looks a bit unprofessional to have [] in the window title.

Any ideas?

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简单气质女生网名 2024-10-05 20:25:44

这完全没有问题。事实上,许多最大的 ERP 应用程序都在做类似的事情。



ApplicationName - Transport Order 123456 - UserName

There's nothing wrong with that at all. As a matter of fact, many of the biggest ERP applications do similar things.

In my opinion, though, the first part of the title should either be the name of the application or the name of the window. Anything else should go after that. It just makes it easier to read.

Something like this, maybe:

ApplicationName - Transport Order 123456 - UserName
护你周全 2024-10-05 20:25:44

Windows UX 指南Apple HIG 有命名窗口的规则。但具体规则是面向文档型应用,而不是面向ERP等数据库型应用。尽管如此,一般原则仍然适用。

窗口标题的主要目的是让用户轻松区分他们的窗口。因此,Windows UX 指南和 Apple HIG 都建议窗口按其内容命名,因为用户通常会寻找内容来选择要单击的窗口。其他潜在有用的信息(例如节目名称)可以遵循内容标识。例如,Windows UX 指南建议采用“文档名称 - 程序名称”格式 (p316)。您希望在标题中首先显示最有区别的信息,以便最容易看到,尤其是在查看名称经常被截断的任务栏时。而且,图标代表了程序身份,所以程序名称无论如何都有点多余。

多窗口 ERP 应用程序同样应该根据内容来区分窗口。因此,一般来说,标题应以窗口名称开头,标识窗口中显示的数据类别,后面是数据的任何过滤或查询条件。此顺序假设用户更有可能打开两个不同的窗口,而不是具有不同过滤标准的同一窗口的两个实例。如果您认为有必要,标题可以以程序或应用程序名称结尾。因此,示例标题如下所示:

Shipments(发货日期:2008-01-01 至 2010-01-01)ERP-O-Rama

包含创建或“的用户可能会有所帮助”拥有”数据(如果该数据与当前查看数据的用户不同),但这听起来仍然不像是区分窗口的东西 - 用户是否会查看由两个不同用户创建的相同内容的两个不同版本?如果有的话,它似乎充其量只是放在标题末尾的次要信息。为什么用户需要知道这一点?也许它应该是窗口中的字段或“属性”对话框中的属性。

您当然不需要标题中的当前用户名,除非用户可以同时以不同的身份登录(例如,在一个窗口中他们是 Jakob Nielsen,而在另一个窗口中是 Jared Spool)。用户通常都知道他们是谁,所以对我来说这似乎是不必要的混乱。如果用户可能以不同的用户或角色登录不同的会话(这通常不是一个好主意),那么您可能希望在状态栏中表示这一点,但是不是标题栏。

对我来说,方括号、圆括号、破折号似乎是一个品味问题。 Windows 通常更喜欢长破折号。我唯一的建议是仅在必要时使用它们来分隔子字符串。除非用户名中可能有空格,否则“[USR]”似乎不合适。

Both the Windows UX Guidelines and Apple HIG have rules for naming windows. However, the specific rules are oriented towards document-type applications rather than database-type applications like ERP. Nonetheless the general principles apply.

The primary purpose of the window title is to make it easy for users to distinguish their windows. For this reason both Windows UX Guidelines and Apple HIG recommend windows be titled by their content, since that is usually what users will be looking for to choose a window to click on. Other potentially useful information, like the program name, may follow the content identity. The Windows UX Guidelines, for example recommends a “document name – program name” format (p316). You want the most distinguishing information first in the title so it's easiest to see, especially when looking at the task bar for which the name is often truncated. Also, the icon represents the program identity, so the program name is a little redundant anyway.

Multi-window ERP apps likewise should distinguish their windows by their content. Thus generally, the title should start with the window name, identifying the class of data shown in the window, followed by any filtering or querying criteria of the data. This order assumes users are more likely to have open two different windows than two instances of the same window with different filtering criteria. The title may end with the program or application name, if you think it’s necessary. So an example title would be something like:

Shipments (Ship Date: 2008-01-01 to 2010-01-01) ERP-O-Rama

It may be helpful to include the user who created or "owns" the data if that is different than the user currently looking at the data, but that still doesn't sound like something that distinguishes windows -are users going to be looking two different versions of the same content created by two different users? It seems at best to be secondary information to put at the end of the title if there at all. Why do users need to know this? Perhaps it should be a field in the window or a property in a Properties dialog.

You certainly don't need the current user's name in the title, unless users can be simultaneously logged in under different identities (e.g., they’re Jakob Nielsen for one window but Jared Spool for another). Users generally know who they are, so it seems like unnecessary clutter to me. If users may be logged in as different users or roles for different sessions (which is generally not a good idea) then you may want to represent that in the status bar, but not the title bar.

Brackets vs. parentheses vs. dashes seem like a matter of taste to me. Windows generally prefers em-dashes. My only advice is to use them only when necessary to delimit substrings. "[USR]" doesn't seem appropriate unless there may be spaces in the username.

不寐倦长更 2024-10-05 20:25:44




123456 - Joe User


Do your users care if you break a "usability rule", so long as what you do makes the program more usable? That is, if putting the username in the title enhances usability for your specific users, strict adherence to some standard comes secondary.

Put the needs of your user first. If putting the user's name in the title bar enhances usability, by all means do it.

I recommend something like

123456 - Joe User

The square brackets aren't necessary, and neither is the phrase "Transport Order" unless you need them for disambiguation.

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