更新 VTiger 中的现有票证
我是 VTiger 的新手,我正在使用 5.2.0 版本来尝试、学习如何实现问题跟踪。
客户发送一封电子邮件,内容为[电子邮件受保护] 、Mail Converter 或 Mail Scanner.. 扫描新电子邮件,如果找到,则创建新票证。
如果管理员看到故障单中提出了新的工单,请进行一些更改,例如将其分配给某人或发表评论等。VTiger CRM 会向客户发送一封电子邮件,说明管理员已对工单进行了修改。
当客户端向 [email protected] 发送邮件时,电子邮件主题作为票证标题,电子邮件正文作为票证描述。
Title of Ticket is SubjectClientSent
管理员做了一些修改后,客户不喜欢某些内容,并且客户决定回复 VTiger 发送给他的电子邮件,通常是这种方式。
Re: TT17 [ Ticket Id : 22 ] Re : SubjectClientSent
我不希望 Mail Scanner 创建一个标题为 Re: TT17 [ Ticket Id : 22 ] Re:SubjectClientSent
的新票证,我希望它更新标题为 SubjectClientSent 的现有票证
I am a newbie to VTiger, I am using the 5.2.0 version to try, learn implementing Issue Tracking.
A client sends an email to say [email protected], Mail Converter or Mail Scanner.. scans for the new email and if found creates a new ticket.
If admin sees a new ticket which is being raised in Trouble Tickets, makes some changes such as assigning it to someone, or making a comment etc.. VTiger CRM sends an email to a client saying that admin has made modifications to the ticket.
Lets say Client wants some changes, so he replies to [email protected], a new ticket is raised because a new mail as arrived and mail scanner creates a new ticket.
Instead of updating an existing ticket which the client has sent before, creating a new ticket everytime duplicates the problem by making many tickets for one issue, which is a big problem.
When ever a client sends a mail to [email protected], Subject of email goes as Title of the Ticket and Body of Email as Description of Ticket.
Lets say
Title of Ticket is SubjectClientSent
Client didnot like something after admin makes some modifications and the client decides to reply to the email which VTiger has sent him, it is generally in this manner.
Re: TT17 [ Ticket Id : 22 ] Re : SubjectClientSent
I dont want Mail Scanner to create a new ticket with the title of ticket as Re: TT17 [ Ticket Id : 22 ] Re : SubjectClientSent
, I want it to update the exiting ticket with title SubjectClientSent
I tried to do that with creating a new rule something like this..
But, its still creating a new ticket.
Could you help me correct this?
Is there a better way of updating the existing ticket?
Thanks for the help and support.
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整个答案是从 VTiger PDF 文档, VTiger 论坛, VTiger Bug 链接
下图显示了使用 MailScanner 或 MailConverter 自动处理票证的基本流程
![Mail Scanner 基本流程][4]
客户(具有联系人/帐户记录)将电子邮件发送至[电子邮件受保护] , 有主题
邮件扫描程序创建票证,将其链接到按电子邮件 ID 过滤的匹配联系人/帐户记录
HelpDeskHandler 将发送一封确认电子邮件,其中包含有关如何回复的更多信息
进一步向客户提供。电子邮件主题类似于“TT15 [票证 ID:1483] 测试故障票”
第 1 步:设置发送邮件服务器
如果您的发送邮件服务器是 Gmail,则以下设置应该适合您
第 2 步:设置 MailScanner 或 MailConverter strong>
第 3 步:设置规则来创建和创建规则。更新 MailScanner 或 MailConverter 中的票证
第 4 步:配置 config.inc.php
更新 config.inc.php 中的以下变量
发送邮件时使用的 FROM 地址信息
FROM 名称,用于显示发送的电子邮件。
在发送的电子邮件中设置的 REPLY-TO 地址。
第 5 步:创建 HelpDeskHandler.php 在 VTigerCRM/modules/HelpDesk/
第 6 步:创建名为的电子邮件模板“自动工单第一响应”
这是客户向 [电子邮件受保护]
要创建电子邮件模板,请转到“设置/电子邮件模板”;选择“新建模板”并将其命名为“Auto Ticket First Response”
第 7 步:创建一个新的 PHP 文件并将其命名为 RegisterHelpDeskHandler.php
要执行,只需键入以下 URL
第 9 步:检查错误!
如果您使用的是 VTiger 5.2.0, 该错误已修复!
查看 VTiger 论坛。
[4]:https://i.sstatic.net/5ZU7Q .jpg强调文本*强调文本*
Found the solution!
The entire answer was written stealing information from the VTiger PDF document, VTiger Forum, VTiger Bug Link
The below pictures shows the basic process involved in automating ticketing with MailScanner or MailConverter
![Mail Scanner Basic Process][4]
Customer (having a Contact/Account record) sends email to [email protected], with subject
“Test Trouble Ticket”
Mail Scanner creates ticket, links it to matching contact/account record filtered by emailid
HelpDeskHandler will send a acknowledgment email with more information on how to respond
further to Customer. The email subject looks like “TT15 [Ticket Id: 1483] Test Trouble Ticket”
Customer replies to the acknowledgment email keeping part of the subject intact to
[email protected]. As mail scanner is configured with Regex rule on subject and finds a
matching Trouble Ticket linked to Customer, it updates the comments with the email body.
When support team update their comment, an email is sent to Customer again.
The following steps will help us achieve this functionality
Step 1: Setup Outgoing Mail Server
If your Outgoing Mail Server is Gmail, the following settings should work for you
Step 2: Setup MailScanner or MailConverter
Step 3: Setup Rules to create & update tickets in MailScanner or MailConverter
Step 4: Configure config.inc.php
update the following variables in your config.inc.php
FROM address information to be used when sending mails
Example: [email protected]
FROM name to be used for purpose of display for emails sentout.
Example: Automated Reply
REPLY-TO address to be set in the email sent.
Example: [email protected]
Setting this information is one of the important step for autoticketing.
When user tries to Reply for the automated emails the TO
address will be set by the mail-client and reaches the MailBox for
which we have setup the scanning.
Step 5: Create HelpDeskHandler.php in VTigerCRM/modules/HelpDesk/
Step 6: Create email template named as "Auto Ticket First Response"
This is an acknowledgement email Company Support automatically sends after client sends email to [email protected]
To create Email Template go to Settings/E-Mail Templates; Select New Template and name it as "Auto Ticket First Response"
Step 7: Create a new PHP file and name it as RegisterHelpDeskHandler.php
Place the following code & execute the file
To execute, simply type the following URL
You should see the following output in the browser
Step 9: Check for the bug!
If you are on VTiger 5.2.0, the bug is already fixed!
If not, go to modules/Settings/MailScanner/core/MailScannerAction.php and replace the entire code with the following code
Step10: If you still face problems, and still cant get the update ticket functionality;
Check out the VTiger Forums.
[4]: https://i.sstatic.net/5ZU7Q.jpgemphasized text*emphasized text*