Hg 合并后提交消息,最佳实践?
C:\Code>hg pull
pulling from http://server/FogBugz/kiln/Repo/Project/Rebuild/trunk
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 2 changesets with 4 changes to 4 files (+1 heads)
(run 'hg heads' to see heads, 'hg merge' to merge)
C:\Code>hg merge
4 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
(branch merge, dont forget to commit)
C:\Code>hg commit -m "Merged"
C:\Code>hg push
pushing to http://server/FogBugz/kiln/Repo/Project/Rebuild/trunk
searching for changes
remote: kiln: successfully pushed 2 changesets
I find myself doing the following a lot:
C:\Code>hg pull
pulling from http://server/FogBugz/kiln/Repo/Project/Rebuild/trunk
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 2 changesets with 4 changes to 4 files (+1 heads)
(run 'hg heads' to see heads, 'hg merge' to merge)
C:\Code>hg merge
4 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
(branch merge, dont forget to commit)
C:\Code>hg commit -m "Merged"
C:\Code>hg push
pushing to http://server/FogBugz/kiln/Repo/Project/Rebuild/trunk
searching for changes
remote: kiln: successfully pushed 2 changesets
My question is, what is a better/more useful commit message to use after merging a pull from the repository. Are there any best practices that people use in distributed version control systems for this sort of thing?
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如果您使用提取扩展,它会自动执行拉取、合并步骤到一步、提取。它自动生成的消息类似于“自动合并”。 hg 开发人员似乎认为这是合理的,因为扩展现在与基础一起分发。
If you use the fetch extension it automates the pull,merge step into one step, fetch. The message it auto-generates is something along the lines of "automatic merge". The hg developers seem to think this is reasonable as the extension is now distributed with the base.
Merge messages don't seem to be contain a particularly high amount of information. Your message seems reasonable.
[[ offtopic, we sometimes use them as an opportunity for a pun on the word merge]]
因此,当有人使用 hg log 时,他会对软件的开发方式有一个很好的评论。
There is no one way so here is what I have tried to adhere to.
On commit messages:
Jus remember that those messages are the only strings that would connect you to some one who is try to decipher the reasons for the commit.
Key is to provide a description that is going to be a useful commentary on code development.
So when some one uses hg log , he has a nice commentary on how the software is being developed.
Some good practices:
Link it with your bug management system:
As long as "merg" is in the message somehow, we've had fun using the opportunity to fill our mercurial logs with hilarity. For example, we've used merge messages such as "real-estate mergage loans are at an all time low" or "a Merge Griffin television production."
您可以通过手动编辑 commit-message.txt 将所有新添加的变更集的提交消息收集到一个文件中
You can collect all the newly added changesets' commit messages into a file by
then manually edit commit-message.txt, and finally use it as the log message:
您可以使用 rebase 扩展,因此
hg pull --rebase
更多详细信息请参见 RebaseProject 页面。
You could use the rebase extension, so
hg pull --rebase
would rebase your repo to the central repo's tip. This negates the need for merging after a pull.I added an alias for it:
Works well for us.
More details are at the RebaseProject page.
For mundane merges, where you're only working with one repository, I think just "merge" is fine. Usually you don't even know everything that got merged in because it's all other people's changes anyway.
The one time I would suggest being more verbose would be when you're working with more than one repository. If you have a devel repo and a stable repo, and you're pulling bug fixes in from stable, I would just mention that in the merge: "merging with stable". Those merges tend to be bigger, so it helps explain them to people who come along later.