远离 GPL(LGPL 也可以),你就不会有任何问题。如果您想在应用程序中包含 GPL 包,事情就会变得棘手。 BSD 和 MIT 风格的许可证将为您带来最少的义务。一般来说,找到您想要使用的软件包并阅读许可证。他们通常很直截了当地告诉我们什么是可以做的,什么是不可以做的。
Stay away from the GPL (LGPL is okay) and you won't have any problems. If you want to include GPLed packages in your application, things get tricky. BSD and MIT style licenses will get you the fewest obligations. In general, find the software package you want to use and read the license. They're usually pretty straightforward about what is and is not acceptable to do.
Why would you want to do more work? Of course you should. All you have to do is redistribute the OS technology source with your app (I am not a lawyer, but thats how I understand it).
The assumes
1) You are talking about an established open source solution, like hibernate, that you can reasonably assume works well.
2) The product you are developing is not using the open source technology as the 'secret sauce' that is going to make you money. Else you might have to open source that special part of your app.
If the software actually fits what you're trying to do, then yes it does cut down on development time. If the software mostly fits what you're trying to do you may end up spending more time trying to work with it rather than solving the problem it's meant to solve.
I am not a lawyer, so be sure to run a license past legal council if in doubt
As far as licensing goes, there are a number of licenses that allow you to incorporate the software into your commercial application. Most of the time as long as the license isn't a Copyleft type license (i.e. GPL) you can distribute the software as is. If you have to make changes that get distributed with your application, some licenses will requires the source also be distributed with it and an indication of what's different from the core project.
远离 GPL(LGPL 也可以),你就不会有任何问题。如果您想在应用程序中包含 GPL 包,事情就会变得棘手。 BSD 和 MIT 风格的许可证将为您带来最少的义务。一般来说,找到您想要使用的软件包并阅读许可证。他们通常很直截了当地告诉我们什么是可以做的,什么是不可以做的。
Stay away from the GPL (LGPL is okay) and you won't have any problems. If you want to include GPLed packages in your application, things get tricky. BSD and MIT style licenses will get you the fewest obligations. In general, find the software package you want to use and read the license. They're usually pretty straightforward about what is and is not acceptable to do.
1)您正在谈论一个已建立的开源解决方案,例如 hibernate,您可以合理地假设它运行良好。
2) 您正在开发的产品并未使用开源技术作为为您赚钱的“秘密武器”。否则,您可能必须开源应用程序的特殊部分。
Why would you want to do more work? Of course you should. All you have to do is redistribute the OS technology source with your app (I am not a lawyer, but thats how I understand it).
The assumes
1) You are talking about an established open source solution, like hibernate, that you can reasonably assume works well.
2) The product you are developing is not using the open source technology as the 'secret sauce' that is going to make you money. Else you might have to open source that special part of your app.
就许可而言,有许多许可允许您成立公司将软件集成到您的商业应用程序中。大多数情况下,只要许可证不是 Copyleft 类型许可证(即 GPL),您就可以使用可以按原样分发软件。如果您必须进行与应用程序一起分发的更改,则某些许可证将要求源代码也随之分发,并指示与核心项目的不同之处。
If the software actually fits what you're trying to do, then yes it does cut down on development time. If the software mostly fits what you're trying to do you may end up spending more time trying to work with it rather than solving the problem it's meant to solve.
I am not a lawyer, so be sure to run a license past legal council if in doubt
As far as licensing goes, there are a number of licenses that allow you to incorporate the software into your commercial application. Most of the time as long as the license isn't a Copyleft type license (i.e. GPL) you can distribute the software as is. If you have to make changes that get distributed with your application, some licenses will requires the source also be distributed with it and an indication of what's different from the core project.