
发布于 2024-09-27 19:06:42 字数 10674 浏览 17 评论 0原文

我尝试了 Sum、CountIf、Dsum、SumProduct

我有一个带有组合框“History_Select_Debtor”的用户表单。组合框的 RowSource 是“Debtor_list_Debtors” - 工作表“DebtorList”上的动态命名范围。它由 A2:A24 中的客户名称组成,但最终会增长。


每笔交易都会在工作表“InvoiceList”中保存一条记录,该工作表由 7 列组成。


A = "Debtor" (Invoice_list_Debtor)
B = "Item" (Invoice_list_Item)
C = "Price" (Invoice_list_Price)
D = "Date" (Invoice_list_Date)
E = "Time" (Invoice_list_Time)
F = "Balance" (Invoice_list_Balance)
G = "Payed" (InvoiceList_Payed)


“已付余额”、“已添加余额”、“季度项目”、“半个项目”、“1 个项目” - “10 个项目”

我需要,“基于组合选择 (History_Select_Debtor)”,参考特定债务人“ InvoiceList”,汇总购买总数并在“txtPurchased”中显示该值。

我需要为每个项目分配一个特定值,例如“季度项目”= 0.25 或“5 个项目= 5”。

例如,如果“Adrian”在 InvoiceList 上记录了 7 笔交易,则

Added Balance
Quarter Item
Half Item
Quarter Item
10 Items
4 Items
Payed Balance




'-------Total Transactions----------------------------------------------------------------------
Set ws = Worksheets("DebtorList")
    With Me
    'Starting point of lookup data
    Rw = .History_Select_Debtor.ListIndex + 2
    History_Select_Debtor.List = Range("Debtor_list_Debtors").Value
txtTransactions.Value = Application.CountIf(Range("Invoice_list_Debtor"), History_Select_Debtor)
End With


=SUM(IF(Invoice_list_Item="Quarter Item",0.25,0)+IF(Invoice_list_Item="Half Item",0.5,0)+IF(Invoice_list_Item="1 Item",1,0)+IF(Invoice_list_Item="2 Items",2,0)+IF(Invoice_list_Item="3 Items",3,0)+IF(Invoice_list_Item="4 Items",4,0)+IF(Invoice_list_Item="5 Items",5,0)+IF(Invoice_list_Item="10 Items",10,0))

这个问题的问题是,鉴于我使用 Invoice_list_Debtor 作为 ComboBox 的 RowSource,我最终得到了超过 170 个重复的名称。


Public ListTable As Long

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

    History_Select_Debtor.List = Range("Debtor_list_Debtors").Value
    History_Select_Debtor = ""

Label6.Visible = False
Label7.Visible = False
Label8.Visible = False
Label9.Visible = False
Label10.Visible = False
Label11.Visible = False
Label12.Visible = False

Dim ws As Worksheet

Set ws = Worksheets("InvoiceList")
ListTable = ws.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
Me.ListBox1.List = Range("A2:G" & ListTable).Value
Me.ListBox1.ColumnWidths = "50;80;70;100;80;80;80"

    'Dim ws As Worksheet
    'Dim lngRow As Long
    'Dim lvwItem As ListItem
    'Dim lngEndCol As Long
    'Dim lngCol As Long
    'Dim lngEndRow As Long
    'Dim lngItemIndex As Long
    'Dim blnHeaders() As Boolean
    'Dim Rw As Long

    'Set ws = Worksheets("InvoiceList")
    'lngEndCol = ws.Range("A1").End(xlToRight).Column
    'lngEndRow = ws.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
    'ListView1.Gridlines = True
    'lngRow = 1
    'With ListView1

        '.View = lvwReport
        'For lngCol = 1 To lngEndCol
            '.ColumnHeaders.Add , , ws.Cells(lngRow, lngCol).Text, ws.Columns(lngCol).ColumnWidth + 59.6
        '.BackColor = vbBlack
        'For lngRow = 2 To lngEndRow
            'lngCol = 1
            'lngItemIndex = 0
            'Set lvwItem = .ListItems.Add(, , (ws.Cells(lngRow, lngCol).Text))
            'For lngCol = 2 To lngEndCol
                'lngItemIndex = lngItemIndex + 1
                'lvwItem.SubItems(lngItemIndex) = Format(ws.Cells(lngRow, lngCol).Text, ws.Cells(lngRow, lngCol).NumberFormat) 'Adds Value from Current Row and Column 1

            '.TextBackground = lvwTransparent

    'End With
   Dim ChtSpc As OWC11.ChartSpace
   Dim cht As OWC11.ChChart
   Dim Sps As OWC11.Spreadsheet
   Dim owcChart As OWC11.ChartSpace
   Dim Balance As String

   Balance = Range("B1").Value
   Set owcChart = Me.ChartSpace1
   Set ChtSpc = Me.ChartSpace1
   Set Sps = Me.Spreadsheet1
   Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("DebtorList")   ' change to you worksheet name

   Sps.Range("A1:B100") = ws.Range("A1:B100").Value   ' Set worksheet range to sheet control range

   Set ChtSpc.DataSource = Sps   ' set sheet control as chart control source

   Set cht = ChtSpc.Charts.Add  ' Add blank chart

   With cht ' Set data for chart
    .SetData chDimCategories, 0, "A2:A25"    ' change to your category range
    .SeriesCollection(0).SetData chDimValues, 0, "B2:B25" ' change to your series 1 range
    '.SeriesCollection(1).SetData chDimValues, 0, "A1:A24" ' change to your series 2 range

    'By changing the layout we can control how the charts are presented
    'inside the Chart space.

   .Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
   .Border.Color = vbWhite
   .Border.Weight = Thick

   '.Type = chChartTypeColumn3D
   '.Type = chChartTypeAreaStacked

End With

Me.Spreadsheet1.Visible = False     ' hide the sheet control

'Set up the charts and manipulate some of their properties.

With owcChart.Charts(0)

    'The data reference must be of the datatype string.
    'The last parameter specify if each row represent a serie or not.

    '.HasTitle = True

    With .PlotArea
        .Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)

        '.Border.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
        '.Border.DashStyle = chLineSolid
        '.Border.Weight = Thick
    End With

    'With .Title
        '.Caption = Balance
        '.Font.Name = "Verdana"
        '.Font.Size = 10
        '.Font.Bold = True
        '.Font.Color = RGB(50, 205, 50)
    'End With

    With .Axes(0).Font
        .Name = "Verdana"
        .Size = 8
        '.Bold = True
        .Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    End With

    With .Axes(1).Font
        .Name = "Verdana"
        .Size = 8
        '.Bold = True
        .Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    End With

    'With .Axes(0).MinorGridlines
        '.Line.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    'End With

    'With .Axes(0).MajorGridlines
        '.Line.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    'End With

    'With .Axes(1).MinorGridlines
        '.Line.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    'End With

    'With .Axes(1).MajorGridlines
            '.Line.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    'End With

    With .SeriesCollection(0)
        '.Border.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
        .Interior.Color = vbGreen
        .Caption = Balance
        .Line.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    End With

    'With .SeriesCollection(1)
        '.Interior.Color = vbBlue
        '.Caption = Balance
    'End With

    '.HasLegend = True

    'With .Legend
        '.Position = chLegendPositionBottom
        '.Border.Color = vbWhite
        '.LegendEntries(2).Visible = False
    'End With

End With

End Sub

Private Sub cmdClose_History_Click()

  Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub History_Select_Debtor_Change()

'--------Total Purchased-----------------------------------------------
    'Worksheets("InvoiceList").Rows(1).AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="=" & Me.History_Select_Debtor
    'Me.txtPurchased = Worksheets("Summary").[C2] 'the cell containing the SUBTOTAL

Label6.Visible = True
Label7.Visible = True
Label8.Visible = True
Label9.Visible = True
Label10.Visible = True
Label11.Visible = True
Label12.Visible = True

FilterList 0, Me.History_Select_Debtor.Text


Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Rw As Long

Set ws = Worksheets("DebtorList")

    'Get row based on ComboBox ListIndex
    With Me
    'Starting point of lookup data
    Rw = .History_Select_Debtor.ListIndex + 2
    'Data to be displayed based on selection
    txtBalance.Value = FormatCurrency(Expression:=ws.Cells(Rw, 2).Value, _

End With
'-------Total Transactions----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Set ws = Worksheets("DebtorList")
    With Me
    'Starting point of lookup data
    Rw = .History_Select_Debtor.ListIndex + 2
    History_Select_Debtor.List = Range("Debtor_list_Debtors").Value
txtTransactions.Value = Application.CountIf(Range("Invoice_list_Debtor"), History_Select_Debtor)
End With
'-------Total Payed------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
txtPayed.Value = FormatCurrency(Expression:=Application.SumIf(Range("Invoice_list_Debtor"), _
History_Select_Debtor.Value, Range("Invoice_list_Price")), _

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose _
  (Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
'   Prevents use of the Close button
    If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then
        Cancel = True
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub FilterList(iCtrl As Long, sText As String)
Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim sCrit As String
sCrit = "*" & UCase(sText) & "*"
Set ws = Worksheets("InvoiceList")
With Me.ListBox1

ListTable = ws.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
.List = ws.Range("A2:G" & ListTable).Value

For iRow = .ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
If Not UCase(.List(iRow, iCtrl)) Like sCrit Then
.RemoveItem iRow
End If
Next iRow

        'Determine number of columns
        .ColumnCount = 7
        'Set column widths
        .ColumnWidths = "50;80;70;100;80;80;80"
        'Insert the range of data supplied
        For x = 2 To 3 'loop the numeric columns - 3 to 4
            For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1 'loop through the rows of columns 3 to 5
                .List(i, x) = Format(.List(i, x), "$#,##")
            Next i
        Next x
                For x = 5 To 6 'loop the numeric columns - 4 to 5
            For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1 'loop through the rows of columns 3 to 5
                .List(i, x) = Format(.List(i, x), "$#,##")
            Next i
        Next x
                For x = 4 To 4 'loop the numeric columns - 3 to 4
            For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1 'loop through the rows of columns 3 to 5
                .List(i, x) = Format(.List(i, x), "[$-409]h:mm AM/PM;@")
            Next i
        Next x
End With

End Sub

I tried Sum, CountIf, Dsum, SumProduct

I have a Userform with a ComboBox "History_Select_Debtor". The RowSource for the ComboBox is "Debtor_list_Debtors" - A Dynamic Named Range on WorkSheet "DebtorList". It consists of Customer Names from A2:A24 but will grow eventually.

The UserForm also Has a Textbox for Total Items Purchased Named "txtPurchased".

With each Transaction a Record is saved on Worksheet "InvoiceList" which consists of 7 Columns.

Each of these Columns have Dynamic Named Ranges

A = "Debtor" (Invoice_list_Debtor)
B = "Item" (Invoice_list_Item)
C = "Price" (Invoice_list_Price)
D = "Date" (Invoice_list_Date)
E = "Time" (Invoice_list_Time)
F = "Balance" (Invoice_list_Balance)
G = "Payed" (InvoiceList_Payed)

The Record Saved in the Item Column is Text;

"Payed Balance","Added Balance","Quarter Item","Half Item","1 Item" - "10 Items"

I need to, "Based on the combo selection (History_Select_Debtor)", Reference that Particilar Debtor with "InvoiceList", sum up the total Number of Purchases and display that Value in "txtPurchased".

I need a specific Value to be assigned to each Item e.g. "Quarter Item" = 0.25 or "5 Item = 5".

If as an example "Adrian" has 7 Transactions recorded on InvoiceList

Added Balance
Quarter Item
Half Item
Quarter Item
10 Items
4 Items
Payed Balance

The Value to be displayed in "txtPurchased" would be "15".

I've a Macro that sums up the total Purchases;

It sums up the Total Row rather than just whichever Debtor is Selected in "History_Select_Debtor"

'-------Total Transactions----------------------------------------------------------------------
Set ws = Worksheets("DebtorList")
    With Me
    'Starting point of lookup data
    Rw = .History_Select_Debtor.ListIndex + 2
    History_Select_Debtor.List = Range("Debtor_list_Debtors").Value
txtTransactions.Value = Application.CountIf(Range("Invoice_list_Debtor"), History_Select_Debtor)
End With

Another Macro I've made which also won't work;

=SUM(IF(Invoice_list_Item="Quarter Item",0.25,0)+IF(Invoice_list_Item="Half Item",0.5,0)+IF(Invoice_list_Item="1 Item",1,0)+IF(Invoice_list_Item="2 Items",2,0)+IF(Invoice_list_Item="3 Items",3,0)+IF(Invoice_list_Item="4 Items",4,0)+IF(Invoice_list_Item="5 Items",5,0)+IF(Invoice_list_Item="10 Items",10,0))

The Issue with this one is that given I use the Invoice_list_Debtor as the RowSource for my ComboBox I end up with over 170 duplicate Names.

Here is the Source Code to the Page I need to code to work on;

Public ListTable As Long

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

    History_Select_Debtor.List = Range("Debtor_list_Debtors").Value
    History_Select_Debtor = ""

Label6.Visible = False
Label7.Visible = False
Label8.Visible = False
Label9.Visible = False
Label10.Visible = False
Label11.Visible = False
Label12.Visible = False

Dim ws As Worksheet

Set ws = Worksheets("InvoiceList")
ListTable = ws.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
Me.ListBox1.List = Range("A2:G" & ListTable).Value
Me.ListBox1.ColumnWidths = "50;80;70;100;80;80;80"

    'Dim ws As Worksheet
    'Dim lngRow As Long
    'Dim lvwItem As ListItem
    'Dim lngEndCol As Long
    'Dim lngCol As Long
    'Dim lngEndRow As Long
    'Dim lngItemIndex As Long
    'Dim blnHeaders() As Boolean
    'Dim Rw As Long

    'Set ws = Worksheets("InvoiceList")
    'lngEndCol = ws.Range("A1").End(xlToRight).Column
    'lngEndRow = ws.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
    'ListView1.Gridlines = True
    'lngRow = 1
    'With ListView1

        '.View = lvwReport
        'For lngCol = 1 To lngEndCol
            '.ColumnHeaders.Add , , ws.Cells(lngRow, lngCol).Text, ws.Columns(lngCol).ColumnWidth + 59.6
        '.BackColor = vbBlack
        'For lngRow = 2 To lngEndRow
            'lngCol = 1
            'lngItemIndex = 0
            'Set lvwItem = .ListItems.Add(, , (ws.Cells(lngRow, lngCol).Text))
            'For lngCol = 2 To lngEndCol
                'lngItemIndex = lngItemIndex + 1
                'lvwItem.SubItems(lngItemIndex) = Format(ws.Cells(lngRow, lngCol).Text, ws.Cells(lngRow, lngCol).NumberFormat) 'Adds Value from Current Row and Column 1

            '.TextBackground = lvwTransparent

    'End With
   Dim ChtSpc As OWC11.ChartSpace
   Dim cht As OWC11.ChChart
   Dim Sps As OWC11.Spreadsheet
   Dim owcChart As OWC11.ChartSpace
   Dim Balance As String

   Balance = Range("B1").Value
   Set owcChart = Me.ChartSpace1
   Set ChtSpc = Me.ChartSpace1
   Set Sps = Me.Spreadsheet1
   Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("DebtorList")   ' change to you worksheet name

   Sps.Range("A1:B100") = ws.Range("A1:B100").Value   ' Set worksheet range to sheet control range

   Set ChtSpc.DataSource = Sps   ' set sheet control as chart control source

   Set cht = ChtSpc.Charts.Add  ' Add blank chart

   With cht ' Set data for chart
    .SetData chDimCategories, 0, "A2:A25"    ' change to your category range
    .SeriesCollection(0).SetData chDimValues, 0, "B2:B25" ' change to your series 1 range
    '.SeriesCollection(1).SetData chDimValues, 0, "A1:A24" ' change to your series 2 range

    'By changing the layout we can control how the charts are presented
    'inside the Chart space.

   .Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
   .Border.Color = vbWhite
   .Border.Weight = Thick

   '.Type = chChartTypeColumn3D
   '.Type = chChartTypeAreaStacked

End With

Me.Spreadsheet1.Visible = False     ' hide the sheet control

'Set up the charts and manipulate some of their properties.

With owcChart.Charts(0)

    'The data reference must be of the datatype string.
    'The last parameter specify if each row represent a serie or not.

    '.HasTitle = True

    With .PlotArea
        .Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)

        '.Border.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
        '.Border.DashStyle = chLineSolid
        '.Border.Weight = Thick
    End With

    'With .Title
        '.Caption = Balance
        '.Font.Name = "Verdana"
        '.Font.Size = 10
        '.Font.Bold = True
        '.Font.Color = RGB(50, 205, 50)
    'End With

    With .Axes(0).Font
        .Name = "Verdana"
        .Size = 8
        '.Bold = True
        .Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    End With

    With .Axes(1).Font
        .Name = "Verdana"
        .Size = 8
        '.Bold = True
        .Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    End With

    'With .Axes(0).MinorGridlines
        '.Line.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    'End With

    'With .Axes(0).MajorGridlines
        '.Line.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    'End With

    'With .Axes(1).MinorGridlines
        '.Line.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    'End With

    'With .Axes(1).MajorGridlines
            '.Line.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    'End With

    With .SeriesCollection(0)
        '.Border.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
        .Interior.Color = vbGreen
        .Caption = Balance
        .Line.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    End With

    'With .SeriesCollection(1)
        '.Interior.Color = vbBlue
        '.Caption = Balance
    'End With

    '.HasLegend = True

    'With .Legend
        '.Position = chLegendPositionBottom
        '.Border.Color = vbWhite
        '.LegendEntries(2).Visible = False
    'End With

End With

End Sub

Private Sub cmdClose_History_Click()

  Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub History_Select_Debtor_Change()

'--------Total Purchased-----------------------------------------------
    'Worksheets("InvoiceList").Rows(1).AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="=" & Me.History_Select_Debtor
    'Me.txtPurchased = Worksheets("Summary").[C2] 'the cell containing the SUBTOTAL

Label6.Visible = True
Label7.Visible = True
Label8.Visible = True
Label9.Visible = True
Label10.Visible = True
Label11.Visible = True
Label12.Visible = True

FilterList 0, Me.History_Select_Debtor.Text


Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Rw As Long

Set ws = Worksheets("DebtorList")

    'Get row based on ComboBox ListIndex
    With Me
    'Starting point of lookup data
    Rw = .History_Select_Debtor.ListIndex + 2
    'Data to be displayed based on selection
    txtBalance.Value = FormatCurrency(Expression:=ws.Cells(Rw, 2).Value, _

End With
'-------Total Transactions----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Set ws = Worksheets("DebtorList")
    With Me
    'Starting point of lookup data
    Rw = .History_Select_Debtor.ListIndex + 2
    History_Select_Debtor.List = Range("Debtor_list_Debtors").Value
txtTransactions.Value = Application.CountIf(Range("Invoice_list_Debtor"), History_Select_Debtor)
End With
'-------Total Payed------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
txtPayed.Value = FormatCurrency(Expression:=Application.SumIf(Range("Invoice_list_Debtor"), _
History_Select_Debtor.Value, Range("Invoice_list_Price")), _

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose _
  (Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
'   Prevents use of the Close button
    If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then
        Cancel = True
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub FilterList(iCtrl As Long, sText As String)
Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim sCrit As String
sCrit = "*" & UCase(sText) & "*"
Set ws = Worksheets("InvoiceList")
With Me.ListBox1

ListTable = ws.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
.List = ws.Range("A2:G" & ListTable).Value

For iRow = .ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
If Not UCase(.List(iRow, iCtrl)) Like sCrit Then
.RemoveItem iRow
End If
Next iRow

        'Determine number of columns
        .ColumnCount = 7
        'Set column widths
        .ColumnWidths = "50;80;70;100;80;80;80"
        'Insert the range of data supplied
        For x = 2 To 3 'loop the numeric columns - 3 to 4
            For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1 'loop through the rows of columns 3 to 5
                .List(i, x) = Format(.List(i, x), "$#,##")
            Next i
        Next x
                For x = 5 To 6 'loop the numeric columns - 4 to 5
            For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1 'loop through the rows of columns 3 to 5
                .List(i, x) = Format(.List(i, x), "$#,##")
            Next i
        Next x
                For x = 4 To 4 'loop the numeric columns - 3 to 4
            For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1 'loop through the rows of columns 3 to 5
                .List(i, x) = Format(.List(i, x), "[$-409]h:mm AM/PM;@")
            Next i
        Next x
End With

End Sub

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橘寄 2024-10-04 19:06:42



  1. (自动)过滤当前债务人的发票列表,
  2. 使用 =SUBTOTAL(109 显示发票项目的总和,InvoiceSheet!$F:$F) 工作表函数(假设发票表名为 [InvoiceSheet] ;-) )

我什至建议将 =SUBTOTAL 放在单独的工作表上( Sheet2),所以它的位置是恒定的。不要在对话框中的文本字段上使用 ControlSource(),而是设置 Locked = True

您可以在 [InvoiceSheet] 上设置一次 Autofilter,然后使用 Sub

Private Sub History_Select_Debtor_Change()
    Worksheets("InvoiceSheet").Rows(1).AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:="=" & Me.History_Select_Debtor
    Me.txtPurchased = Worksheets("Sheet2").[A1] 'the cell containing the SUBTOTAL
End Sub

来触发过滤器并将 SUBTOTAL 公式的值返回到对话框中。

对于数量从文本到数字的转换,我建议创建一个额外的工作表 [QTYCode],看起来像

         A        B    ...
1 |Text        |Value|
2 |Quarter item| 0.25|
3 |Half item   |  0.5|
4 |1 item      |    1|
5 |2 item      |    2|
6 |3 item      |    3|

A 列(标题行除外)用作 QTY 选择框的 RowSource() 以及您在 [InvoiceSheet 中创建的每条记录] 您不仅保存所选的 QTYText,还保存一个额外的列,其中包含将文本转换为值的 =VLOOKUP() 公式(当然,您的 =SUBTOTAL() 基于该新列)


好运 - MikeD

There is more than one issue here I believe ...

To get the total number of invoiced items for a debtor you can

  1. (auto)filter the InvoiceList for your current Debtor
  2. display the sum of invoiced items using the =SUBTOTAL(109,InvoiceSheet!$F:$F) worksheet function (asuming the invoice sheet is named [InvoiceSheet] ;-) )

I would even suggest to have that =SUBTOTAL on a seperate sheet (Sheet2), so it's location is constant. Don't use ControlSource() on the text field in the dialog, but set Locked = True

You can set up Autofilter on [InvoiceSheet] once and use the Sub

Private Sub History_Select_Debtor_Change()
    Worksheets("InvoiceSheet").Rows(1).AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:="=" & Me.History_Select_Debtor
    Me.txtPurchased = Worksheets("Sheet2").[A1] 'the cell containing the SUBTOTAL
End Sub

to fire the filter and get the value of the SUBTOTAL formula back into the dialog.

For the transition of quantities from text to number I would suggest to create an extra sheet [QTYCode] looking like

         A        B    ...
1 |Text        |Value|
2 |Quarter item| 0.25|
3 |Half item   |  0.5|
4 |1 item      |    1|
5 |2 item      |    2|
6 |3 item      |    3|

where column A (except header row) serves as RowSource() for the QTY selection box, and for each record you create in [InvoiceSheet] you save not only the selected QTYText, but as well an extra column containing a =VLOOKUP() formula that converts text into value (and base your =SUBTOTAL() on that new column - of course)

Hope that helps

Good luck - MikeD

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