Taking a quick glance at the Mozilla site it seems that Mozilla libraries and software have dual, even tri-licenses. This means that you can pick the most appropriate license when using the software or library. This is often done as some software licenses can cause problems when they are combined, therefore developers sometime release software under alternative licensing.
With MPL you're good to go in including Rhino in a commercial program. From Wikipedia:
"Unlike strong copyleft licenses, the code under the MPL may be combined with proprietary files in one program ("Larger Work")."
快速浏览一下 Mozilla 网站,Mozilla 库和软件似乎拥有双重甚至三重许可证。这意味着您在使用软件或库时可以选择最合适的许可证。通常会这样做,因为某些软件许可证在组合时可能会导致问题,因此开发人员有时会根据替代许可发布软件。
有了 MPL,您就可以将 Rhino 纳入商业程序中。来自维基百科:
“与强 Copyleft 许可证不同,MPL 下的代码可以与一个程序中的专有文件组合(“更大的工作”)。”
Taking a quick glance at the Mozilla site it seems that Mozilla libraries and software have dual, even tri-licenses. This means that you can pick the most appropriate license when using the software or library. This is often done as some software licenses can cause problems when they are combined, therefore developers sometime release software under alternative licensing.
With MPL you're good to go in including Rhino in a commercial program. From Wikipedia:
"Unlike strong copyleft licenses, the code under the MPL may be combined with proprietary files in one program ("Larger Work")."