我非常喜欢 Google 地图图表,但最大尺寸可以生成的尺寸只有420x220,很小。
有类似的服务或产品吗?也许使用 JavaScript?
[编辑] 您不觉得这很小地图 ?
I really like Google Map Chart, but the maximum size that can be generated is only 420x220 which is small.
Is there any similar service or product? Maybe using Javascript?
[edit] Don't you think this is small map ?
这是使用 JS 和 SVG/VML 的解决方案: http://jvectormap.owl-hollow.net/
Here is the solution using JS and SVG/VML: http://jvectormap.owl-hollow.net/
此 Google 地图图表的像素为 600x350。
http: //chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=map:fixed=-60,0,80,-35&chs=600x350&chld=CA-BC|CN|IT|GR|US-UT&chdl=温哥华|北京|都灵|雅典|盐+湖+城市&chco=B3BCC0|5781AE|FF0000|FFC726|885E80|518274&chtt=最后+五+奥林匹克+主办&chm=f2010+Winter,000000,0,0, 10|f2008+夏季,000000,0,1,10|f2008+冬季,000000,0,2,10,1,:-5:10|f2004+夏季,000000,0,3,10|f2004+夏季, 000000,0,4,10
This Google map chart is 600x350 pixels.
查看Raphaël Javascript Library,他们有一个澳大利亚的例子可能会有所帮助。它都是基于矢量的,因此一旦设置了点,您就可以将图像缩放到您想要的大小。
Check out the Raphaël Javascript Library, they have an example of Australia that might be helpful. It's all vector-based so once you get your points set up you can scale the image to be as big as you want.
在谷歌地图图表中我们可以定义任何尺寸。查看 Google 图表库教程
In the Google Map Chart we can define any size. Check Google Chart Library Tutotrial
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这是使用 JS 和 SVG/VML 的解决方案: http://jvectormap.owl-hollow.net/
Here is the solution using JS and SVG/VML: http://jvectormap.owl-hollow.net/
此 Google 地图图表的像素为 600x350。
http: //chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=map:fixed=-60,0,80,-35&chs=600x350&chld=CA-BC|CN|IT|GR|US-UT&chdl=温哥华|北京|都灵|雅典|盐+湖+城市&chco=B3BCC0|5781AE|FF0000|FFC726|885E80|518274&chtt=最后+五+奥林匹克+主办&chm=f2010+Winter,000000,0,0, 10|f2008+夏季,000000,0,1,10|f2008+冬季,000000,0,2,10,1,:-5:10|f2004+夏季,000000,0,3,10|f2004+夏季, 000000,0,4,10
This Google map chart is 600x350 pixels.
查看Raphaël Javascript Library,他们有一个澳大利亚的例子可能会有所帮助。它都是基于矢量的,因此一旦设置了点,您就可以将图像缩放到您想要的大小。
Check out the Raphaël Javascript Library, they have an example of Australia that might be helpful. It's all vector-based so once you get your points set up you can scale the image to be as big as you want.
在谷歌地图图表中我们可以定义任何尺寸。查看 Google 图表库教程
In the Google Map Chart we can define any size. Check Google Chart Library Tutotrial