在 Moose 中,如何使类的构造函数返回子类的实例?
假设我有两个相关的类 MyClass::A 和 MyClass::B,它们都是 MyClass 的子类。我希望 MyClass 的构造函数获取文件名,读取文件,并根据文件的内容确定文件是 A 类型还是 B 类型。然后,它应该构造一个适当子类的对象并返回它。 编辑:实际上,它应该调用适当子类的构造函数并返回结果。
my $filename = "file_of_type_A.txt";
my $object = MyClass->new($filename);
应该是 MyClass::A 的实例。这似乎是有效的行为,因为 $object->isa('MyClass')
将始终返回 true。我正在考虑使用内省来获取 MyClass 的所有子类的列表,然后尝试依次构造每个子类,直到成功为止。但是,我没有找到修改 Moose 构造函数来执行此操作的方法。 BUILDARGS 和 BUILD 挂钩似乎都不合适。
那么如何修改 Moose 类的构造函数来选择适当的子类并将构造委托给该子类呢?
Possible Duplicate:
How to have Moose return a child class instance instead of its own class, for polymorphism
Suppose I have two related classes MyClass::A and MyClass::B that are both subclasses of MyClass. I would like the constructor for MyClass to take a filename, read the file, and based on the contents of the file, decide whether the file is of type A or B. Then, it should construct an object of the appropriate subclass and return it. Edit: Actually, it should call the constructor of the appropriate subclass and return the result.
So for example, after this code,
my $filename = "file_of_type_A.txt";
my $object = MyClass->new($filename);
should be an instance of MyClass::A. This seems like valid behavior, because $object->isa('MyClass')
will always return true. I was thinking of using introspection to get a list of all subclasses of MyClass, and then trying to construct each in turn, until one succeeds. However, I don't see a way to modify the Moose constructor to do this. Neither the BUILDARGS nor BUILD hooks seem appropriate.
So how can I modify a Moose class's constructor to select an appropriate subclass and delegate construction to that subclass?
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正如 Ether 上面所说,你应该有一个工厂方法来完成这个任务。我喜欢将工厂方法与它生成的东西放在一个单独的包/类中,通常这是一个没有属性或构造函数的虚拟类,但如果你想做一些事情,比如跟踪你所做的事情,你可以创建一个实际的工厂对象。
As Ether said above, you should have a factory method do this task. I like to put the factory method in a separate package/class from the things it produces Usually this is a virtual class that has no attributes or constructor, but if you want to do things like keep track of what you have made, you can create an actual factory object.