我的老板想要一个快速、易于集成、易于托管的软件许可服务器来强制许可证激活和过期。我们必须将其与 C++ Windows 服务应用程序集成。
我不想在我们的办公室托管该服务,就像我们不在办公室托管我们自己的网站一样。该服务必须可托管在“云”中或普通的 Web 托管公司(例如,通过 HTTPS 运行的 SOAP 服务)。
My boss wants a quick, simple to integrate, simple to host software licensing server to enforce license activations and expirations. We have to integrate it with a C++ Windows Service application.
I would not like to host the service in our office for the same reason we don't host our own website in our office. The service must be host-able in "the cloud" or at a normal web hosting company (for instance, a SOAP service that runs over HTTPS).
We would like a simple royalty-free solution. Any suggestions other than building our own?
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我也来挖一下这个线索。我目前正在查看 http://wyday.com/limelm/ 这是一项付费服务,但似乎是比大多数便宜很多。
I'll dig up this thread too. I'm currently looking at http://wyday.com/limelm/ which is a paid service but seems a lot cheaper than most.
Flexnet Publisher< /a> 做你想要的 - 但不确定定价模型。编辑:Flexnet 似乎价格昂贵且非托管。尝试此线程以获取更多选项:
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/443064/ Alternatives-to-flexnet-publisher-reprise(已死)Orion 看起来很有希望。
编辑2:上面的SO线程已被删除。 Flexnet Publisher 的一些替代品可以在 alternativeTo 上找到。
Flexnet Publisher does what you want - not sure of pricing model though.EDIT: Flexnet appear to be pricey and non-hosted. Try this thread for more options:
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/443064/alternatives-to-flexnet-publisher-reprise(Dead)Orion looks promising.
EDIT 2: The SO thread above was removed. Some alternatives to Flexnet Publisher can be found on alternativeTo.