使用 AutoIt 发送电子邮件
如何使用 AutoIt 发送电子邮件?只需要一个干净的示例和解释,其中包含
- 来自
- :
- 主题
- 消息
How to send an email with AutoIt? Just need a clean example and explanation, containing:
- to
- from
- subject
- message
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使用内置代码有两种主要方法:_INetMail() 或 _INetSmtpMail()
在我看来 _INetSmtpMail() 路线更合理。下面是它的一些示例代码。
_INetMail() 方法使用在 Windows 中注册的内置邮件客户端。
There are two main ways to go with built in code, _INetMail() or _INetSmtpMail()
Below are the simple code examples from the help file. If you have any specific questions about how they work or how to implement them not covered by the help file please leave a comment.
In my opinion the _INetSmtpMail() route is more reasonable. Below is some example code of it.
The _INetMail() method using the built in mail client registered with windows.
如果您想使用 AutoIt 发送电子邮件,则必须选择 Microsoft CDO 方法。不要使用客户端邮件自动化(Outlook、Thunderbird 或其他)。 CDO 的主要优点是它不依赖于您使用的客户端邮件程序。它仅依赖于 SMTP 服务器。
您可以使用 AutoIt Inet.au3 库中的函数 _INetSmtpMail。但如果您想控制任何事情,您可以使用下面的用户定义函数_INetSmtpMail:
UDF Autoit 文件:UDF_SMTP_eMail.au3
If you want to send email with AutoIt, you hade to choose Microsoft CDO method. Don't use client mail automation (Outlook, Thunderbird or another one). The principle advantage of CDO, is it doesn't depend of client mail program you use. It's only depend on SMTP server.
You can use the function _INetSmtpMail in librairy AutoIt Inet.au3. But if you want to control any thing, you can use this user defined function _INetSmtpMail below :
UDF Autoit file : UDF_SMTP_eMail.au3
Here's a variant of what Copas described. Should send automatically for you