GWT CSSResrouces - 有什么优势或最好的方法

发布于 2024-09-26 10:44:38 字数 411 浏览 0 评论 0原文

嘿,我正在开发一个 GWT 应用程序,现在面临 CSS 部分。我在官方网站上阅读了很多有关此主题的内容,但仍然有一些问题,希望有人能给我提示。

  • 当我使用 CSSResource 时,CSS 样式将被编译到代码中 - 对吗?因此,如果不重新编译应用程序,就不可能更改它。但我想做的是让样式可以从“外部”编辑。
  • 既然您不能在不再次编译应用程序的情况下更改颜色或图像,那么这个 CSSResource 是做什么用的呢?
  • 使用 CSS 的最佳方法是什么,因为有几种方法(.css 文件、CSSResource、ui.xml 中的样式)可以做到这一点?

我现在的想法是,我只使用普通的 CSS 文件来处理所有“可更改”的内容并将此文件添加到头部,因为我看不到这个 CSSResource 东西的优点。希望有人能帮助我。谢谢。

Hey, I'm developing a GWT app and now facing the CSS part. I read a lot about this topic at the official site but still have a few questions and hope someone can give me a hint.

  • When I'm using CSSResource the css styles will be compiled into the code - right? So it's not possible to change it without recompile the app. But what I wanna do is to have the styles be editable from "outside".
  • So what is this CSSResource for, since you can't just change a color or an image without compiling the app again?
  • Whats the best way to use CSS since there are a few ways (.css file, CSSResource, styles in ui.xml) to do this?

My thoughts are now, that I'm using only the normal CSS file to handle all my "changeable" stuff and add this file to the head, since I can't see the advantage of this CSSResource thing. Hopefully someone can help me with that. Thanks.

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红玫瑰 2024-10-03 10:44:38

这完全取决于您使用 CSS 的方式 - 如果您需要应用一些小的更改,请首先在 Firebug/类似工具中“实时”测试它们。在设计阶段(当您还没有最终确定如何设计应用程序样式时),您可能希望使用普通 CSS 文件,但一旦总体样式明确,您应该切换到 ClientBundle/ CSSResource。

为什么?让我通过写一些关于 的想法来回答CssResource 文档中列出的目标 a> 页面:

  • 主要

    • 与非 GWT 感知的 CSS 解析器的兼容性(即任何扩展都应该是有效的 CSS 语法)
      - 意思是,我们只想使用有效的CSS语法,而不是一些对其他解析器来说是乱码的语法糖 - 可能并不那么重要从您的角度来看(尽管因此您不需要更改现有样式的语法)
    • 语法验证 - 非常重要的一点,恕我直言。你会得到诸如检查丢失(可能拼写错误)的 CSS 类、语法错误等内容 - 必须通过某些浏览器特定的开发工具(Firebug)(通常是痛苦的)来追踪这些内容。在这里,您可以在编译期间尽早发现这些错误(或者在 Google Eclipse 插件的帮助下更快)。
    • 缩小 - 这不是您常规的缩小,您还可以获得选择器属性合并。另请参阅下一点。
    • 利用 GWT 编译器 - 如果未使用 CSS 类(GWT 编译器可以做出这样的区分,因为它具有整个应用程序的概述),它被修剪并且不包含在编译的代码中。有多少次您发现一些设计更改后留下的 CSS 类?这就解决了这个问题(另请参阅 CSS 模块化点)
    • 针对不同浏览器的不同 CSS ,自动 - 由于以这种方式生成的 CSS 包含在您的 JS 代码中,因此它可以(并且已经)针对目标浏览器进行了优化 - 无需在每个排列中包含冗长的 IE hack!
    • 内容的静态评估< /strong> - 之前已经提到过

  • Secondary

    • 基本 CSS 模块化
      • 通过依赖注入 API 风格 - 您可以根据需要注入 CssResources(例如,以方便在应用程序中自定义主题)
      • 小部件仅在需要时才可以注入自己的 CSS - 这是我最喜欢的一点之一,尽管一开始我没有看到它的重要性 - 你划分你的(通常)巨大的、整体的 CSS文件分成小模块,每个使用 UiBinder 的 Widget 都有一个模块(内部又使用 CssResource),另外可能还有一个用于应用程序范围样式的全局 CssResource。这会产生更干净、更容易维护的 CSS 样式(至少根据我的经验)。这也意味着,如果您的代码不使用该特定的 Widget(可能是因为您使用了 ocde 分割并且尚未加载),您将不会下载这些样式。
    • BiDi(Janus 样式) ?) - 双向文本支持,尚未使用,但文档看起来很有希望:)
    • CSS 图片条 - 自动图像精灵< /a> 一代——我还能说什么? ;)

    • “改进 CSS”

      • 常量 - 我一直怀念CSS规范中的这个功能 - 当你改变你的原色时,你必须找到&在整个文件中替换它(可能会导致一些错误,您想要某些地方使用旧颜色) - 恕我直言,通过引入常量(通过有效的 CSS 语法,没有任何运行时损失)
      • 简单表达式 - 你应该浏览文档以了解其中的可能性,非常酷的东西

  • Tertiary

    • 运行时操作 (StyleElement. setEnabled() 处理许多情况) - 在样式表注入时(在运行时),会评估一些值 - 这允许换肤等。
    • 编译时类名检查 (Java/CSS) - 已经提到了这样做的(明显的)好处
    • 混淆 - 这也非常酷,GWT 编译器可以安全地混淆 CssResources 中的所有样式,因为它具有整个应用程序的概述 - 因此,名称冲突是不可能的。这意味着您可以使用长(但不能太长;))有意义的类名,而不必担心这将如何影响应用程序的大小 - 它都会被混淆为漂亮的短(甚至 1-2 个字符长),随机字符串。这还使您能够在两个 Widget 中定义 .warning 样式,并且编译器将理解这两种样式位于不同的命名空间(不同的 Widget)中,因此应该进行不同的处理(即,混淆为不同的样式)。名称)。


StyleInjector 允许在运行时注入样式。此外,CssResource 允许(至少根据文档,我还没有尝试过)运行时替换。例如,当您注入包含以下内容的 CssResource 时:

@eval userBackground com.module.UserPreferences.getUserBackground();
div {
  background: userBackground;

userBackground 将被评估并注入(而不是 常量,在运行时解析)。

It all depends on the way you work with CSSes - if you need to apply some small changes, first test them "live", in Firebug/similar tool. During the designing phase (when you don't have a finalized view of how you want to style your application yet), you might want to work with normal CSS files, but as soon as the general style clarifies, you should switch to ClientBundle/CssResource.

Why? Let me answer, by writing up some thought about the goals listed on CssResource's documentation page:

  • Primary

    • Compatibility with non-GWT-aware CSS parsers (i.e. any extensions should be valid CSS syntax)
      This does not imply that the stylesheet would necessarily make sense if you just displayed it in a browser
      - meaning, we want to only use valid CSS syntax, not some syntactic sugar that's gibberish to other parsers - might not be that important from your point of view (although, as a result, you don't need to change the syntax of your existing styles)
    • Syntax validation - very important point, IMHO. You get stuff like checking for missing (possibly misspelled) CSS classes, syntax errors, etc. - something that had to be (usually, painfully) tracked down via some browser specific developer tool (Firebug). Here, you get those errors early, during compile time (or even faster, with the help of the Google Eclipse Plugin).
    • Minification - this is not your run-of-the-mill minification, you get also selector and property merging. See the next point too.
    • Leverage GWT compiler - if a CSS class is not used (the GWT Compiler can make such a distinction, since it has the overview of the whole application), it is pruned and not included in the compiled code. How many times have you found CSS classes that were left there after some design changes? This takes care of that (see also the CSS modularization point)
    • Different CSS for different browsers, automatically - since the CSS generated this way is included with your JS code, it can (and is) optimized for the target browser - no need to include lengthy IE hacks in every permutation!
    • Static evaluation of content - already mentioned it before
  • Secondary

    • Basic CSS Modularization
      • Via dependency-injection API style - you can inject CssResources as needed (for example, to facilitate custom themes in your application)
      • Widgets can inject their own CSS only when it's needed - this is one of my favorite points, although at first I didn't see its significance - you divide your (usually) huge, monolithic CSS file into small modules, one for each Widget that uses UiBinder (which in turn uses CssResource internally) plus probably one global CssResource for application-wide styles. This results in a much cleaner, easier to maintain CSS styles (at least, in my experience). This also means, that if your code doesn't use that particular Widget (maybe because you've used ocde splitting and it hasn't been loaded yet), you won't download those styles.
    • BiDi (Janus-style?) - bidirectional text support, haven't used it but the docs look promising :)
    • CSS image strips - automagical image sprites generation - what more can I say? ;)
    • "Improve CSS"
      • Constants - I've always missed this feature in the CSS specification - when you change your primary colour, you have to find & replace it in the whole file (possibly leading to some errors, where you want to use the old colour in some places) - this makes it more intuitive, IMHO, by introducing constants (via valid CSS syntax and without any runtime penalty)
      • Simple expressions - you should skim through the docs to see the possibilities there, really cool stuff
  • Tertiary

    • Runtime manipulation (StyleElement.setEnabled() handles many cases) - on stylesheet injection (during runtime), some values are evaluated - this allows for skinning, etc.
    • Compile-time class-name checking (Java/CSS) - already mentioned the (obvious) benefits of this
    • Obfuscation - this one is really cool too, the GWT Compiler can safely obfuscate all the styles in CssResources, because it has the overview of the whole application - thus, name clashes are impossible. This means that you can use long (but not too long ;)), meaningful class names, without worrying how that will impact the size of the application - it will all get obfuscated to nifty, short (even 1-2 character long), random strings. This also enables you to define a .warning style in two Widgets and the compiler will understand that these two styles are in different namespaces (different Widgets) and thus should be treated differently (that is, obfuscated to different names).

About style injection

The class StyleInjector allows injecting styles at runtime. Additionally, the CssResource allows (at least according to the docs, I haven't tried it yet) for runtime substitution. For example, when you inject a CssResource containing the following:

@eval userBackground com.module.UserPreferences.getUserBackground();
div {
  background: userBackground;

The userBackground will get evaluated and injected (as opposed to constants, which are resolved at runtime).

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