Salesforce 潜在客户跟踪与 WordPress 上的联系人表单集成
我也在 WP Answers 中提出了这个问题。但由于这也使用 Salesforce,因此不确定我是否会在那里得到回复。
我在我的网站上使用联系表单 7,并希望将 Salesforce 潜在客户跟踪与其集成。
我能够按照建议使用 oid 添加隐藏字段在此网站上
有没有人能够将潜在客户跟踪系统与 Wordpress 联系表单插件集成?
我还尝试按照说明使用 cform 此处提供。但这给出了 fopen 失败的警告。我认为这是因为 fopen 不允许使用 HTTP 包装器进行写操作。不知道作者是如何让它发挥作用的!
对此有任何帮助将不胜感激!我不想使用 salesforce 在线潜在客户表单。谢谢。
I have raised this question on the WP Answers as well. But since this uses Salesforce too, wasn't sure if I'd get a response there.
I am using Contact Form 7 on my website and would like to integrate Salesforce lead tracking with it.
I was able to add a hidden field with my oid as suggested on this site
But when I submit the contact form after adding this, it just gets stuck and never actually returns. As soon as I remove the hidden field, it starts working fine.
Has anyone been able to integrate the lead tracking system with Wordpress Contact Form plugins?
I also tried using cform with the instructions provided here. But this gives a warning that fopen failed. I assume thats because fopen does not allow write operations with HTTP wrappers. Not sure how the author managed to get it working!
Would appreciate any help on this! I do not want to use the salesforce Web-to-lead form. Thanks.
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根据我对 salesforce 与 cforms 集成的研究,基本原理是您需要 POST 信息与 cform POST 信息完全对应。
在撰写您喜欢的帖子时,我通过使用他们提供的示例表单(提供的嵌入代码)研究了该过程,然后找到了一种使 cforms 提交数据的方法,按照他们指定的方式格式化 网址他们有自己的形式。
From my research into integrating salesforce with cforms the basic principal is that you need the POST info needs to correspond exactly with the cform POST info.
When writing the post you liked to I research the process by using an example form from them - embedded code provided - then found a way to make cforms submit the data, formatted the way they specified to the url they had in their form.
Feel free to use me if you run into difficulties...
您是否尝试过按照这篇文章中的说明进行操作?它在functions.php中提供了将Contact Form 7与Salesforce集成所需的php代码:
Have you tried following the instructions in this post? It provides the php code you need in your functions.php to integrate Contact Form 7 with Salesforce:
我花了几个小时寻找解决方案,但没有任何效果,我尝试了所有推荐的解决方案,例如 http :// 和
我还尝试了插件 3rdparty-integration/
但没有任何效果,然后在搜索过程中有人发布了带有挂钩 wpcf7_mail_components 的解决方案。当我使用代码时,代码确实有效,感谢那个人。我现在不记得链接了。但是,我当时的目标是使 wpcf7_before_send_mail 可调用且可访问。因为上面的建议从未调用过它。
add_action('wpcf7_before_send_mail', 'my_conversion', 10, 1); //这将调用钩子
add_action('wpcf7_before_send_mail', 'my_conversion'); //不为我调用钩子
add_action('wpcf7_before_send_mail', 'my_conversion', 10); //也没有为我调用钩子
I spent hours in searching for solution but nothing worked, I tried all recommend solutions e.g. and
I resolved the issue :)
I also tried plugin
But nothing worked, then during search someone posted solution with hook wpcf7_mail_components. When I used the code, the code was really working, thanks to that guy. I don't remember the link now. But, my goal then was to make wpcf7_before_send_mail callable and accessible. As it was never been called by the above recommendations.
Then I introduced the last two parameters, i.e.
add_action('wpcf7_before_send_mail', 'my_conversion', 10, 1); //this will call the hook
add_action('wpcf7_before_send_mail', 'my_conversion'); //not calling the hook for me
add_action('wpcf7_before_send_mail', 'my_conversion', 10); //also not calling the hook for me
Please like it if it resolves your issue.
So here is the complete solution:
这对我有用,只需记住将“联系表单 1”更改为您要执行操作的表单名称,并输入您的销售人员业务 ID,而不是示例 1。
This is what worked for me, just remember to change “Contact form 1” with the name of the form that you want to perform the action, and put your salesforce business id instead of example one.