Snagit good for screenshots, Techsmith Camtasia more screencast oriented or a free Techsmith version which is Techsmith Jing which is pretty clean.
BlueBerry FlashBack is pretty much spot on. Just found it today. Express edition does it, and that's free. Set it to record continuously, and keep the last x minutes, or by filesize. 2 minutes resulted in just a hair under 3MB file (compressed in BB's proprietary format), and was just under 30MB memory; doing 6 minutes now and it's around 37-38MB, don't know file size yet. Mostly hovering ~11% of processor power, spiking occasionally to 18 or 22.
Snagit 适合截屏,Techsmith Camtasia 更适合屏幕录像,或者免费的 Techsmith 版本,即 Techsmith Jing http://www.techsmith .com/jing/ 非常干净。
Snagit good for screenshots, Techsmith Camtasia more screencast oriented or a free Techsmith version which is Techsmith Jing which is pretty clean.
BlueBerry FlashBack 非常准确。今天刚找到。 Express 版可以做到这一点,而且是免费的。将其设置为连续录制,并保留最后 x 分钟或按文件大小。 2分钟就得到了3MB以下的一根头发丝的文件(以BB的专有格式压缩),并且内存不足30MB;现在做了 6 分钟,大约有 37-38MB,还不知道文件大小。大多数情况下徘徊在处理器性能的 11% 左右,偶尔会飙升至 18 或 22。
BlueBerry FlashBack is pretty much spot on. Just found it today. Express edition does it, and that's free. Set it to record continuously, and keep the last x minutes, or by filesize. 2 minutes resulted in just a hair under 3MB file (compressed in BB's proprietary format), and was just under 30MB memory; doing 6 minutes now and it's around 37-38MB, don't know file size yet. Mostly hovering ~11% of processor power, spiking occasionally to 18 or 22.
当我需要捕获图像或视频时,我发现 Techsmith 的 SnagIt 非常方便
I find Techsmith's SnagIt very handy when I need to capture images or videos