Java 最快的脚本语言?
我正在用 Java 制作落沙游戏。我希望用户能够为游戏编写自己的引擎,并且我认为脚本语言可能适用于此。我用 jython 尝试了一个小脚本,它比 java 版本慢很多倍。
I'm making a falling sand game in Java. I want users to be able to write their own engine for the game and I thought a scripting language might work for that. I've tried out a small script with jython and it's many times slower than that java version.
I need a scripting language that has fast loops and/or fast array access since that's what the game will be doing a lot of. Or if you have any suggestions on another way to let users write their own engine for the game.
I'm also not entirely sure this can work (well). If you don't think it can please let me know why and maybe some possible alternatives.
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您可以使用 JavaCC 编写自己的简单游戏语言。这确实为您提供了您可能想要的所有灵活性和本机 Java 速度(实际上这取决于您的实现)。但你需要保持语法简单,否则会花费一些精力...
Java?是的,Java!为什么不让用户通过 Java 代码扩展您的游戏呢?在 Java 6 中,有一个 Java 编译器 API:
Beanshell 与 Rhino
BeanShell 和 Rhino (Javascript) 解释器(Rhino 是获胜者):
You could write you're own simple game language with JavaCC. This does give's you all the flexibily you possibly want and native Java speed (well that actualy depends on you're implementation). But you need to keep you're syntax simple or else it will take some efford...
Java? Yes Java! Why not let users extend you're game by Java code? In Java 6 there is a Java compiler API:
Beanshell vs Rhino
Some performace comparison between BeanShell and the Rhino (Javascript) interpreters (Rhino is the winner):
您可以查看 BeanShell 来了解这一点。在我的使用中,它的速度几乎与本机 Java 一样快(因为它变成了这样),并且很容易访问,因为它是 Java,尽管它锁定在 Java 1.4 左右。
You might look at BeanShell for this. In my use it's been pretty much as fast as native Java (as that is what it becomes) and is pretty accessible as it is Java, albeit locked around Java 1.4.
RelProxy 是 Java 动态编译器和自动热类重新加载器,纯 Java 代码可以像脚本语言。
因为 Java 是最快的脚本语言,所以 Java 可能是最快的脚本语言,因此您可以选择使用 .class 文件(例如某种编译缓存)来避免加载时编译。
RelProxy is Java compiler on the fly and an automatic hot class reloader, pure Java code can be executed like a scripting language.
Because Java is faaast Java is then maybe the fastest scripting language, optionally you can use .class files like a sort of compiled cache to avoid compiling on load.