现在我想在用户验证自己后创建一个用户仪表板。我擅长 HTMl、CSS 和 Javascript,想知道我是否应该继续使用它们创建仪表板。或者我应该使用 PHP(我不太擅长)。
使用 HTML 创建它是否存在安全风险?或者有没有我可以购买的软件来帮助我?
Due to your extraordinary support, i was able to build a login system with sessions.
Now i want to create a a user dashboard after the user has verified himself. I am good at HTMl, CSS and Javascript and wanted to know if I should go ahead and create the dashboard using them. Or should I use PHP (i am not too good at it).
Are there any security risks of creating it using HTML? Or is there a software which I can buy that would do the trick for me?
现在我想制造一辆摩托车。我擅长车轮、调速器和刹车。我应该使用螺栓将它们连接在一起吗? (我不太擅长使用螺丝刀)。
HTML:客户端。是格式化客户端所看到的内容的标记。一般来说,PHP 会知道客户想要什么并向他显示正确的 HTML。
CSS: 客户端样式。为您的 HTML 标记提供漂亮的样式。
You're sort of saying this:
I was able to build a bicycle.
Now I want to build a motorcycle. I am good at wheels, speeders and brakes. Should I use bolts to tie them together or not? (I'm not very good with a screwdriver).
Jokes aside:
PHP: Server side language. Serves to control the logic of your aplication. Query the database and show the client what the client is suposed to see.
HTML: Client side. Is the markup that formats what the client sees. Generally PHP will know what the client want and show him the propper HTML.
CSS: Client side styling. Serves to give pretty styles to your HTML markup.
Go take a look at this thread. It is an extremely valuable resource.
Read a little, learn a little, try a few things out. If you get stuck with anything you don't understand, post it here.
安全网站登录使用 PHP 和 PHP 进行编程MySQL
Before going forward I suggest you to first study the difference between server side languages and client side languages.
After standing the difference look at this article:
Secure Website Login Programming with PHP & MySQL
我认为你应该去购买 PHP 书籍。如果您希望它做任何有用的事情,您将需要它来开发仪表板。听起来您现在不知道从哪里开始,而且您只能通过要求 SO 为您编写网站来实现这一点。
I think you should go and buy a book on PHP. You'll need it to develop a dashboard if you want it to do anything useful. It doesn't sound like you have any idea where to start at the moment, and there's only so far you can get by asking SO to write your site for you.
通常,网络软件是使用 php 和 HTML 和 CSS 和 JavaScript 构建的。
在大多数情况下,您需要读取 php 中的信息(例如有趣的帖子、任务状态等)(通常来自数据库),使用 HTML 和 CSS 对其进行标记,然后使用 JavaScript 添加其他功能。如果您只使用 HTML,则必须向每个用户显示相同的仪表板,这违背了仪表板的目的,不是吗?
Usually, web software is built using php and HTML and CSS and JavaScript.
In most cases, you will want to read information(like interesting posts, status of tasks, etc.) in php (usually from a database), mark it up with HTML and CSS, and then add additional features using JavaScript. If you only use HTML, you'll have to show every user the same dashboard, and that sort of defeats the purpose of a dashboard, doesn't it?
I'd suggest you either hire a programmer or look for a commercial/open-source solution for your whole problem. Oh, and don't worry about security too much. Not that you shouldn't worry about it, but understanding how stuff works and why a certain class of bad code opens a vulnerability should be your priority.