UIKeyboardTypeDecimalPad 本地化
我注意到 iOS 4.1 中添加了 UIKeyboardTypeDecimalPad,并开始使用它。在测试过程中,我在“设置”的“国际”部分将语言和区域切换为法语。我预计应用程序键盘上的小数键将从“.”更改为“。”到一个“,”,但事实并非如此。
_textFieldUnitCost.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeDecimalPad;
I noticed that UIKeyboardTypeDecimalPad was added in iOS 4.1, and started using it. During the course of my testing, I switched both the language and region to French in the International section of Settings. I expected the decimal key on the keypad in my app to change from a "." to a "," but it didn't.
All I'm doing is this:
_textFieldUnitCost.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeDecimalPad;
Any ideas?
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从 4.2.1 开始,键盘上的小数键现在从“.”更改为“。”当切换到使用“,”的语言/区域时,转换为“,”
As of 4.2.1 the decimal key on the keypad now changes from a "." to "," when switching to a language/region that uses a ","
One way around it is to just accept the punctuation because it is a decimalpad and than change it when you pass it as a string to display.
That will work if you just need to display. It will not work if your doing math with that string. You actually can't. Now you can store it as a float and then when you convert to a string you do those 2 lines of code