
发布于 2024-09-25 06:04:31 字数 129 浏览 0 评论 0原文





if ()


When you have line of code with a parenthetical statement, do you include a space before the parenthetical?

For example, should it be



if ()

Thanks in advance!

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八巷 2024-10-02 06:04:32


If you are the only developer on the project, pick whatever you prefer, otherwise stick with whatever convention the team is using.

蓝天 2024-10-02 06:04:32

这是一个品味问题。我个人使用带有空格 if () 的版本,以便在视觉上将其与我不使用空格的函数调用区分开来(如在数学中)。

It’s a matter of taste. I personally use the version with the space if () in order to distinguish this visually from a function call where I don’t use a space (as in mathematics).

感情洁癖 2024-10-02 06:04:32

Visual Studio 自动将其更改为 if (),所以我遵循它。


Visual Studio automatically changes it to if (), so I follow that.

I think it's marginally more readable, but the brackets provide some space already as it is so I think this is one of those totally-doesn't-matter things.

北方的韩爷 2024-10-02 06:04:32

在 php 中这并不重要,但你可能知道这一点。我在中间留了一个空格。我认为它更具可读性,可能是因为对于函数,我在它们之间没有放置空格,并且“if”不是函数:)

In php it doesn't matter, but you probably knew that. I'm putting a space in between. I think it's more readable, probably because for functions I put no space in between and 'if' is not a function :)

箜明 2024-10-02 06:04:32


I prefer not to use a space, for me it makes it easier to read later and many of the people I know prefer no space as well for reading purposes.

饭团 2024-10-02 06:04:32

您应该使用空格,因为并非所有语言都使用方括号分隔 if 语句。留出空间是更安全的习惯。

You should use a space because not all languages use bracket delimited if statements. Leaving a space is the safer habit to get into.

小猫一只 2024-10-02 06:04:32


Interpreters and compilers ignore it, So you can ignore it too!!!

把昨日还给我 2024-10-02 06:04:32

这取决于编译器/语言是否忽略空格。 (虽然我想不出有什么会拒绝带有空格的“if”语句)。除了语言细节之外,这是您的偏好。话虽这么说,我更喜欢没有空格,因为它使代码看起来更简洁。

It depends on if the compiler/language ignores white-spaces. (all though off the top of my head i can't think of any that would balk at the "if" statement with a space). Outside of the language specifics, it's your preference. That being said, I prefer no space as it makes the code look more concise.

空心↖ 2024-10-02 06:04:32




Do whichever, but learn to read either without getting caught up about it.

Same deal as with bracket style.

There, that's about as meaningful an answer I can give to this.

梦里兽 2024-10-02 06:04:31

主观,但我更喜欢有空间,因为它看起来更干净,或者可能是因为这就是我学会使用诸如 switchif、<代码>while和for


Subjective, but I prefer having the space because it looks cleaner, or maybe because that's just how I learnt to 'do it' with language constructs such as switch, if, while and for.

You could do it without the space if you like it to 'look like' a function call, because I don't use a space for function calls.

指尖上的星空 2024-10-02 06:04:31

我更喜欢将其保留为我使用的 IDE 的默认行为,以降低源代码控制系统标记我的编辑和同事的编辑之间微不足道的差异的风险。其他样式问题也是如此,例如缩进多少空格、是否使用空格或制表符缩进等等。

I prefer keeping it to the default behavior of the IDE that I use, in order to reduce the risk of the source control system flagging insignificant differences between my edits and those of my co-workers. The same goes for other styling issues such as how many spaces to indent, whether to indent using space or tab and so on.

要走就滚别墨迹 2024-10-02 06:04:31



It's definitely a personal preference (or a team preference when working with other developers) and really doesn't matter in the long run, but I (and everybody else I know) prefer no space.

Whatever you choose, just be consistent. Nothing bothers me more than looking at code that has multiple coding styles all mixed together with no consistency.

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