First of all, the whole idea of genetic algorithms is still being debated, i.e. if genetic algorithms are in any way better suited to solving optimization problems than other methods (who are either proven, easier to use, or provide other advantages).
话虽这么说,是的,我知道遗传算法的安全相关应用,主要用于模糊测试以优化代码路径,从而优化代码覆盖率。有一篇论文名为 使用遗传算法和模糊测试对 x86 可执行文件进行漏洞分析以及比该论文早两年的 BlackHat 演示文稿,名为 “响尾蛇”:恶意输入制作的进化指导系统
First of all, the whole idea of genetic algorithms is still being debated, i.e. if genetic algorithms are in any way better suited to solving optimization problems than other methods (who are either proven, easier to use, or provide other advantages).
That being said, yes, I know of a security-related application of genetic algorithms, mainly used in fuzzing to optimize code paths and therefore code coverage. There is a paper called Vulnerability analysis for x86 executables using genetic algorithm and fuzzing and a BlackHat presentation predating that paper by two years called "Sidewinder": An Evolutionary Guidance System for Malicious Input Crafting