
发布于 2024-09-24 21:17:49 字数 4828 浏览 0 评论 0原文


use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use URI;
use URI::http;
use File::Basename;
use DBI;
use HTML::Parser;
use LWP::Simple;
require LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;

print "Starting main program\n";

my @urls = ('http://www.actwebdesigns.co.uk', 'http://www.1st4pets.com', 'http://www.special4you.com');
my @threads;
while ( @urls ) {
        my $url = shift ( @urls );
        my $t = threads->new(\&scan, $url);
while (@threads) {
        my $url_thread = shift(@threads)->join;
sub resolve_href {
    my ($base, $href) = @_;
    my $u = URI->new_abs($href, $base);
    return $u->canonical;   
sub redirect_test {
    my $url = shift;
    my $redirect_limit = 10;
    my $y = 0;
    my( $response, $responseCode );
    while( 1 && $y le $redirect_limit ) {
        $response = $ua->get($url);
        $responseCode = $response->code;
        if( $responseCode == 200 || $responseCode == 301 || $responseCode == 302 ) {
            if( $responseCode == 301 || $responseCode == 302 ) {
                $url = resolve_href( $url, $response->header('Location') );
    return ($url, $response, $responseCode, $redirect_limit, $y );
sub scan {
        my $url = shift;
        my @hrefs_found;
        print "started scanning: $url\n";
        my $info = URI::http->new($url);
        # if url is not an absolute url
        if( ! defined( $info->host ) ) {
            print "Invalid URL: $url \n";    
             my $host = $info->host;
            $host =~ s/^www\.//;
            # check to see if url is valid, checks for redirects (max of 10)
            my @urlI = redirect_test( $url );
            my $content = '';
            # checks to see if url did not redirect more than 10 times and that response returned was 200
            if( $urlI[4] != $urlI[3] && $urlI[2] == 200 ) { 
                $content = $urlI[1]->content;
                die "get failed: " . $urlI[0] if ( ! defined $content );
            # sticks all hrefs on a page in an array
            my @pageLinksArray = ( $content =~ m/href=["']([^"']*)["']/g );
            # foreach links found
            foreach( @pageLinksArray ) {
                # make href an absolute url
                my $url_found = resolve_href( $urlI[0], $_ );
                # check if url looks like a valid url
                if( $url_found =~ m/^http:\/\// ) {
                    my $info = URI::http->new($url_found);
                    # check to see if url is a valid url
                    if( ! defined( $info->host ) ) {
                        print "Invalid URL: $url_found \n";    
                        my %values_index;
                        @values_index{@hrefs_found} = ();
                        my %values_index2;
                        @values_index2{@urls} = ();
                        # if url is not already been found
                        if( ! exists $values_index{$url_found} && ! exists $values_index2{$url_found} ) {
                            # add to arrays
                            push( @hrefs_found, $url_found );
                            push( @urls, $url_found );
            print "$url found " . scalar @hrefs_found . "\n";

        return $url;

问题是,在脚本末尾附近,新找到的 url 被添加到数组中,但脚本顶部的代码没有处理它们,即它只遍历第一个测试 url。




编辑 **


while ( @urls ) {
my $url = shift ( @urls );
my $t = threads->new(\&scan, $url);
my $n = 0;
while( 1 ) {
    if( scalar @urls == 1 ) {
        sleep 10;
    if( $n >= 1 ) {
        print "IN ARRAY URLS:\n\n";
        print @urls;
        print "\n\n";
        die "Process taking too long.";




Starting main program
started scanning: http://www.actwebdesigns.co.uk
started scanning: http://www.1st4pets.com
http://www.actwebdesigns.co.uk found 24
http://www.1st4pets.com found 17


Process taking too long. at C:\perlscripts\thread.pl line 38.
Perl exited with active threads:
        0 running and unjoined
        2 finished and unjoined
        0 running and detached

The following code is a test to test what I have already done with my new found knoledge of threads.

use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use URI;
use URI::http;
use File::Basename;
use DBI;
use HTML::Parser;
use LWP::Simple;
require LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;

print "Starting main program\n";

my @urls = ('http://www.actwebdesigns.co.uk', 'http://www.1st4pets.com', 'http://www.special4you.com');
my @threads;
while ( @urls ) {
        my $url = shift ( @urls );
        my $t = threads->new(\&scan, $url);
while (@threads) {
        my $url_thread = shift(@threads)->join;
sub resolve_href {
    my ($base, $href) = @_;
    my $u = URI->new_abs($href, $base);
    return $u->canonical;   
sub redirect_test {
    my $url = shift;
    my $redirect_limit = 10;
    my $y = 0;
    my( $response, $responseCode );
    while( 1 && $y le $redirect_limit ) {
        $response = $ua->get($url);
        $responseCode = $response->code;
        if( $responseCode == 200 || $responseCode == 301 || $responseCode == 302 ) {
            if( $responseCode == 301 || $responseCode == 302 ) {
                $url = resolve_href( $url, $response->header('Location') );
    return ($url, $response, $responseCode, $redirect_limit, $y );
sub scan {
        my $url = shift;
        my @hrefs_found;
        print "started scanning: $url\n";
        my $info = URI::http->new($url);
        # if url is not an absolute url
        if( ! defined( $info->host ) ) {
            print "Invalid URL: $url \n";    
             my $host = $info->host;
            $host =~ s/^www\.//;
            # check to see if url is valid, checks for redirects (max of 10)
            my @urlI = redirect_test( $url );
            my $content = '';
            # checks to see if url did not redirect more than 10 times and that response returned was 200
            if( $urlI[4] != $urlI[3] && $urlI[2] == 200 ) { 
                $content = $urlI[1]->content;
                die "get failed: " . $urlI[0] if ( ! defined $content );
            # sticks all hrefs on a page in an array
            my @pageLinksArray = ( $content =~ m/href=["']([^"']*)["']/g );
            # foreach links found
            foreach( @pageLinksArray ) {
                # make href an absolute url
                my $url_found = resolve_href( $urlI[0], $_ );
                # check if url looks like a valid url
                if( $url_found =~ m/^http:\/\// ) {
                    my $info = URI::http->new($url_found);
                    # check to see if url is a valid url
                    if( ! defined( $info->host ) ) {
                        print "Invalid URL: $url_found \n";    
                        my %values_index;
                        @values_index{@hrefs_found} = ();
                        my %values_index2;
                        @values_index2{@urls} = ();
                        # if url is not already been found
                        if( ! exists $values_index{$url_found} && ! exists $values_index2{$url_found} ) {
                            # add to arrays
                            push( @hrefs_found, $url_found );
                            push( @urls, $url_found );
            print "$url found " . scalar @hrefs_found . "\n";

        return $url;

The problem being, near the end of the script the new found urls are added into the arrays but the code at the top of the script is not processing them i.e. it is only going through the first test urls.

Can anyone see why this is happening?




I have tried to pause it by doing something like this:

while ( @urls ) {
my $url = shift ( @urls );
my $t = threads->new(\&scan, $url);
my $n = 0;
while( 1 ) {
    if( scalar @urls == 1 ) {
        sleep 10;
    if( $n >= 1 ) {
        print "IN ARRAY URLS:\n\n";
        print @urls;
        print "\n\n";
        die "Process taking too long.";


But it doesn't seem to do anything.

the result being:

Starting main program
started scanning: http://www.actwebdesigns.co.uk
started scanning: http://www.1st4pets.com
http://www.actwebdesigns.co.uk found 24
http://www.1st4pets.com found 17


Process taking too long. at C:\perlscripts\thread.pl line 38.
Perl exited with active threads:
        0 running and unjoined
        2 finished and unjoined
        0 running and detached

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旧人哭 2024-10-01 21:17:49

据我所知,您正在启动一个线程来获取原始列表中的每个 URL,浏览它,并将找到的 URL 添加到原始列表中。

问题是,所有获取和匹配都需要一段时间,并且启动线程的循环可能会在添加第一个新 URL 之前完成。此后它不会再次查看列表,因此不会处理新的 URL。

作为参考,您确实应该进行某种同步和信号发送。大多数语言使用互斥体、“条件”或信号量来做到这一点。除非您执行类似的操作,否则您基本上必须在加入前一个 while 循环中的每批线程之后一遍又一遍地运行 while 循环。



自 5.6.0 起,Perl 支持一种称为解释器线程 (ithreads) 的新型线程。这些线程可以显式和隐式使用。

Ithreads 通过克隆数据树来工作,这样不同线程之间就不会共享数据。

好消息/坏消息时间。好消息是,您不必担心 @urls 首次出现时的线程安全访问。坏消息是这样做的原因:每个线程都有不同的 @urls,因此如果没有额外的帮助,您无法在它们之间共享数据。

您可能想要做的是在列表上下文中创建线程,并让它返回找到的 URL 列表,然后您可以在加入线程时将其附加到 @urls。如果您不知道线程安全问题,替代方案(在线程之间共享@urls)可能会很快变得丑陋。

不管你怎么做,都会导致脚本消耗大量资源——仅仅三个测试 URL 就包含了 42 个其他 URL,而且其中很多可能都有自己的 URL。因此,如果您要为每个请求启动一个线程,那么您很快就会创建比任何机器能够处理的线程还要多的线程。

From what i can see, you're starting a thread to get each URL in the original list, look through it, and add the URLs found to the original list.

Problem is, all that getting and matching takes a while, and the loop that starts the threads will likely be done well before the first new URLs get added. It's not looking at the list again after that point, so the new URLs won't be processed.

For reference, you really ought to have some kind of synchronization and signaling going on. Most languages do this using mutexes, "conditions", or semaphores. Til you do something like that, you'll basically have to run your while loop over and over after you join each batch of threads from the previous while loop.


Looking over the docs, i find this:

Since 5.6.0, Perl has had support for a new type of threads called interpreter threads (ithreads). These threads can be used explicitly and implicitly.

Ithreads work by cloning the data tree so that no data is shared between different threads.

Good news / bad news time. The good news is you don't have to worry about thread-safe access to @urls as it first appeared. The bad news is the reason for that: Each thread has a different @urls, so you can't share data between them like that without some extra help.

What you'll probably want to do instead is create the thread in list context, and let it return the list of URLs it found, which you can then append to @urls when you join the thread. The alternative (sharing @urls between threads) could get ugly fast, if you're not aware of thread safety issues.

However you do it, it's going to cause the script to eat up a huge amount of resources -- just the three test urls contained 42 other URLs, and a bunch of them likely have URLs of their own. So if you're going to start one thread per request, you'll very quickly end up creating more threads than just about any machine can handle.

扭转时空 2024-10-01 21:17:49

默认情况下,每个线程都有自己的私有数据副本。也就是说,当您在一个线程中向 @urls 添加新元素时,所有其他线程中的 @urls 副本不会更新,包括 "父”线程/进程。

当您准备好打开另一罐蠕虫时,请查看 threads:: Shared 模块,它提供了一种笨重但可用的方法来在线程之间共享数据。

By default, each thread has its own private copy of data. That is, when you add new elements to @urls in one thread, the copy of @urls in all the other threads do not get updated, including the copy in the "parent" thread/process.

When you're ready to open another can of worms, check out the threads::shared module, which provides a clunky but useable way to share data between threads.

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