我正在阅读有关错误检测的内容,偶然发现了一个我不太理解的声明。该声明说“对于 ak 位字符串,我们需要 lg k 奇偶校验位来检测 2 位错误”。其中 lg 是以 2 为底的对数,
这本书的名字是 Gallahager 的《数据网络》。
谢谢, 钱德
I was reading about error detection and stumbled upon a statement which I didn't quite understand. The statement said "for a k bit string we need lg k parity bits to detect 2 bit errors".where lg is log to the base 2
I couldn't quite understand why this is true, is there any formal derivation that confirms this.
The name of the book is Data Networks by Gallahager.
Im not doubting what the book says, but am just curious enough to see a derivation.
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查看维基百科页面的循环冗余检查。严格来说,奇偶校验位是 1 位检查,因此谈论多于 1 个奇偶校验位可能是等效 CRC 的简写。文章“CRC 数学” 提供了有关推导的更多信息。
Have a look at the wikipedia page for Cyclic Redundancy Check. Strictly speaking a parity bit is a 1 bit check so talking about more than 1 parity bit is probably shorthand for the equivalent CRC. The article "Mathematics of CRC" gives more on the derivation.
换句话说,syndrome = recalculated_parity XOR receive_parity。
证明需要 n 个奇偶校验位才能检测 2^n 位有效负载数据位帧中的 2 位错误:
当在有效负载数据位中仅存在 1 个错误时整个框架,
假设,如果存在一些有效负载位,使得翻转它会产生一些综合症 S,
并且还有任何其他有效负载位可以产生完全相同的综合症 S,
S xor S == 0
换句话说,对于帧中两个错误位的每种可能情况,必须至少有 1 个类型 (c) 的奇偶校验位。
使用 n 个奇偶校验位给出 n 个校正子位。
对于 n 个校正子位,最多有 2^n 种可能的不同校正子。
帧中最多必须有 2^n 位。
我敢打赌,如果您在 https://math.stackexchange.com/ 上发布这个问题,您会得到一个更短、更优雅的证明:-)。
When the receiver re-calculates the parity bits, and compares the re-calculated parity bits with the received parity bits, the difference is called the syndrome. When there were no errors, the syndrome is zero.
In other words, syndrome = recalculated_parity XOR recieved_parity.
A proof that n parity bits are required to detect 2 bit errors in a 2^n bit frame of payload data bits:
When there is only 1 error in the entire frame,
when the receiver re-calculates the parity bits,
there are two cases:
When there is exactly 2 errors in the entire frame,
the resulting syndrome is the XOR of the syndrome caused by each error in isolation.
When the receiver re-calculates the parity bits, there are 3 cases:
If, hypothetically, there existed some payload bit such that flipping it produces some syndrome S,
and there is any other payload bit that produces exactly the same syndrome S,
then a two-bit error that hit both of those bits would be undetectable.
In other words, that two-bit error would give syndrome of
S xor S == zero
.In other words, each parity is either case (a) or case (b), neither of which can detect such an error.
That would be bad.
So in order to detect every possible two-bit error in the frame,
we must design the error-detection code such that
each single-bit error must produce a different syndrome.
In other words, there must be at least 1 parity bit of type (c) for every possible case of two erroneous bits in the frame.
Using n parity bits gives n syndrome bits.
With n syndrome bits, there are at most 2^n possible different syndromes.
So to make sure that each bit in the frame (when it is the only error) gives a different syndrome,
we must have at most 2^n bits in the frame.
I bet if you posted this question on https://math.stackexchange.com/ you'd get a much shorter and more elegant proof :-).