为所有其他支持的浏览器转换 -moz-线性梯度
#element {
background: -moz-linear-gradient(center top, #FFF 8px, #F2F2F2 24px, #F2F2F2 100%) repeat scroll 0 0 #F2F2F2;
我想采用该规则并将其应用于所有支持线性渐变的浏览器。 对于 Chrome、Safari 和... Internet Explorer,此规则的语法是什么样的?
我正在考虑制作一个超级简单的 Web 应用程序,它将采用包含 Mozilla 规则的 CSS 文件并剔除其他文件浏览器对规则的实现也是如此。
Here's my rule:
#element {
background: -moz-linear-gradient(center top, #FFF 8px, #F2F2F2 24px, #F2F2F2 100%) repeat scroll 0 0 #F2F2F2;
I want to take that rule and apply it to all of the browsers that support a linear gradient. What would this rule's syntax look like for Chrome, Safari, and ... Internet Explorer?
I'm considering making a super simple web app that will take a CSS file with Mozilla rules and kick out the other browser's implementations of the rules as well.
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Here are the gradients as requested...
从“CSS”区域中选择“从 css 导入”并粘贴您的代码!
background: -moz-linear-gradient(center top, rgb(216,54,33), rgb(112,5,7));
This site do the trick : http://www.colorzilla.com/gradient-editor/
Choose "Import from css" from the "CSS" zone and paste your code !!!
You can try with something like "
background: -moz-linear-gradient(center top, rgb(216,54,33), rgb(112,5,7));
" for exemple.Be carefull : code must be formated a certain way... if there is space after comma (", ") for exemple this do not work...
It's not too hard... But this website (css-tricks.com) can explain it much better than I can.
您正在寻找的内容已经可以在这里找到:CSS3 渐变生成器 - 适用于 Mozilla 和基于 Webkit 的( Safari/Chrome) 浏览器。
至于 IE,MSDN 应该可以帮助你。
What you're looking for is already available here: CSS3 Gradient Generator - that works for Mozilla and Webkit-based (Safari/Chrome) browsers.
As for IE, MSDN should help you.
它可能是你将得到的跨浏览器解决方案 - 但话又说回来,CSS 不是我的强项。
I usually use something along the lines of
It's probably as crossbrowser solution as you're going to get - but then again CSS is not my forte.