使用 UITouch 旋转 UIView
我有一个关于如何使用基于触摸的事件旋转 UIView 的问题。
很简单,我想围绕锚点旋转 UIView,具体取决于我在该视图中触摸和关闭的位置。想象一下高保真音响上的音量旋钮,您可以用一根手指转动它。
我已经使用 CAKeyframeAnimation 构建了一个旋转方法,该方法执行 transform.rotation.z,但是我不确定是否(a)我应该将其与触摸方法结合使用,以及(b)如何获取坐标/触摸相对于底层 UIView 的角度,然后将其旋转为指向触摸。
I have a question on how I should approach rotating a UIView with touch based events.
Quite simply, I want to rotate a UIView around an anchorpoint, depending on where I touch on and off within that view. Imagine a volume knob on a hifi, which you turn with one finger.
I've built a rotation method using CAKeyframeAnimation which carries out a transform.rotation.z, however what I am not sure is if (a) I should use that in conjunction with touch methods, and (b) how I can get the coordinate/angle of the touch in relation to the underlying UIView, and subsequently turn it to point to the touch.
I hope I am making sense… Can anyone make any suggestions?
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将其放入您的 UIView 子类中,瞧!
Put this in your UIView Subclass and Voila!