使用 JProfiler 分析 Maven Web 应用程序
我知道我可以使用 ANT 目标通过 JProfiler 分析我的应用程序。有没有办法用maven做同样的事情?
实际上,maven 允许使用 maven-ant 插件运行 ant 目标,但我想在没有 ANT 的情况下执行此类分析。
I know I can profile my application with JProfiler using ANT target. Is there a way to do the same with maven??
Actually maven allows to run ant targets, using maven-ant plugin, but I'd like to perform such profiling without ANT.
Thanks in advance!
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通常用于启用应用程序分析的 JVM 参数可以添加到 MAVEN_OPTS 环境变量中。这些参数也将用于 Maven 启动的所有应用程序。
作为示例,我的 MAVEN_OPTS 在 Maven 启动的 Jetty 实例上启用远程调试:
The JVM arguments normally used to enable profiling of the application can be added to the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable. These arguments will also be used for all applications started by Maven.
As an example my MAVEN_OPTS to enable remote debugging on a Jetty instance started by Maven:
它由 JVM 参数和一些环境条目驱动。请参阅http://resources.ej-technologies.com/jprofiler/help/doc/< /a> 有关更多详细信息,请参阅“远程分析的要求”一章。有远程应用程序分析向导,它还会告诉您到底要做什么。您应该执行以下操作:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH 环境变量应包含 profiler/bin
1.4 JVM Windows:
PATH 环境变量应包含 profiler/bin
1.4 两者:
添加 -Xrunjprofiler -Xbootclasspath/a:{agent.jar 的路径} JVM 参数
1.5 以上:
-agentpath:[jprofilerti 库的路径] 应添加到 JVM 参数中
It is driven by JVM arguments and some environment entry. See http://resources.ej-technologies.com/jprofiler/help/doc/ for more details at "Requirements for remote profiling" chapter. There is the remote application profiling wizard, and it also tells you what to do exactly. You should do the following:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable should contain profiler/bin
1.4 JVM Windows:
PATH environment variable should contain profiler/bin
1.4 Both:
Add -Xrunjprofiler -Xbootclasspath/a:{path to agent.jar} JVM arguments
Above 1.5:
-agentpath:[path to jprofilerti library] should be added to JVM arguments