
发布于 2024-09-24 03:11:26 字数 106 浏览 3 评论 0原文



It seems to me that some languages are generally being conceived as more beautiful than others. This seems to apply to all programming paradigms. Are there any abstract/paradigm-spanning characteristics which makes programmers consider a language as beautiful?

Edit: If you think that there is no consensus then please don't hesitate to state your own views

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山有枢 2024-10-01 03:11:26



例如,Haskell 基本上只是围绕三个原语 使用一个非常小的类型系统(只有值、泛型、构造函数、类型类),它以一种强大的方式涵盖了所有内容,可能没有其他通用语言可以实现。
再次值的概念涵盖了一切 - 数据、函数、对象(作为值的集合)……

另一方面,经典 VB 甚至有超过五种构建循环的方法-在。值和函数、普通数据和对象之间存在差异,...整个过程几乎没有任何编写通用代码的可能性。

What I consider beautiful is conceptual minimalism or more precisely an orthogonal set of few general language primitives ...

as opposed to many less powerful features needed to describe almost the same thing, while permanently having to consider special cases.

Haskell for example is basically just some syntax around three primitives with an incredibly small type system (just values, generics, constructors, typeclasses) that covers everything in such a powerful way that maybe no other common language can achieve.
The notion of a again value covers everything - data, functions, objects (as a collection of values), ...

Classic VB on the other side has even more than five ways of looping built-in. There is made a difference between values and functions, plain data and objects, ... And the whole almost without any possibility of writing generic code.

醉梦枕江山 2024-10-01 03:11:26



There aren't any universal rules for beauty. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - everyone has their own idea of beauty.

Personally I like languages that allow you to write code that is concise but not cryptic. It expresses what I am thinking with no extra cruft or magic arcane syntax.

纵性 2024-10-01 03:11:26


  1. 尽可能简洁,同时仍然具有可读性。
  2. 有尽可能少的特殊情况和奇怪的规则,你“只需要知道”尽可能。
  3. 让正确、安全的方式成为最明显、最不冗长、最易读的方式。
  4. 使解决非常通用的问题变得容易。这在一定程度上与(2)密切相关。如果您必须到处考虑特殊情况,那么您的“通用”解决方案就不是很通用。
  5. 使得创建足够高效、可以在任何地方使用的抽象成为可能,而不仅仅是在不需要快速的代码中。
  6. 尽可能避免将内置类型视为“特殊”。如果内置类型可以做到这一点,那么用户定义的类型也应该能够做到。

Here's my list:

  1. Being as concise as possible while still being readable.
  2. Having as few special cases an odd rules that you "just have to know" as possible.
  3. Making the correct, safe way the most obvious, least verbose and most readable way.
  4. Making it easy to solve problems at a very generic level. This partly goes hand-in-hand with (2). If you have to consider special cases everywhere then your "generic" solutions aren't very generic.
  5. Making it possible to create abstractions that are efficient enough to be used everywhere, not just in code that doesn't need to be fast.
  6. Avoiding treating builtin types as "special" as much as possible. If builtin types can do it, then user defined types should be able to do it.
旧伤还要旧人安 2024-10-01 03:11:26

软件的总体趋势是倾向于更具声明性的语言和语言功能。目前,大多数语言都是关于如何,而不是什么。 for 循环准确地表明了您希望代码的行为方式,但它并不表明您希望发生什么。


There is a general trend in software towards languages and language features that are more declarative. At the moment most languages are all about the how, not about the what. A for loop indicates exactly how you want the code to behave, but it doesn't indicate what you want to happen.

To me a beautiful language is one that allows me to be declarative while not taking away the ability to optimize. The more expressive you can be in code, the better.

無心 2024-10-01 03:11:26


I think it needs to be somewhat similar to a natural language. Reason: the human brain seems to be wired so learning natural languages is easy. See also Nativism, and specially Chomsky. Those are a bit extreme views, but there is most likely some truth to it.

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