AppleGothic 字体在 iPhone3 和 iPhone4/iPod 设备上呈现不同
刚刚意识到 AppleGothic 字体在不同的 iPod / iPhone 3G 和 iPhone 4 设备上存在很大差异。
Just realized there are big differences in the AppleGothic font on different on iPod / iPhone 3G and iPhone 4 devices.
Does anybody knows how is possible that the same embedded font renders so different?
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iPhone 4 的分辨率(视网膜显示屏)比之前的 iPhone 明显更高。我预计字形形状会有细微的差异。字母可能有更平滑的曲线。跟踪和引导差异也可能很小。但是,总的来说,相同的字体在不同的设备上看起来应该基本相同。
The iPhone 4 has a significantly higher resolution (the retina display) than previous iPhones. I would expect there to be subtle differences in glyph shape. Letters probably have smoother curves. There may also be little tracking and leading differences. But, overall, the same font should look the essentially same on different devices.