翻译 makefile 以生成静态 libxxx.a 而不是动态 libxxx.dylib
I am compiling a library (http://www.antisphere.com/Wiki/tools:anttweakbar) but issuing "make" with its included makefile on my mac produces a dynamic library (.dylib). I would much rather have a static library so that I can deploy it with my app. Is it easy/possible to translate the flags in the makefile to produce a static library?
It seems that "make" is just compiling and linking some C/C++ code.
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它看起来不像是使用任何特定于 dylib 的编译标志来构建对象,因此您可以使用以下命令手动构建库:
It doesn't look like it's building the objects with any dylib-specific compilation flags, so you could just do the library build manually with something like:
我有坏消息要告诉你。 这可能会阻止您做您想做的事情。
I have bad news for you. This probably prevents you from doing what you want.