在 XNA 4.0 中保存游戏数据的一个好例子是什么?
我正在尝试通过 XNA MSDN 文档来保存和读取游戏数据,但运气不佳。
我希望能够保存管理器正在跟踪的整个对象列表的状态。 然后在下次游戏加载时加载它们。基本上是拯救世界的状态。
I am trying to work my way through the XNA MSDN documentation on saving and reading game data, and I am not having much luck.
In essence I have a manager class which keeps track multiple instance of base classes.
I want to be able to save the state of the entire list of objects that the manager is keeping track of.
Then load them in the next time the game loads. Basically saving the state of the world.
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如果您使用 XNA 4.0 帮助中所示的 XmlSerializer,则基类需要为它们可以序列化到的每个具体类型指定 [XmlInclude(Type)] 属性。
下面是如何在 XNA 4.0 中保存游戏数据的示例。游戏运行后按F1保存。数据将保存到类似于 C:\Users\{用户名}\Documents\SavedGames\WindowsGame\Game1StorageContainer\Player1 的位置。
要在 Xbox 上实现此功能,请添加对 Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices 和 Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices 的引用。 System.Xml.序列化。
If you use the XmlSerializer as shown in the XNA 4.0 help, base classes need to have the [XmlInclude(Type)] attribute specified for each concrete type they can be serialized into.
Below is an example of how to save game data in XNA 4.0. Press F1 to save once the game is running. The data will be saved to a location similar to C:\Users\{username}\Documents\SavedGames\WindowsGame\Game1StorageContainer\Player1.
Loading the data again is a very similar process.
To get this working on XBox add references to Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices & System.Xml.Serialization.