最佳项目管理工具、源代码控制、构建器和 wiki

发布于 2024-09-19 00:29:09 字数 1846 浏览 3 评论 0原文


在过去的 5-6 年里,我经历了一些转变:


纸=>便利贴=> OneNote =>错误网 => OnTime

Wiki 和文档:
文字+网络分享=> ScrewTurn Wiki

Cruise Control + MSBuild

现在,特别是由于 SVN 和 Wiki 的情况,我正在考虑用一些新鲜的东西来组建这个团队。过去,我们在 SVN 中遇到过分支噩梦,而且我们越是尝试修复它,情况就越糟糕。我面临的另一个挑战是找到稳定且集成的东西。你可以想象BugNet+SVN+ScrewTurn+CruiseControl+MSBuild是完全不同的动物,所以集成和协同非常重要;我不想在 10 个不同的应用程序之间跳转来报告错误或分配任务并检查已完成的工作并查看存储库日志。

1. TFS 2010
- 多合一解决方案。它确实拥有一切,包括新的 SCRUM 流程模板。
- 非常友好的用户界面和 SharePoint 集成。
- WYSIWYG Wiki 和 Office 集成。
- 硬件和管理时间的前期成本很高。软件也是如此,但这不会影响我们,因为我们订阅了免费软件的 MSDN。
- 我对 TFS 的源代码控制犹豫不决。 SC 是基于文件的,并且像 SVN 和 VSS 一样具有中央存储库。我真的不想陷入我们过去遇到过的同样问题。

2. FugBUgs + 窑炉 + CC
- Kiln 使用 Mercurial,具有分布式源代码控制的所有优点。
- 最少的前期成本和规划时间来启动和运行。每个用户每月 30.00 美元。
- 非常友好的网络用户界面。
- 所见即所得维基编辑器。
- 非常简单的问题跟踪器和项目管理工具。集成 SCRUM 流程会很容易。
- 缺乏用于更集成流程的构建器自动化工具(如 TFS)。因此,这意味着我们必须继续用命令行功能和社区任务来维护我们的构建器工作人员。

以前,我使用的是 Visual Studio Team System 2005,但并没有给我留下关于该系统的最美好的回忆。但新的 TFS 2010 似乎是一个非常可靠的选择。 FogBugz 和 Mercurial 有点像新来的孩子,它们为新流程带来了新的思维,但一如既往,这是一把双刃剑。

  1. 工具集成
  2. 最大限度地减少源代码控制 分支和合并冲突(是的,我们有必要进行分支和合并)
  3. 友好的用户界面(不是每个人都是 CMD 黑客)
  4. WYSIWYG Wiki。
  5. 开发人员的学习曲线。
  6. 是时候让 VS 运行起来了。长期价值。

新团队有4名团队成员+1名项目经理(Scrum Master)和1名产品经理(Product Owner)。所以我们谈论的是一个相对较小且新的团队。我们将从事的范围和项目是大型企业应用程序,具有多个项目和分支变体

Howdy there. I'm putting together a new software team and I'm looking at different tools that overcome previous nightmares I've had with other teams.

Over the last 5-6 years these are some transitions I've gone thru:


Project Management, Bug and Issue Tracking:
Paper => PostIt Notes => OneNote => BugNet => OnTime

Wiki and Documentation:
Word + Network Share => ScrewTurn Wiki

Builder Automation:
Cruise Control + MSBuild

Now, specially because of SVN and the Wiki situation, I'm looking into starting this team with something fresh. In the past we've had branching nightmares with SVN, and the more we try to fix it, the worst it becomes. The other challenge I have is to find something that is stable and integrated. You can imagine that BugNet+SVN+ScrewTurn+CruiseControl+MSBuild are quite different animals, so integration and synergy is very important; I don't want to be jumpint between 10 different applications to report a bug or assign tasks and review the work completed and look at the repo log.
So, the new team and I have been talking this out for a couple of days now, and I think we've narrowed it down to 2 posibilities:

1. TFS 2010
- All-in-One solution. It truly has it all, including a new SCRUM process template.
- Very friendly user interface and SharePoint integration.
- WYSIWYG Wiki and Office Integration.
- High upfront costs in hardware and admin time. Software too, but it doesn't affect us because we have an MSDN subscription with free software.
- I'm hesitant about the source control of TFS. SC is file-based and with central repository just like SVN and VSS. I really don't want to fall for the same issues we've had in the past.

2. FugBUgs + Kiln + CC
- Kiln uses Mercurial, with all the benefits of distributed source control.
- Minimal upfront costs and planning time to get it up and running. $30.00 per user per month.
- Very friendly web user interface.
- WYSIWYG Wiki editor.
- Very simple issue tracker and project management tools. It would be easy to integrate SCRUM processes.
- Lacks builder automation tools for more integrated processes (like TFS). So this will mean we'll have to keep on banging our heads with command line functions and community tasks to maintain our builder workers.

Back in the day, I used Visual Studio Team System 2005 and I didn't take the best memories with me about the system; but the new TFS 2010 seems a very solid bet. FogBugz and Mercurial are kinda like the new kids in the block and they bring fresh thinking to the new processes, but as always this is a double edge sword.
Anybody with solid experience with any of these? Are we missing that 3rd option? Do you have that silver bullet for my problems?

  1. Tools Integration
    1.1. Source Control
    1.2. Wiki
    1.3. Build Automation
    1.4. Project management
    1.5. Issue Tracker
  2. Minimize Source Control Branching and Merging conflicts (yes, it is necessary for us to branch out and merge)
  3. Friendly User Interface (not everybody is CMD hacker)
  4. WYSIWYG Wiki.
  5. Learning Curve for developers.
  6. Time to get it all running VS. Long Term Value.

The new team has 4 team members + 1 Project Manager (Scrum Master) and 1 Product Manager (Product Owner). So we are talking about a relatively small and new team. the scope and projects we'll be working on is large, enterprise applications with multiple projects and branching variations

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留一抹残留的笑 2024-09-26 00:29:09



但是,如果您想要一个更小规模的解决方案,更适合较小的团队,那么 SVN/Trac/Cruise Control 之类的解决方案可能最适合您的需求。

How big will your team be, and what methodology / roles will everyone use?

I would say if it's a huge team, TFS might more suit your needs.
Especially if you need to publish to sharepoint, or have more defined roles in your team.

However if you want a smaller scale solution, which will fit a smaller team better, something like SVN/Trac/Cruise Control might best fit your needs.

多情出卖 2024-09-26 00:29:09

您听起来像是在寻找类似 Trac 的东西。

Trac 是一个用于软件开发项目的增强型 wiki 和问题跟踪系统。 Trac 使用简约的方法进行基于 Web 的软件项目管理。我们的使命是帮助开发人员编写出色的软件,同时不妨碍他们。 Trac 应该尽可能少地对团队既定的开发流程和政策施加影响。

它提供了 Subversion(或其他版本控制系统)的接口、集成的 Wiki 和方便的报告工具。

Trac 可以通过插件进行扩展。 Trac-Hack wiki 是寻找插件的地方。

这是另一个 stackoverflow 问题,询问推荐的 Trac 插件

You sound like you're looking for something like Trac.

Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects. Trac uses a minimalistic approach to web-based software project management. Our mission is to help developers write great software while staying out of the way. Trac should impose as little as possible on a team's established development process and policies.

It provides an interface to Subversion (or other version control systems), an integrated Wiki and convenient reporting facilities.

Trac can be extended with plugins. The Trac-Hack wiki is the place to go for plugins.

Here's another stackoverflow question asking for recommended Trac plugins.

太傻旳人生 2024-09-26 00:29:09

Redmine 来救援。

Redmine to the rescue.

別甾虛僞 2024-09-26 00:29:09

我建议您使用TFS 2010和Visual Studio 2010(如果您正在开发.Net应用程序)

您不需要担心TFS的SC。 TFS 将所有内容存储在 SQL Server DB 中。 TFS 在 Web 服务器上运行,因此您可以将源代码管理连接到您想要的位置。

WI 跟踪是一个优点。 TFS 拥有令人惊叹的 WI 跟踪机制。如果需要,您可以自定义 WI。 TFS 支持其他软件流程,例如 MSF、CMMI 或 Agile。

TFS 2010的测试能力非常完善。如果您与 Visual Studio 2010 一起使用,则可以最大限度地提高 TFS 2010 的效率。

当需要合并时,分支总是很烦人。但 TFS 2010 总能帮助您。您可以在分支和合并之前跟踪源的更改。

TFS 2010 Build机制支持WorkFlow。因此您可以轻松地高度定制您的构建过程;如果这对您来说不合适,您可以使用其他批处理文件(MsBuild)。

TFS 2010 比 TFS 2008 和 2005 具有更简单的管理操作。您可以轻松创建构建代理、机器、项目集合等。TFS

2010 支持几乎所有 MS 产品;例如微软Office。 Excel 与 TFS 或 MS Project 具有良好的集成。不要忘记共享点。


但我知道你不能将MSDN Subs中的TFS用于商业目的。因为这仅用于测试,并且只有 5 个用户可以连接(我不太确定),

至少,如果您愿意,您不必在专用服务器上设置 TFS(不建议这样做)。如果需要,您可以在 Win7 上进行设置,并且 TFS 可以在 SQL Server Express 上运行,

因此我建议您使用 TFS 2010。如果您正在开发 .Net 应用程序,那么没有什么比 TFS 更好的了。

I suggest you to use TFS 2010 and Visual Studio 2010 (if you are developing .Net Applications)

You don't need to worry about SC at TFS. TFS stores everything in SQL Server DB. TFS works on a web server, so you can connect your source control where you want.

WI tracking is a plus. TFS has an amazing WI tracking mechanism. You can customize your WIs if you want. TFS supports additional software process such as MSF, CMMI or Agile.

Test capabilities of TFS 2010 is perfect. If you use with Visual Studio 2010 you can maximize your efectiveness with TFS 2010.

Branching is allways annoying when the time comes to merge; but TFS 2010 allways helps you. You can track changes at your sources before branches and merges.

TFS 2010 Build mechanism supports WorkFlow. So you can highly customize your build process easily; if this is not okey for you, you can use additional batch files (MsBuild).

TFS 2010 has an easier administration operation then TFS 2008 and 2005. You can easily create build agents, machines, project collections, etc...

TFS 2010 supports almost all MS products; such as MS Office. Excel has a great integration with TFS Or MS Project. Don't forget Sharepoint.

TFS is not only a source code management system, TFS is a project management system, application lifecycle management system, workitem tracking system, and so on..

But i know you can not use TFS from MSDN Subs for commercial purposes. Because this is only for test and only 5 user can connect (i am not exactly sure)

At least, you don't had to set up TFS on a dedicated server if you want (this is not recommended). You can set up on Win7 if you want and TFS can work on SQL Server Express

So i suggest you TFS 2010. If you are developing .Net Apps nothing can be better then TFS.

流心雨 2024-09-26 00:29:09

到目前为止,我对 atlassian 产品非常满意。 JIRA 与 subversion 集成得很好。如果您在提交消息中提供文本标记,JIRA 也会显示与问题相关的代码更改。 websvn 没有使用 FishEye,而是选择作为 svn Web 前端的工具。如果您只是寻找“wiki”,foswiki 会做得很好。但我更多的是从 Linux 的角度来看待工具链。

So far I have been very pleased with atlassian product(s). JIRA integrates very well with subversion. If you provide a textual tag in your commit message, JIRA will display issue related code changes as well. Instead of using FishEye, websvn was the tool of choice as svn web front end. If your just looking for a 'wiki', foswiki does a good job. But I'm looking more from a linux angle at the tool chain.

薄荷→糖丶微凉 2024-09-26 00:29:09



1)寻找一个工具 - 而不仅仅是工具的集合。例如,请参阅寻求真正的“工具链”,其中讨论了可以很好地协同工作的工具。更顺畅的工作流程应该可以节省时间,并可能增加项目成功的机会。



Absolutely no offence intended, but … you keep changing - have you considered why? And how confident can you be that you won't find yourself changing again. Invest extra time and effort on getting it tight this time.

Without advising on specific tools, I will advise you to to do two things.

1) look for a tool chain - not just a collection of tools. See for instance Seeking a true "tool-chain" which discusses tools which play well together. A smoother work flow should save time and might increase the project's chances of success.

I note that you say “You can imagine that BugNet+SVN+ScrewTurn+CruiseControl+MSBuild are quite different animals, so integration and synergy is very important
“, so I think that we are in agreement on that one

2) you need acceptance from the people who will use these tools. Don't present them with a fait accompli, ask what they think – in advance. In fact, canvas them for suggestions. This point might be tricky in light of the previous point.

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