是否使用 IDE?初学者开发者的困境

发布于 2024-09-18 21:44:44 字数 229 浏览 4 评论 0原文

基本上,我和我的一个朋友只是计划开发一个具有 GUI 界面的 Python 项目,并启用文件传输和远程文件列表。我们拥有我们将要使用的大部分工具,Glade、Python 等。

我只是想知道是否应该使用 IDE。

我只听说过 Anjuta 的优点,但不相信它对 Python 的支持;愿意发表评论吗?
还有其他好的 IDE 我应该检查一下吗?

目前我只是计划像往常一样在 vim 中编码。

Basically, me and a friend of mine are just planning to work on a Python project which would have GUI interface, and enable file transfer over and remote file listing. We have most of the tools which we are going to use, Glade, Python etcetera.

I just want to know if I should use an IDE or not.

I've heard only good things about Anjuta, but not convinced of its Python support; care to comment?
And also is there any other good IDE I should check out?

Currently I am just planning on coding as usual in vim.

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美煞众生 2024-09-25 21:44:45

Python 是一种特别奇怪的语言,因为拥有成熟的 IDE 并没有真正增加太多(有些人会认为 IDE 往往会严重限制你在 Python 中的思维流程)。我一直使用常规的 Vim 和 Gedit 在 Python 中进行开发,并且从未真正怀念过使用 IDE。

不过,Vim 或 Emacs 等文本编辑器本身可以非常灵活地配置以匹配 IDE 功能,因此选择哪种方式并不重要。

Python is a particularly strange language in that having a full-fledged IDE doesn't really add much (and some would argue that an IDE tends to severely limit your thinking-flow in Python). I've been using regular Vim and Gedit to develop in Python and never really missed using IDE.

Text editors like Vim or Emacs itself can be configured quite flexibly to match an IDE power though, so it doesn't really matter which way you go.

鹊巢 2024-09-25 21:44:45

您可以查看许多 IDE。看看PyDevPIDA科莫多埃里克

我个人认为 IDE 并没有给软件开发带来那么多的帮助(以这种规模和这种语言)。 Python 具有良好的外部调试工具,对于这种规模的程序来说,重构并不困难。



There are numerous IDEs you can check out. Take a look at PyDev, PIDA, Komodo, Eric.

I personally don't think IDEs add that much to software development (on this scale and in this language). Python has fine external debugging tools and refactoring is not that hard with a program of this size.

Do you currently use or want to use any features you miss in your current editor? If so, pick another one, else, stick with what you like most.

As long as it has version control integration you should be fine.

埋情葬爱 2024-09-25 21:44:45

就我个人而言,我的大部分 Python 编码都是在 Vim 中完成的,但偶尔我会想使用完整的 IDE,并且有时会使用 Eclipse 和 Pydev。

这取决于你自己的喜好,有些人绝对喜欢 Vim 并且不会使用其他任何东西。其他人如果没有 IDE 就无法工作。


Personally I do most my Python coding in Vim, but once in a while I feel like using a full-IDE and I use Eclipse with Pydev at those times.

It depends on your own preference, some people absolutely love Vim and won't use anything else. Others just can't work without an IDE.

Here's a list of:

七秒鱼° 2024-09-25 21:44:45

至于是否使用 IDE,这并不重要。我更喜欢使用 IDE,因为我喜欢将所需的工具捆绑到一个漂亮、整洁的小包中,以处理我的所有开发工作。然而,使用文本编辑器也同样好,尤其是像 vi(m) 和 (x)emacs 这样强大且可扩展的文本编辑器。然而,使用 IDE 的真正原因是代码完成、缩进管理、代码折叠、重构支持和调试。

如果您想查看其他用于 Python 开发的 IDE,我建议您还可以查看带有适当插件的 NetBeans 和 Eclipse。我个人更喜欢 NetBeans,因为我有一种感觉,自从 Aptana 收购了 PyDev 后,PyDev 就会走下坡路(之前,他们毁了 RadRails,这是用于 Ruby on Rails 开发的 Eclipse 插件),并且不想适应一个可能不会长期有用的工具。

In terms of using an IDE or not, it doesn't matter. I prefer using an IDE since I like having the tools I need bundled up into one nice, neat little package that can handle all of my development. However, using a text editor is just as good, especially ones as powerful and extensible as vi(m) and (x)emacs. The real reasons for using an IDE, though, are code completion, management of indentation, code folding, refactoring support, and debugging.

If you want to check out other IDEs for Python development, I would suggest also looking at NetBeans and Eclipse with the appropriate plugins. I, personally, prefer NetBeans since I have a feeling that PyDev is going to be going downhill since Aptana bought them (previously, they ruined RadRails, which is the Eclipse plugin for Ruby on Rails development) and don't want to get comfortable with a tool that might not be useful long-term.

蓝天白云 2024-09-25 21:44:45


对于 Python,我会说来自 JetBrains 的 PyCharm。 IntelliJ 是最好的 Java IDE; PyCharm 让我的 Python 工作成为一种乐趣。

With Java, I'd say no IDE for beginners, because you have to understand CLASSPATH first.

With Python, I'd say PyCharm from JetBrains. IntelliJ is the best Java IDE; PyCharm is making my Python work a pleasure.

满地尘埃落定 2024-09-25 21:44:45


IMHO, not using IDE to develop is just like using typewriter to write a novel. Nobody said you can't, but why you have to try that hard when you already have laptop?

一笔一画续写前缘 2024-09-25 21:44:45

我在 Vim 中为 python 编写代码。如果您想使用 IDE,那么我会推荐 IntelliJ 的 PyCharm。我使用 vim 是因为实际编辑功能要优越得多,如果您是高级用户,那么几乎没有什么是您不能轻松完成的。

PyCharm 通过提供补全功能来提供 api 帮助,并帮助进行一些基本重构。尽管这些优点的磨损比您预期的要早。我使用 grep 和 vim regex 进行重构 - 它比 pycharm 需要更多工作,但如果你能管理它,那么 vim 的优势显然超过使用 ide。

我假设你正在 *nix 环境中开发,如果你使用 Windows 那么我建议使用 Ide。

I code in Vim for python. If you want to use an IDE then I would recommend IntelliJ's PyCharm. I use vim because the actual editing is far superior and if you are a power user there is very little that you can't do easily.

PyCharm provides help with api by providing completion and helps with some basic refactoring. These advantages though wear of sooner than you would expect. I use grep and vim regex to do refactoring - its a bit more work than pycharm but if you can manage it then the advantages of vim clearly outweigh using an ide.

I assume that you are developing in a *nix environment, if you use windows then I would recommend using an Ide.

毁虫ゝ 2024-09-25 21:44:45

与这里的其他人相反,我认为 IDE 确实对软件开发有很大帮助,即使对于像 Python 这样的动态类型语言来说也是如此,这使得静态分析变得更加困难。

我首选的 Python 开发 IDE 是带有 PyDev 的 Eclipse。在此之前,我使用 Notepad++ 进行编码,就功能而言,它与 PyDev 编辑器没有太大区别。 PyDev 具有一些“普通”编辑器中找不到的强大功能:

  • 它(几乎)实时显示警告和语法错误。文本编辑器不会告诉我有关拼写错误的信息,但 PyDev 会告诉我。作为另一个示例,未解析的导入或未定义的函数(例如,由于拼写错误)被标记为警告/错误。而且还有很多更常见的错误会被自动检测到,PyDev 可以与 pylint 集成,以便发出警告来自 pylint 的错误在编辑器中以常用图标显示。
  • 通过内省自动完成
  • 当前模块及其类的大纲视图

此外,Eclipse 本身也非常适合任何类型的编程项目。我特别喜欢完全集成的界面 - 项目浏览器、编辑器、大纲、控制台、问题概述、运行配置等。当使用 Vim、Emacs 或类似工具时,我猜你必须安装大量插件或自定义脚本才能实现相同的目的。

正如你所说你想做一个项目,我认为Eclipse是一个不错的选择。对于快速破解一个小型 Python 脚本来说,这当然是大材小用了。

As opposed to some other guys here, I think that an IDE does add much to software development, even for a dynamically typed language like Python which makes it harder to do static analysis.

My preferred IDE for Python development is Eclipse with PyDev. Before that, I coded in Notepad++ which isn't much different than the PyDev editor in terms of features. PyDev has some great features that you won't find in a "normal" editor:

  • It shows warnings and syntax errors (almost) in realtime. A text editor won't tell me about typos, but PyDev does. As another example, unresolved imports or undefined functions (e.g. because of a typo) are marked as warnings/errors. And there are many more common mistakes that are automatically detected, and PyDev can be integrated with pylint so that warnings and errors from pylint are displayed with the usual icons in the editor.
  • Autocompletion by introspection
  • Outline view of the current module and its classes

Additionally, Eclipse itself is also great for any kind of programming project. I especially like the fully integrated interface - project explorer, editor, outline, console, problems overview, run configurations and so on. When using Vim, Emacs or similar, I guess you would have to install lots of plugins or custom scripts to achieve the same.

As you said you want to do a project, I think that Eclipse is a good choice. For quickly hacking a small Python script, it's overkill of course.

转瞬即逝 2024-09-25 21:44:45

如果您刚刚开始学习 python/glade/gtk 堆栈,我建议您应该在没有 IDE 的情况下开始,只是为了了解它的内部工作原理。当您的代码变得更大、更复杂时,这将对您有所帮助。

然而,好的 IDE 在很多方面都有帮助,从长远来看,我不建议反对使用任何 IDE。本文可能会帮助您决定是否需要任何:http://infoworld.com/d/developer-world/infoworld-review-nine-fine-python-development-tools-374

If you just start learning python/glade/gtk stack, I'd say you should start without an IDE just to learn how it works internally. This will help you later when your code will be bigger and more complex.

However, good IDE helps in so many ways I wouldn't recommend against using any in the long run. This article might help you decide whether you need any: http://infoworld.com/d/developer-world/infoworld-review-nine-fine-python-development-tools-374

没企图 2024-09-25 21:44:45

这是课程的马,就我个人而言,我对 textmate 或 vim 和一杯好咖啡更满意,但这对你来说感觉更舒服。

使用 IDE 并没有什么可耻的,如果它能最有效地将您的想法传达给大众,那么就使用您喜欢的任何东西。


it's horses for courses, personally i'm much happier with textmate or vim and a nice cup of coffee but it's what feels more comfortable to you.

there's no shame in using an IDE, if it's what gets your idea out there to the masses the most productive then use whatever you like.

however when starting out i'd favour something with intellisense as it'll teach you the basics as you type, give it a year and you'll be a master at it.

弃爱 2024-09-25 21:44:45


  1. 使用您习惯的方法。如果您过去使用过编辑器并且知道它的怪癖,请坚持使用它。您将花费更少的时间来弄清楚如何使用该工具,并将更多的时间花在实际项目上。

  2. 使用新的东西。 Anjuta、vim 等等,只要你到目前为止还没有花太多时间使用它。除了实际项目之外,您还将学到很多东西,但项目本身不会尽快完成。

就我个人而言,我更喜欢 2. 总是学习新东西,只要不是关键时刻并且必须在周五之前完成。 IDE 只能帮助您这么多,但是当您仍处于学习阶段时,您自己花在代码上的时间越多越好。

Two ways to approach this:

  1. Use what you're used to. If you have used an editor in the past and know its quirks, stick with it. You'll waste less time figuring out how to work with the tool and spend more time on the actual project.

  2. Use something new. Anjuta, vim, whatever, as long as you haven't spent too much time with it so far. You'll learn a whole lot of stuff besides your actual project, but the project itself won't be done as fast as could be.

Personally, I prefer 2. Always learn something new, as long as it's not crunch time and it-has-to-be-done-by-friday. An IDE can help you only so much, but when you're still in the learning phase the more time you spend on the code yourself, the better.

最美的太阳 2024-09-25 21:44:45

我不是 Python 程序员,但我不喜欢使用 IDE。
原因是我发现 IDE 通常很大并且为我做太多事情,而使用 Notepad++ 和命令提示符可以让我根据我的需要进行精简,而不是被我不使用的功能包围。这使我能够更轻松地学习,因为我可以更好地控制发生的事情。

I'm not a Python programmer, but I prefer not to use IDEs.
The reason for this is that I find IDEs are often big and do too many things for me, whereas using Notepad++ and the command prompt allows me to trim things down to suit my needs rather than being surrounded by features that I don't use. This allows me to learn more easily, because I have more control over what happens.

对你再特殊 2024-09-25 21:44:45

不要使用 IDE 学习编码。用它编码!

Don't learn coding with an IDE. Code with it!

夜雨飘雪 2024-09-25 21:44:45

我发现使用 IDE 可以极大地提高我的 Python 代码工作效率。特别是,使用wingide 使Python 编码成为一种乐趣。它具有您所期望的所有正常功能(语法突出显示、自动完成等),但杀手级功能是调试器和调试探针。

这两个功能值得该程序付出的代价。它可以让您查看应用程序的实时状态并在断点处实时尝试 python 语句。我发现这对于探索当前状态并尝试一些代码以查看它是否有效特别有帮助。我经常在调试探针中实时编写一些更棘手的代码部分,然后将它们复制到我的应用程序中。很不错。

I find using an IDE to dramatically help my Python code productivity. In particular, using wingide makes coding in python a pleasure. It has all the normal things you would expect (syntax highlighting, auto-complete, etc) but the killer features are the debugger and the debug probe.

These two features are worth the cost of the program. It lets you see the live state of the application and try out python statements live at breakpoints. I find this especially helpful to explore the current state and to try out some code to see if it will work. I often write some of the trickier sections of code in the debug probe live and them copy them into my application. Very nice.

时光倒影 2024-09-25 21:44:44

使用 IDE 进行调试的能力使您的生活变得更加轻松。

The ability to debug using an IDE makes your life so much easier.

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