Magento 查看“公司名称”而不是名字/姓氏
Magento 是否可以通过客户的公司名称以及联系人姓名来查看/管理我们的客户,以便轻松找到他们?它用于 B2B,因此当电子邮件发出时,他们会提取客户的姓名,而不是更合适的公司名称。
Can Magento view/manage our customers by their business name in addition to their contact names to find them easily? It is being used for B2B, so when emails go out they are pulling the customer’s name, instead of the company name which is more appropriate.
Is this a global setting?
thanks in advance.
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Magento 默认将公司名称存储在客户的地址上,因此访问起来有点困难。
在这种情况下有效的方法是重写下面提到的两个对象,但向它们添加 getCompanyName 方法。这样,您就可以调用正确的对象,并且可以根据需要编辑电子邮件。
Magento stores business name on the customer's address by default, so it's a little harder to get to.
There's no reason you cannot add another customer field to put the company name on the customer record itself. That way you'll have no problem accessing it, and can change other screens in the system to reflect it.
If you don't want to go to those lengths, you could always implement a method that pulls the company name from the default address, and save it into the session by default, for easier retrieval.
EDIT: Better idea.
Looking through the sales email templates, there are two methods that are used to grab a customer's name:
I don't see any separate references to the company name, so you should be able to substitute these two methods for your own and get the desired outcome. You'll need to create your own module and override the models for customer/address and sales/order (others have covered this in depth elsewhere). Then create methods that look something like this:
That's the example for sales order, modify accordingly for customer. Now your company names will be used whenever available, and when they aren't the fallback will be to the original implementation (customer name).
Hope that helps!
You are correct about the universal application. If you did want just the emails, the concern is whether you have access to your custom function where you need it. If there's no object handy, I'm not positive that you will be able to call just any method that you need to.
An approach that would work in this case would be to override the two objects mentioned below, but to instead add a getCompanyName method to them. That way, you'll have the right objects to call, and you can edit the emails specifically to taste.