使用 Objective C 获取给定 GMT 偏移量的时区缩写
示例:假设给定了 GMT -5 的偏移量,我想显示 EST(假设为美国)的缩写,与 GMT -5 相对应。
如果使用 [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName:@"America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires"] 初始化 NSTimeZone 对象,则可以通过 [myTzVar abbreviation]; 获得正确的缩写
但是,如果您使用 secondsFromGMT 对其进行初始化,缩写始终类似于“GMT -XXX”。
Is there a way to lookup a timezone abbreviation when only the temporal offset is known?
Example: Say i'm given the offset of GMT -5, i'd like to display the abbreviation of EST (assuming US) as apposed to GMT -5.
If you initialize a NSTimeZone object with [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName:@"America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires"], you can get the correct abbreviation by [myTzVar abbreviation];
However, if you initialize it using secondsFromGMT, the abbreviation is always something like "GMT -XXX".
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问题在于夏令时:对于具有相同 GMT 偏移量的国家/地区来说,夏令时可能会有所不同。这就是为什么只有提供全名而不仅仅是 GMT 偏移量才能知道缩写的原因。
The problem lies in daylight savings time: this can be different for countries that have the same GMT offset. That is why the abbreviation can only be known if you give the full name instead of just the GMT offset.