使用 Symfony 和 Git(协作)
假设我们有一个包含三个应用程序的项目 - A、B 和 C。 团队:杰克、苏珊和马丁。还有一位项目负责人——大卫。
A - 杰克
B - 苏珊
那么,源代码管理存在问题。如何有效 用 Git 组织它?我有几个用例,但我不是真的 确定它们是否正确且有效。它们是:
- 整个项目的一个存储库。
- A、B 和 A 的单独存储库 C 应用程序(在其适当的范围内) “apps”文件夹中的目录)。
Suppose we have a Project with three applications — A, B and C. Our
team: Jack, Susan and Martin. And one project leader — David.
Each programmer is working on their own application:
A - Jack
B - Susan
C - Martin
So, there is a problem with source code management. How to effectively
organize it with Git? I have several use-cases, but I'm not really
sure if they are correct and effective. Here they are:
- One repo for whole project.
- Separate repositories for A, B and
C apps (within their appropriate
directories in "apps" folder).
I really like second idea, but I'm not if it's really effective.
What do you thing and how would you organize such things? Any help will be appreciated.
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这一切都取决于这些应用程序的耦合程度。如果它们之间存在依赖关系(A 调用 B 和 C 的私有且仍在变化的 API),那么将它们放在一个存储库中是有意义的。如果它们是独立开发的,那么它们应该位于单独的存储库中。
This all comes down to how tightly coupled those applications are. If they have dependencies amongst them (A calls private, still-changing APIs of B and C), then putting them in one repository would make sense. If they are developed independently, then they should be in separate repositories.
知道了。答案是 - Git 子模块。
Got it. The answer is — Git Submodules.