无论如何,问题在于我们如何构建数据库。现在它只是一张以评论 ID 作为主键的表,然后有一个用于评论所涉及的“人”的字段:
评论 ID - 评论 - 人物
1 - “他很奇怪” - John Smith
2 - “臭女孩” - 珍妮
3 - “同性恋” - 约翰·史密斯
4 - “欠我 20 美元” - 珍妮yyyyyyyy
一切正常。使用数据库,我可以创建列出特定“人”的所有“评论”的页面。然而,他对数据库未标准化感到困扰。我阅读了有关标准化的内容,发现他错了。该表目前已标准化,因为评论 ID 是唯一的,并且规定了“评论”和“人物”。现在他坚持认为“人”应该有自己的桌子,因为它是“物”。我认为没有必要,因为尽管“人”确实是更大的容器(一个“人”可以有很多关于他们的“评论”),但数据库似乎运行得很好,“人”是评论 ID。我使用不同的 PHP 调用来执行不同的 SQL 选择,使其在输出以及用户搜索和查看结果的不同方式上神奇地显得更加复杂,但实际上,设置非常简单。我现在让用户对评论进行排序,并在同一张表上保留一个“分数”作为另一个字段。
My friend and I are building a website and having a major disagreement. The core of the site is a database of comments about 'people.' Basically people can enter comment and they can enter the person the comment is about. Then viewers can search the database for words that are in the comment or parts of the person name. It is completely user generated. For example, if someone wants to post a comment on a mispelled version of a person's name, they can, and that's OK. So there may be multiple spellings of different people listed as several different entries (some with middle name, some with nickname, some mispelled, etc.), but this is all OK. We don't care if people make comments about random people or imaginary people.
Anyway, the issue is about how we are structuring the database. Right now it is just one table with the comment ID as the primary key, and then there is a field for the 'person' the comment is about:
comment ID - comment - person
1 - "he is weird" - John Smith
2 - "smelly girl" - Jenny
3 - "gay" - John Smith
4 - "owes me $20" - Jennyyyyyyyyy
Everything is working fine. Using the database, I am able to create pages that list all the 'comments' for a particular 'person.' However, he is obsessed that the database isn't normalized. I read up on normalization and learned that he was wrong. The table IS currently normalized, because the comment ID is unique and dictates the 'comment' and the 'person.' Now he is insistant that 'person' should have it's OWN table because it is a 'thing.' I don't think it is necessary, because even though 'person' really is the bigger container (one 'person' can have many 'comments' about them), the database seems to operate just fine with 'person' being an attribute of the comment ID. I use various PHP calls for different SQL selections to make it magically appear more sophisticated on the output and the different way the user can search and see results, but in reality, the set-up is quite simple. I am now letting users rank comments with thumbs up and thumbs down, and I keep a 'score' as another field on the same table.
I feel that there is currently no need to have a separate table for just unique 'person' entries because the 'persons' don't have their own 'score' or any of their own attributes. Only the comments do. My friend is so insistant that it is necessary for efficiency. Finally I said, "OK, if you want me to create a separate table and let 'person' be it's own field, then what would be the second field? Because if a table has just a single column, it seems pointless. I agree that we may later create a need to give 'person' it's own table, but we can deal with that then." He then said that strings can't be primary keys, and that we would convert the 'persons' in the current table to numbers, and the numbers would be the primary key in the new 'person' table. To me this seems unnecessary and it would make the current table harder to read. He also thinks it will be impossible to create the second table later, and that we need to anticipate now that we might need it for something later.
Who is right?
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为 person 创建一个新表并使用该表的键代替 person 属性与规范化无关。出于其他原因,这可能是一个好主意,但这样做并不会让数据库比不这样做“更加规范化”。所以你是对的:就规范化而言,创建另一个表是不必要的。
Creating a new table for person and using the key of that table in place of the person attribute has nothing to do with normalization. It may be a good idea for other reasons but doing so does not make the database "more normalized" than not doing it. So you are right: as far as normalization is concerned, creating another table is unnecessary.
In my opinion your friend is right.
Person should live in a different table and you should try to normalize. Don't overdo-it, though.
In the long run you may want to do more things with your site, say you want to attach multiple files to a person (ie. pictures) you'll be very thankfull then for the normalization.
我会投票给你的朋友。我喜欢标准化并为未来做好计划,即使你永远不需要它,这种标准化也很容易做到,几乎不需要时间。您可以创建一个查询视图,以使您的 SQL 更简洁,并且无需您自己连接表。
I would vote for your friend. I like to normalize and plan for the future and even if you never need it, this normalization is so easy to do it literally takes no time. You can create a view that you query in order to make your SQL cleaner and eliminate the need for you to join the tables yourself.
If you have already reached all of your capabilities and have no plans for expansion of capabilities I think you leave it as it is.
If you plan to add more, namely allowing people to have accounts, or anything really, I think it might be smart to separate your data into Person, Comments tables. Its not hard and makes expanding your functionality easier.
表。例如,如果评论仅涉及已在数据库中注册的人员。但这里看起来你有一个非结构化数据,没有身份;并且没有人有兴趣确定“jenny”和“jennyyy”实际上是否是同一个人,更不用说“jenny doe”和“我的表弟”......
You're right.
may be a thing in general, but not in your model. If you were going to hassle people into properly identifying the person they're talking about, aPerson
table would be necessary. For example, if the comments were only about persons already registered in the database.But here it looks like you have an unstructured data, without identity; and that nothing/nobody is interested in making sure whether "jenny" and "jennyyy" are in fact the same person, not to mentionned "jenny doe", and "my cousin"...
嗯,有两种思想流派。有人说,以尽可能最规范化的方式创建数据模型,如果需要更高的效率,则进行反规范化。另一个基本上是“做工作所需的最少工作,然后随着需求的变化而改变”。也称为 YAGNI(您不会需要它)。
Well, there are two schools of thought. One says, create your data model in the most normalized way possible, then de-normalize if you need more efficiency. The other is basically "do the minimum work necessary for the job, then change it as your requirements change". Also known as YAGNI (You aren't going to need it).
It all depends on where you see this going. If this is all it will be, then your approach is probably fine. If you intend to improve it with new features over time, then your friend is right.
如果您从未打算将人员列与用户或其他任何内容相关联,并且数据显然不需要一致性或数据完整性检查,那么为什么这会出现在关系数据库中呢?这难道不是 nosql 数据库的一个用例吗?或者我错过了什么?
If you never intend to associate the person column with a user or anything else and data apparently needs no consistency or data integrity checks, just why is this in a relational database at all? Wouldn't this be a use case for a nosql database? Or am I missing something?
在数据模型完全标准化之前,FD 存在于数据模型的属性中。
通过提出以下问题并向模型添加新的 FD:
必须为 true。FD:
必须为 true,并且上面 1 中的 FD 为 false。不同的UserId?如果是这样,则 1 和 2 中的 FD 不可能为真,但
可能是 true。有不同的分数吗?这意味着 FD:
' +Score
为 true,其他为 false。上述 4 个 FD 中必须有一个为真。无论哪种都会影响数据模型的标准化方式。
作为相对于Score 的等效键
对于 Comment 是键的一部分的所有表。不是什么美丽的景象!
还活着吗在许多或任何 FD 的左侧?如果是这样,它的价值将通过您传播
数据库,并且有一个为其创建代理的情况。 Person 是文本属性还是数字属性与创建代理键的选择无关。
的代理。这个论点是基于这样的怀疑:它的值可能在未来的某个时刻成为密钥或密钥的一部分。Normalization is all about functional dependencies (FD's). You need to identify all of the
FD's that exist among the attributes of your data model before it can be fully normalized.
Lets review what you have:
functionally determines thePerson
functionally determines theComment
functionally determines theUserId
functionally determines theScore
)Everything here is a dependant attribute on
alone. This might lead you to the belief that a relation (table) containing all of, or a subset of, theabove attributes must be normalized.
First thing to ask yourself is why did you create the
attribute anyway? Strictly speaking,this is a manufactured attribute - it does not relate to anything 'real'. CommentId is
commonly referred to as a surrogate key. A surrogate key is just a made up value that stands in
for a unique value set corresponding to some other group of attributes. So what group of attributes is
a surrogate for? We can figure that
out by asking the following questions and adding new FD's to the model:
must be true.FD:
must be true and the FD in 1 above is false.different UserId's? If so, the FDs in 1 and 2 cannot be true but
may be true.have different Scores? This implies FD:
' +Score
is true and the others are false.Exactly one of the above 4 FD's above must be true. Whichever it is affects how your data model is normalized.
Suppose FD:
turns out to be true. The logicalconsequences are that:
serve as equivalent keys with respect toScore
should be put in a relation with one but not both of its keys (to avoid transitive dependencies).The obvious choice would be
since it was specifically created as a surrogate.CommentId
is needed to tie theKey to its surrogate.
From a theoretical point of view, the surrogate key
is notrequired to make your data model or database work. However, its presence may affect how relations are constructed.
Creation of surrogate keys is a practical issue of some importance.
Consider what might happen if you choose to not use a surrogate key but the full
attribute set
in its place, especially if it was requiredon multiple tables as a foreign or primary key:
to your database because it is repeated in multiple tables. It is probably more than a couple of characters long.
to all tables where Comment is part of a key. Not a pretty sight!
The value assigned to a surrogate key never changes, no matter what you do to the values
associated to the attributes that it determines. Updating the dependant attributes is now
limited to the one table defining the surrogate key. This is of huge practical significance.
Now back to whether you should be creating a surrogate for
. DoesPerson
liveon the left hand side of many, or any, FDs? If it does, its value will propogate through your
database and there is a case for creating a surrogate for it. Whether Person is a text or numeric attribute is irrelevant to the choice of creating a surrogate key.
Based on what you have said, there is at best a weak argument to create a
surrogate for
. This argument is based on the suspicion that its value may at some point become a key or part of a key at some point in the future.事情是这样的。每当你创造一些东西时,你都想确保它有成长的空间。您想要尝试预测您的计划的未来项目和未来进展。在这种情况下,您说得对,当前不需要添加仅包含 1 个字段的人员表(不计算 ID,假设您有一个 int ID 字段和一个人名)。然而,将来,您可能希望为这些人提供其他属性,例如名字、姓氏、电子邮件地址、添加日期等。
Here's the deal. Whenever you create something, you want to make sure that it has room to grow. You want to try to anticipate future projects and future advancements for your program. In this scenario, you're right in saying that there is no need currently to add a persons table that just holds 1 field (not counting the ID, assuming you have an int ID field and a person name). However, in the future, you may want to have other attributes for such people, like first name, last name, email address, date added, etc.
While over-normalizing is certainly harmful, I personally would create another, larger table to hold the person with additional fields so that I can easily add new features in the future.
每当你与用户打交道时,都应该有一张专用的桌子。然后您可以连接表并引用该用户的 ID。
SQL 将评论加入用户:
Whenever you're dealing with users, there should be a dedicated table. Then you can just join the tables and refer to that user's ID.
SQL to join the comments to the users:
It'll make it so much easier in the future when you want to find information about that specific user. The amount of extra effort is negligible.
Concerning the "score" for each comment, that should also be a separate table as well. That way you can connect a user to a "like" or "dislike."
With this database, you might feel that it is okay but there may be some problem in the future when you want the users to know more from the database.Suppose you want to know about the number of comments made on a person with the name='abc'.In this case ,you will have to go through the entire table of comments and keep counting.In place of this, you can have an attribute called 'count' for every person and increment it whenever a comment is made on that person.
As far as normalization is concerned,it is always better to have a normalized database because it reduces redundancy and makes the database intuitive to understand. If you are expecting that your database will go large in future then normalization must be present.