图片 (不是最好的)
所以我想检测 灯光从哪里来以及灯光的类型是什么。什么算法\框架可以对静态图像做这样的事情?
So I have picture (not the best one)
I want to detect where the lights come from and what types of lights are they. What algorithm\framework can do such things with static images?
I mentioned shadows because in general if you can separate a shadow from a surface than you can probably determine light type and other its parameters.
I mean general shadows search not only for presented image.
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从您提供的图像来看,误差来源如此之多,如果训练有素的人类(更不用说算法)在任何计算上都能做得比 ±20% 更好,我会感到惊讶。问题是:
With the image that you presented, there are so many sources of error that I'd be surprised if a trained human, let alone an algorithm could do better than ±20% on any calculations. Here are the problems:
What are you hoping to derive from this image? Usually when doing lighting analysis, someone will put known reference targets of different, known reflectivity in the space to be analyzed. Working from a pocket snapshot camera on an unknown scene really limits what you can extrapolate.