Android 拦截其他应用程序的事件
有谁知道如何拦截来自其他第 3 方应用程序(例如游戏、地图等)的事件。 这包括运动事件、屏幕提示等事件。
我们在通过 AccessibilityService、单击、长按等捕获触摸事件方面取得了有限的成功。但在处理运动事件(例如手势或用户如何与屏幕交互)时却遇到了空白。
Does anyone knows how to intercept events from other 3rd party Apps, say, games, Maps, etc.
This includes events like motionevents, screen prompts, etc.
We have limited success with capturing touch events via the AccessibilityService, click, longclick, etc. But hitting a blank dealing with motionevents such as gestures or how the users are interacting with the screen.
(we have approval from users to capture such information in a control study)
We believe that if we root the phone (mess with the kernel) we can get such data but this inadvertently void the warranty on the user phone, so is there any other way to obtain such information on the API level?
Many thanks!
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In case you are talking about your application gathering information about other applications life time interaction with the user then definitely no.
If this would be possible you could easily write a key logger and steal someones private data.