最小化时 SquishIt javascript 错误:'missing ;声明之前
当我在开发模式下运行 SquishIt 时,一切正常。当我将其置于生产模式时,我得到了“missing;”的信息。 JavaScript 中的 before 语句错误。我尝试删除有问题的 javascipt 文件,但错误移至下一个。
When I run SquishIt in development mode everything works fine. When I put it into production mode I am getting the 'missing ; before statement' error in Javascript. I've tried removing the offending javascipt files, but the error moves down to the next one.
Any idea's?
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一种可能是您缺少一个 ; 浏览器自动插入的代码中的某个位置。使用 jslint 查找有问题的代码行。
One possibility is that you're missing a ; somewhere in your code that's being automatically inserted by the browser. Use jslint to find the offending lines of code.
我还在 Squishit Google 网上论坛上发布了此问题。贾斯汀回应:
I also posted this problem on the Squishit google groups. Justin reponded: