class A {
template <typename T>
class B {
int test() { return 0; }
//template <> class B<int>; <-with this, namepace error
B<int> myB_;
template <> class A::B<int> {
int test() {
return 1;
编译器似乎抱怨“显式特化‘class A::B’必须在使用之前声明”。 如果我尝试在注释行中提供前向声明,编译器会抱怨 “必须在包含模板的命名空间中声明显式专业化“B”。” 我们在这里使用 2 个不同的编译器。此错误来自 AIX 上的 IBM“xl”编译器,但在我们的 Sun 系统上编译时,我遇到了类似的错误,但措辞不同。 这似乎是第 22 条军规。
显然,这是一个精心设计、简单化的例子,但它代表了问题。 我想在类中定义模板类,因为模板类仅与包含类相关。不应从类外部访问该模板。
I can't get this to compile at all. I may not be possible but I don't know why it should not be.
class A {
template <typename T>
class B {
int test() { return 0; }
//template <> class B<int>; <-with this, namepace error
B<int> myB_;
template <> class A::B<int> {
int test() {
return 1;
As it appears the compiler complains "The explicit specialization "class A::B" must be declared before it is used."
If I try to provide the froward declaration in the commented line, the compiler complains
"The explicit specialization "B" must be declared in the namespace containing the template."
We use 2 different compilers here. This error is from IBM's "xl" compiler on AIX but I get similar errors with different verbage when compiling on our Sun systems.
It seems like a catch-22.
Obviously, this is a highly contrived, simplistic example but, it represents the problem.
I want to define a template class within a class because the template class is only relevent to the containing class. There should be no access to the template from outside the class.
Am I missing something?
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You are correct. This is not possible to do (as far as I know). Your member declaration causes an implicit instantiation before the explicit specialization was declared. But how would you want to declare it? You cannot do that in class scope. Others have felt that this is an ugly restriction.
You could work around this by making the class member a pointer. This would not need to implicitly instantiate the class at that point, but rather at the point where you create the object in the end. I realize that this is an ugly work around. So better find other ways to do this.
For instance partial specializations are allowed in class scope. So you could add a dummy template parameter, then you can specialize this in the class before the member declaration. Likewise, i find this ugly, but it would not disturb things that much, I feel.
需要在此编译单元之外可见,您将需要更复杂的机制(例如< /em>、接口和工厂或 Pimpl)。You could work around the issue by using an unnamed namespace for privacy:
This will compile, but if
needs to be visible outside this compilation unit, you'll need more elaborate machinery (e.g., interface and factory or Pimpl).B 不是模板类,您正在尝试对其进行专门化。这就是错误的原因。您可以检查这两个错误 C2913 和 < a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/t72c30ht(VS.80).aspx" rel="nofollow noreferrer">C3413。
B is not a template class and you are trying to specialize it. That is the cause for the error. You can check these two errors C2913 and C3413.
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